What characters from the big 2 would you like to have the Alan Moore or maybe even Starman treatment...

What characters from the big 2 would you like to have the Alan Moore or maybe even Starman treatment. By this I mean taking an obscure character and revitalizing it's concept and history, like it was done for example in Swamp Thing and as mentioned above Starman.
I know these are hard runs to do and that they would be almost impossible to do nowdays since obscure characters' series usally only get 6-12 issue miniseries, but I'd still like to hear your ideas.

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Jack was a new character created by Robinson though.

Hank Pym deserves his own ongoing about legacy, and fixing mistakes, and being a monster.
He could easily get a 35-100 issue run, about the dangers and failures of being a fallen public figure.

That would be great.

Actually that's an amazing idea, I'd read that.

>He could easily get a 35-100 issue run
This I doubt. I don't think Pym could get past 20 if the last Banner Hulk book struggled to stay above 30K past 10 issues (look at the numbers for Duggan's run they are BAD). That was in a better climate for comics in general too.

I want a Ghost series written by Warren Ellis in which Ghost goes after the world's schemers, power players, manipulators.

He would still be cyberterrorist but be more like a vigilant seeking justice with no regard to any law and system. Ghost will bring down any conspiracy, real and imagined.

The reason for his advanced tech and knowledge of corrupt systems would be, that he himself was part of one until he was betrayed and began to regret his actions. His intangibility damages his mind, so he does not remember anymore who exactly he wa all these years ago.

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I think he meant content-wise.


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3 words Dark G'nort Saga

I'm liking what I'm seeing in Asthonishing X-Men, Proteus may be a fun short and would be about a Reality Warper trying to exist outside of his imagination.

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I wanna see someone really weird get one. Like fucking Congorilla or Mogo.

I want a Doom series that portrays him as the complex character that he is, instead of the "muh Godz" meme he became. I want to see him be a hammy autist, a genuine Balkan Dictator and not an ideal far-left wet dream, while he plots, fights wizards and skins werewolves. And in the background, he's looking for love and attachment. Doom can be used to tell lots of stories, but nobody seems interested in that. Some want to self-insert as the bad-ass, others want to tear him down due to the former, and the liberals want their perfect global emperor.

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Before you even think of doing this with an obscure character, there must be an editor that nurtures and guides the concept and the creators.

Swamp Thing and Moore had Karen Berger.

Starman and James Robinson had Archie Goodwin.

I don't see editors of that caliber nowadays.

Yeah but he still drew upon the Golden Age Starman for backstory

The concept has already been revitalised, he just needs an actual series.

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>there's a problem in media
>its always the liberals

God I'm so tired.

Marvel will never do it, but there's a whole Ant-Man family just rife for stories.

>Scott's Indian mate who's Giant-Man
>LMD Eric
>Bill Foster will probably be synergy'd back to life soon
>Vision, and by extension, Wanda and the Maximoff dynasty
>Vision's other, robotic family

Hell, you could get Wonder Man in there and finally put that boring-ass love triangle to bed.

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Booster Gold
I thought I'd have more.


All the potential for that character is wasted writeing him as flying schizo fireball guy

I thought Cave Carson was going to be this, but ended up getting disappointed.

I've always wanted to see what it'd be like to have two established characters take over the Firestorm matrix, like Ryan Choi and Ray Palmer. Or even two characters who are established as hating each other. It's like Drift Compatibility in Pacific Rim, such a cool concept that can be played with a hundred ways.

I also hate the whole "secret third personality, the FURY of Firestorm" bullshit. Just seems like unnecessary, impersonal conflict for a character whose whole shtick is personal conflict.

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All Seven Soldiers deserve their own series.

Wasn't that the point? The create jump off points for 7 obscure characters with potential? And only Frankenstein got one

The heckler

In this case it is though. Having Doom shit-talk Dracula, a fellow Balkan Leader who lived through the Ottomans, while having Mosques in the town square of his small, Balkan nation, reeks of "muh perfect ruler would be tolerant and understanding and give me universal income and..." US liberal-thinking.

