Comics that deal with loneliness and social isolation?

Comics that deal with loneliness and social isolation?

I have literally no friends or family I trust or care about.

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Do you have any trustworthy enemies or crowds?

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Anyway, you might be isolating yourself needlessly, i know social anxiety is a huge hassle and while it is hard you should probably try harder to get out,even if it is alone to start with, staying isolated is more damaging then keeping to attempt to find people to connect with and failing, social ability is kinda like muscles, if you don't train em up and use em they get weaker and shit gets harder, but you CAN fit again, even if the initial start to get it into your lifestyle is annoying.

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go to tumblr

thats your hug box and every comic artist like you makes "im lonely" comic and art with a bunch of such attention whoring tweets

You sound jealous and greedy that anybody else should have disciplinarily functional parents.

Crossed ,but first go with crossed then crossed i wish you were , and psy, and badlands

Nice projection.


Nah. I mean its scientifically Proven that babies die without touch affection aka attention. So between that and communicative adulthood you were some how tricked into thinking you don't need attention even now. That could be accounted for by functional parents who disciplined you to function in a reward system. You were never taught to be disgusted with prostitution. You were never taught that you needed to be loved for who you really are, whatever that means. Your isolation either doesn't exist because you pay people with status or something else or you find your needed attention in a work environment where you probably guard it like a slobbering beast.

And you deride those who seek attention by revealing their internal emotional life with art.

I imagine these behavior's are shared among much of the work force.

How could I be projecting any of that with out being a functional worker?

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I care about you, user

The Sandman.

Cheer up OP, it could be worse.

You could be me.

You will literally never fucking ever reach "ikigai"

Read Chris Ware's stuff. Also try I Never Liked You by Chester Brown.

You and i both know that isn't true.

How many Anons have already died this year, maybe none, but last year? and the year before that? and the year before that?

Many oldfags and newfags who shitposted with you during thing like JapanTime and REGISTER have already died and you don't know who, where and when, can you really claim you care about user when you probably won't even notice his death?

delete this garbage /r9k/ thread mods

If I knew, I would care. The nature of anonymity may mean we can never personally know one another outside of our fleeting, continuity-less conversations, but I still wish the best for every one of you and would happily know you better if I could.
Just like how Superman and Wonder Woman care for every person, despite it being impossible to have a personal relationship with each one.

Sometimes I wonder whatever happened to people I've befrie--well, made acquaintances with over the years. Good times.

why dont you make friends

No thanks. That's far too edgy.
>Anyway, you might be isolating yourself needlessly
Look I'm not going to bitch about it online endlessly but I really do have seriously huge personal problems that mean conventional solutions don't work well for me and it is really hard to make friends. I know it is hard to believe due to the amount of attention whores on the internet but consider at least that I am not using a tripcode.
Those comics are often really shallow.
Isn't crossed kind of edgy?
I wish less people bitched and people posted more comics recommendations.
I go to other forums for finding help and support about these issues. I want comic recommendations on Sup Forums. For whatever reason I have a lot of issues with autism, depression, social anxiety and got off to a bad start in life with parents who didn't care about me and no friends in school or college.

Comics that relate to loneliness, and speaking of The Sandman, The Maxx also drawn by Sam Keith.
John Byrne's NeXt Men

You're right.

Who knows of I care about you OP. Maybe don't read comics about loneliness and instead walk trails in a nature reserve.

Seconding Chris Ware. Megg, Mogg and Owl is also really good.

If trust makes rich people poor why doesn't a lack of trust make poor people rich?
Are you rich OP? Anyone in this thread a rich person?

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How do I get over my need for people to love me for who I am? How do I enter the workforce full of coke head whores and scared children clawing at me for specialness?
How do I heal myself of this association of attention while well off as the same as paying hookers? How do I unequate charming winner with rapist oppressor?

Lol wut?
I just want to talk comics.

>comics that deal with
>I have literally

Great additions to the filter, frogposter.

If not, I volunteer.

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Read Blast

Polza is my spirit animal

I feel bad for my enemies. They look so contorted. To be the enemy of a nu-male you may as well just show up and blow your own brains out in front of me to spite me and even then you only have a 50/50 chance or scaring me or making me laugh.

I think about a god that condemns hungry people from "stealing" from corporate grocery stores overflowing with food that they have to throw away there's so much of a surplus and i wonder by what miracle I still believe in such a being. Truly impressive.

Any comics about re-integrating with society? Maybe Penny-Arcade.

You sound like you need professional help

Why do you need a comic about that? Just take pictures of yourself.

Awe. Look at you. Trying to help me identify myself as an outsider. As if every single movie and comic book were about socially integrated well balanced employees.
Yes. I could use some help from a professional artist who could illustrate a short allegory I sketched out.
Wouldn't that be nice. How much does that cost? $5. Yeah. You know what other kind of help I could use, a steady income so I could spend money without cringing from fear of running out.

If I do not remind myself to cry about stuff at least once a month I get physically ill from repressing stuff.

I wonder what keeps us from getting back massages. They're only $40 at most places. Eve from a man it's got to help.

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Why not learn to be a masseuse yourself and get paid for a massage?

Why not buy a cheap hooker?
It's just not the same.

Do yourself one better and read All-Star Superman and Flex Mentello.

I was going to suggest All Star Superman as well but then I realized how Lex Lither could defeat superman by giving Superman telepathy. I don't think Superman would be able to punch how useless and lost people who aren't superman man feel. When was the last time Superman had to accept anything much less accept having failed at something.

I thought you meant learn how to massage yourself for a second and thought that was hilarious