My man

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You can't improve on perfection

But that's wrong.

Doom has always been a gypsy who was part of an oppressed minority as a kid. Why would he be into the racism of a centuries-old, dynastic literal parasite?

Sounds more to me that you have a right-wing boner and don't like your pure, "teutonic" husbando being tolerant to Muslims, for whatever reason.

Why wouldn't Doom allow Mosques in his country? What benefit would there be to outlawing that?


Dudes a Romani gypsy, you fool.

>Doom has always been a gypsy who was part of an oppressed minority as a kid. Why would he be into the racism of a centuries-old, dynastic literal parasite?
Gypsy =/= Romani. Them retconning later when he's drawn pinkish white is retarded. pikeys are ethnically Irish, but are nomads, so they're gypsies, but aren't Romani.
>Why wouldn't Doom allow Mosques in his country? What benefit would there be to outlawing that?
Because Balkans are small countries that survive by virtue of clinging to their identity. All minorities who have their special places here are only trouble, usually manipulated by places like Turkey.

His father is Latverian, and even if he wasn't, he's still born in the Balkans. Even assuming they're merely Romani, race-mixing all these years gives him Balkan blood. Even if you disregard that, he lives by the rules of his Balkan country, ergo he's a Balkan. With the same logic, any black person living in say, Italy shouldn't be called an Italian. But that's racist, right?

I want to write 100 issues of "Dial H For H.U.S.K." from Amalgam's X-Patrol.

Besides that, I always thought the female Dr. Light had a lot of potential. She's always just kind of there and I want to know more what her deal is. Why would a mom/super-scientist with energy powers dress up like a rapey super villain. I need answers.

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Second point, fair.

But your first point is just glaringly, startlingly racist. Saying that Balkan countries can only survive by being isolationist and "clinging to their identity", while Muslims are all troublemakers working for a larger agenda, is insane.

But aside from the politics of it, it also has fuck all to do with Latveria. The people of Latveria don't need to cling to a centuries-old culture to survive. One of the most important elements of the narrative is that their old culture, a dynastic barony that exiled the country's minority, was overthrown and destroyed, and the thing that Latverians cling to in order to survive is the iron will of Doom. That's his whole evidence for why he's the best ruler of the world, that he single-handedly keeps that nation running.

Adam Strange, Captain Comet, Rip Hunter
Protectors of Time and Space
DC could use space opera that is more dirty than the GLs who are essentially just cops, these three should be more Space Adventurers, exploring alien ruins and fighting threats before they even exist, etc

>But your first point is just glaringly, startlingly racist. Saying that Balkan countries can only survive by being isolationist and "clinging to their identity", while Muslims are all troublemakers working for a larger agenda, is insane.
It's not insane if it's true. Erdogan literally rallies the local Muslims to take back """his""" islands. I have family near these villages, so I visit them, and I know what's going on. Such tiny minorities, in already small countries, are used as pawns for gibs.

Right, yeah, I'm not saying there aren't a pack of extremist cunts within Islam. You'd have to be an idiot to say that.

But the same is true of the right-wing in Europe, who are amassing violent neo-nazi groups. You can't just dismiss anyone of Christian blood as nazis.


From the Marvel side, I would love love to write the 2000s era kids dealing with their problems. I wrote basic plans for an X-Men Legacy book which focused on the Academy of X Kids more specfically Hellion, Surge and Elixir. I also wrote a plan for a cosmic Gravity book which focuses on the duality of the mudane with the fantastic (It also focuses on his friendship with the Hood who would be a fascinating character to write). The last thing that I have is a Young Allies book which focused on the Initiative Kids trying to be heroes which would also clean up some plot points.

From DC, I'd love to write a story which revolved around Secret or Duela Dent. The first for the supernatural stories I could tell (Along with using the New Gods) the latter for the fact that she is an ever changing individual and having fun with that. The Team Titans, Kid Devil and Atom's Titans would be fun as well.

Also, I know these four characters are far from obscure, but I would kill to write a series about them. The first two are Cyclops and Sinister. Mainly a story of Scott trying to understand himself and the world he sees while Sinister acts as both his friend/foe. A story of understanding, of redeemption and one's relationship with the figures who defined them (Xavier/Phoenix/Sinister/Jean/Wolverine in Scott's case and Apocaylpse/Scott/Jean/His wife for Sinister). The second duo I want to focus on is Tim and Cass. Mainly their relationship with Gotham and each other. The stories would focus much more on the occult and the bizzare. It'd turn into a saga of detective and an assassin investigating the occult while giving Tim his own real identity beyond being the "Smart" former Robin.

They aren't extremists, they're just lazy bums who live off gibs, same as gypsies. So when Erdogan promises them gibs and tells them to cause a ruckus, they do it. Their Mosques blast "the great Ottoman Empire shall be reborn" every day. I'm no Neo-Nazi, but I know the world's a complex place, and I don't want to lose my cultural identity. There are a bunch of blacks up in some village, who claim they're the "original Greeks". Fuck that shit. The day some Eddie Murphy looking guy proclaims he's the descendant of Homer, is the day I'll an hero.

You're buying into a false rhetoric, mate. And if you keep going down that you'll be just as much a pawn of racist wankers who'll profit on your ignorance as they are to Erdogan.

You can't lose your culture, and they can't take it. Your culture is not maintained by isolationism, but by the sharing of it and the demonstration of what makes it beautiful to others. People want to make you afraid that these people can hurt a thing that only you and your people have control over, and incorporating new cultures into your nation will only strengthen it, as long as it's done with respect for culture on both sides.

And I dunno about the greek thing, but it would technically be that Homer was descended of an Eddie Murphy-looking guy. Which I guess if we all came from Africa is true enough, but I dunno about original greek.

But that's just my point. When a load of black dudes call themselves original greeks without any genealogical evidence, it's laughably stupid because Greek culture is so vibrant and alive and can't be tampered with. Same with your one, man. Fear and hate aren't climates in which cultures thrive, it's where they stagnate.

>You're buying into a false rhetoric, mate. And if you keep going down that you'll be just as much a pawn of racist wankers who'll profit on your ignorance as they are to Erdogan.
It's not false rhetoric if I literally visit those places and see them though.
>You can't lose your culture, and they can't take it. Your culture is not maintained by isolationism, but by the sharing of it and the demonstration of what makes it beautiful to others. People want to make you afraid that these people can hurt a thing that only you and your people have control over, and incorporating new cultures into your nation will only strengthen it, as long as it's done with respect for culture on both sides.
I'm not talking about isolationism, I'm just not fond of rampant globalism past borders of commerce.
>And I dunno about the greek thing, but it would technically be that Homer was descended of an Eddie Murphy-looking guy. Which I guess if we all came from Africa is true enough, but I dunno about original greek.
Out of Africa has been debunked enough times.
>But that's just my point. When a load of black dudes call themselves original greeks without any genealogical evidence, it's laughably stupid because Greek culture is so vibrant and alive and can't be tampered with. Same with your one, man. Fear and hate aren't climates in which cultures thrive, it's where they stagnate.
Not liking the current climate of "just fuck the BBC girl" doesn't mean I hate or fear anyone.

The false rhetoric is tarring them all with the same brush. Same as some of them are probably doing with you white infidel motherfuckers.

And you clearly fear them, you fear what they can do TO your society rather than what they can do FOR it, but they can hardly be an integral part of your society if you keep them on the fringes. I know they also keep themselves on the fringes, but that's not a thing you can change, they have to do that themselves.

>The false rhetoric is tarring them all with the same brush. Same as some of them are probably doing with you white infidel motherfuckers.
If they keep acting like that, then yeah I'm gonna paint them with the same brush. The Syrian guy that came here with his family, found a job and has been a normal citizen for years, I don't mind. The guy wearing his sandals, dragging his wife in a burqa, praying to Allah 3 times per day,living off gibs and screaming "muh great Turkey/Albania" though? Then yeah, he can fuck right off.
>And you clearly fear them, you fear what they can do TO your society
>rather than what they can do FOR it,
They can't do anything for it. It's like saying the Ghetto gangbanger can do anything for society.
>but they can hardly be an integral part of your society if you keep them on the fringes. I know they also keep themselves on the fringes, but that's not a thing you can change, they have to do that themselves.
They literally get free houses, in the centre of the towns and cities, paid tuitions and buses, and they devolve the neighborhoods into ghettos within a year. Muslims and Gypsies live entirely off gibs, at least here.
Not every country is the US. For small nations, clinging to tradition and a sense of identity is the only way to survive.

>wearing his sandals, dragging his wife in a burqa, praying to Allah 3 times per day,living off gibs and screaming "muh great Turkey/Albania"
What is wrong with literally any of this though? He's wearing sandals? Fuck me, the horror.

Most Muslim women see the niqab (not burqa) as a sign of free religious expression, like a nun's habit. Yeah, some are forced to wear it, but again, tar/brush.

>It's like saying the Ghetto gangbanger can do anything for society.
Dude, again, this is just straight ignorance. Just because someone comes from a poor neighbourhood doesn't mean they aren't worth anything. Every year you read stories about some inner-city schoolkid inventing shit to make their lives easier. Hell, hip-hop is a ghetto invention, and it's a truly beautiful art form.

>They literally get free houses, in the centre of the towns and cities, paid tuitions and buses, and they devolve the neighborhoods into ghettos within a year
They SHOULD get that shit for free. Nobody, anywhere, should have to pay to have a roof over their head, or for an education. Hell, rich people sure as fuck don't. And maybe they look like a ghetto to you because they're full of brown folks. I bet to them it just looks like a regular neighbourhood. Hell, I bet if I saw your neighbourhood, which I'm assuming is full of slavs, I'd think it's a ghetto, too.

And I'm not American. I'm Irish. More specifically, I'm from Belfast, a town where 50% of the population considers themselves British. So I know a little bit about maintaining your culture, considering I speak a language that 50% of my neighbours think is as dead as Latin.

Dude, you can be afraid of those people your whole life, and the world will only ever be poorer for it. See beyond your prejudices and try a little compassion.

I mean, fuck me, would YOU want to be an immigrant? Would you want to leave your sunny home where everyone shares your religion and go live in some freezing country full of palefaces?

>What is wrong with literally any of this though? He's wearing sandals? Fuck me, the horror.
Living in country A and being a nationalist for country B ain't what I call healthy.
>Most Muslim women see the niqab (not burqa) as a sign of free religious expression, like a nun's habit. Yeah, some are forced to wear it, but again, tar/brush.
A nun devotes her whole life to God and spends her days in a monastery or in isolation. She dresses like that because she stops being a normal human.
>Dude, again, this is just straight ignorance. Just because someone comes from a poor neighbourhood doesn't mean they aren't worth anything.
The gangbanger is lost already. The poor kid trying to be better isn't the problem, it's the guy who's already a gangsta. They are all gangstas here. If you want to escape, you can.
>They SHOULD get that shit for free. Nobody, anywhere, should have to pay to have a roof over their head, or for an education.
Ah, so you're a commie. And we're not Slavs, bucko. THEY make them ghettos. They get brand new housing and turn them into shit.
>And I'm not American. I'm Irish.
Ah, a literal Britcuck. Good...
>Dude, you can be afraid of those people your whole life, and the world will only ever be poorer for it. See beyond your prejudices and try a little compassion.
Nah, I like who I am.
>I mean, fuck me, would YOU want to be an immigrant? Would you want to leave your sunny home where everyone shares your religion and go live in some freezing country full of palefaces?
Alright, the last sentence made it clear this is b8.
I'm not giving your b8 more (you)s, I've got Electronics Lab in a few hours and I need to sleep. Have fun getting railled by Tyrone tonight.

Okay. I don't have the time to go through every one of those and explain to you why you're an idiot, so I'm just going to say it as an overall.

You're a fucking idiot, and if any culture I've ever experienced deserves to be overrun, it's whatever one has you as a mouthpiece.

Sweet made up job, bro. Way to impress foreign strangers on Sup Forums.

What we need is another Thunderbolt series.


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I would love for there to be a Vandal Savage-centric series that starred him as the protagonist and focused on his exploits across the centuries as he interacts with aspects of the DCU and real world's history, interacting with several obscure characters and real life figures, and culminating in a pseudo-redemption arc where he gets so tired of failing and starting over he tries his hand at being a "hero" and actually trying to atone for past misdeeds, and it only puts him more at odds with everyone because none of the heroes are going to possibly accept him and his villainous allies decry him a traitor.

Think of it as Saga of the Swamp Thing meets Karl Edward Wagner's Kane stories with a dash of Wario Land (in the "hero is a jackass who just wants to plunder but is roped into doing good things and ends up not hating it" sense)

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I don't know whether I'm impressed with you for sticking it out that long or if I think you're an idiot for indulging him that long.

If I wrote it he’d always be wrong about every conspiracy but through his constant and intense actions he brings down multiple actual conspiracies. I’d have Hank Pym be a major antagonist at first, not because he’s part of a conspiracy but because he constantly runs into the problems Ghost causes by accident and/or purpose. Eventually he realizes Ghost is actually doing good, albeit oddly, and becomes the straight man in the group

Bumping for talks about reinventing heroes.

A bit of a different direction but I would love to write a mini where Vandal and Ra's have to team up where it's revealed that they have a history and once every century, Vandal comes and ruins one of Ra's big plans just to fuck with him. Vandal also only calls Ra's "junior".

An immortal man run would be better

Is that a Tau?

A book exploring Lord Death Man's rise to becoming an immortal crime lord would be neat.

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Starman was not as good as you fucks praised it to be. I was very underwhelmed.

Too many fingers, no vagina nose.

So that's (you) against literally everyone else. You hold that flag.

I was so disappointed by new 52 Firestorm after seeing how they were set up in Blackest Night. They went from having an actual reason to hate each other to the nerd hates jock cliche

>Ghost will bring down any conspiracy, real and imagined.
I would read that.

brother power


Psycho Pirate just following his moods. Influencing people so he can sleep in a luxus hotel or curing addicts from their drug problem via emotion manipulation.

Well they need to nail down the character. Is he a flying nuclear powered alchemist or is he just a another flying fireball dude? Who to use? Etc.

Plus by now since he has been out of the spotlight, his rogues and supporting cast have been cannabilsed by other heroes or forgotten.

No one is using his rogues. Also a good chunk of them aren't powerful enough to even threaten him.

The main one is Killer Frost who is totally divorced from him,

Plus you have Felicity, who someone said in the Arrow thread, was once a part of his supporting cast. I'm not sure how important she was, but she is throughly tainted now.

don't forget Stature, Atlas, and Bill Foster's nephew Tom

Strictly speaking two Felicity Smoaks now exist in the DCU. The original version appeared in the Nu52 run while the Arrow version appeared in GA prior to Percy taking over.

I had an idea for Firestorm where Ronnie and Stein would no longer have to fuse, sort of like a graduation for Ronnie and a retirement for Stein.

Ronnie would be the superhero Firestorm, and be on the JLA.

Stein would focus on ending some of the more complicated problems afflicting the world today, as Professor Firestorm.

So what makes him different from any other solo flying fire elemental then?

One silly idea I had was a SI. So you do the solo Firestorm ... Except there is actually another. A comic reader from our world who joins the Firestorm while sleeping as a pure mental thing. Who then tries to help Firestorm by using outside infomation which has a habit of backfiring because of the repeated DC reboots that mess things around.

>female Dr. Light had a lot of potential

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I've never read any Amalgam but I flipped through some one day to check out the amalgamated names and Dial H for HUSK has been my favorite codename since.

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My dream is to write a comic about Howard that explores his melancholy a bit. His selfishness, his fear, his isolation, that sort of thing. I think he's a lot deeper than that pure gag character he's become post-Gerber. Kind of like Deadpool.

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Fun Fact: Howard was intended to be the sacrifice of the Order of Entropy to end the universe.

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X-23 after Logan becomes Wolverine again to undo all shit Bendis did to her.

your forgetting Tigra and her Skrull baby who is Pym's genetic son

The Hood destroyed that pussy

>Nadia find out her siblings are a genocidal robot and a cat-person baby

Fuck off. Howard shouldn't be written by anyone apart from Gerber.

JPV vs The Order of Dumas

The Order of Dumasis a christian transhumanist order following eugenic principles so that divine science achieves the Omega Point and that He create us anew. The have a world wide influence has they have a corporation THIE who is one of the leading genetic mover in the world ( One of the greatest achievment was a immortality drug that they secretly sell to those the Order sees as trustworthy) and they sell highest advanced gene human to several groups. The greatest danger is their universities in which they educate their genetic augemented children. They also have a castle in the alpins in which a anceint Nazi scientist works on his various project. They even have a Nazi Overman there that is kept in stasis as he is possessed by an outer evil.
Also the Order isn't exacly Nazis as they didn't see any importance on ethnicity or nationality, important is the soul. That lead to a disagreement with the Nazis way back in WW2. The Order origanly helped the Nazis as they saw them as a force to remake the world in their image, but afterwards they realized that the Nazis weren't willing to accept any other power. Because of that the Order fought with the Resistance against the Nazis.

Azrael is a product of their genetic engineering, he follows a legacy of his warrior ancestors. Jean-Paul Valley is the laast in line of holy warriors in service of the Order of Dumas, until the day Azrael found out that his faith was not authentic but fabricated. He seeks true faith and good.

Has hank/ultron been seen since being thrown into the sun ?

Fred Dukes, The Blob.

Angle Man

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>Pym, even without the machinations of the Dry Academy, I think this corporatist world would still be a worm that feeds on the ailment of others.He doesn't face the truth, he averts his eyes from justice and acts as if he doesn't have any sense of responsibility. But, 79 years is both a short time and yet, a long time. Their ability to influence our time has withered. And even time itself tries to wither the desire to know the truth. Is it a crime to try and learn the truth? Is it a sin to search for those things which you fear. My purpose in this world is to show the world hidden knowledge, And it is I haunts the masterminds as a spectre of justice. It is something vital to us puny creatures. The instant man stop fearing is the instant the species reaches a dead end, only to sink to pitable lows, only to sit and wait apathetically for extinction. Humans who lose the ability to think become creatures whose existence has no value. Wake up, man! Don't be afraid of knowledge! Think, you king of ants who is split between the smallest to largest things, unless you want the gulf between humans to expand into oblivion, you must think!
>Ghost...The truth is Kang is trying to take over the world by giving a selected group future tech. This has nothing to do with disembodied nano-heads who somehow influence our minds to not percieve reality...? (And people tell me that I am crazy.)


Isn't there a Ulimate fan comic?

Pls link

This is gold.

He should make an apparence in that Immortals book.


Amethyst dealing with the issues of her own Gemworld while also being drawn into exploring the broader fantasy side of the DC universe.

Yeah. He came back during Secret Empire, has Ultron bots running around Earth and space, plus he one shotted The Magus in Infinity Countdown to get the Soul Stone. Pymtron’s still around.

I've always liked Jonathan Ohm(The Spot), not sure if he'd be suited for an ongoing by Moore or not. He seems pure Grant Morrison material.