This comes out tomorrow

>this comes out tomorrow
How the fuck does a comic book movie sneak up on you like that?

Attached: Uwzn0wr.jpg (1382x2048, 500K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so does sherlock gnomes

Looks like it's getting decent early reviews too (not great, but decent). There's no way it doesn't bomb with this lack of marketing, but I'll give it a shot.

I bought the comic weeks ago, haven't read it (again) yet, I'm not ready to go back on this ride.

>no capes
>female protagonist
Have a guess.

>How the fuck does a comic book movie sneak up on you like that?
Because lack of marketing and it looks mediocre so no one who did know about it was talking about it.

Because it's competing in marketing with Deadpool 2, Ready Player One, and Avengers: Infinity Wars.

Sorry guys, it's gonna get fucking slaughtered.

Attached: oct-10-superman.jpg (450x350, 103K)

>based Joe Kelly destroyed by capeshit and nostalgia pandering
This is the world we live in.

Joe Kelly also wrote Deadpool, and in fact I'm pretty sure he's the one that kept the characters alive amongst the dozens of 90s new heroes. And his version of Deadpool is one of the major inspiration for the one in the movie.

spoil me lads, is it all in her head?

So do the giants really exist or is she just crazy?

>he won't see a cent in royalties
That's even sadder.

>his last name is Poots

Attached: 63.gif (272x200, 24K)

I'm excited for that. The first one was heavily flawed but I still found it enjoyable. Hopefully they up the writing quality on this one (fart joke in trailer has me worried though)

When I first watched sucker punch I thought they really were prostituting the girls. It wasn't until my second watch a year or so later I realised it was just another layer of delusion.

I think I liked the movie more when I misunderstood it.

>so stronk
>much independent
>such womyn

I really didn't like this comic when I read it, the art was cool at times but the story wasn't emotional at all for me. Maybe because I guessed what was going to happen really on and ended up being right. Although I haven't read it in ages, maybe I'll like it more on a re-read.

I really didn't think they would bother adapting this into a movie though. Also
>September 9, 2017 (Toronto)
What the fuck?

The delusions were better than the reality parts.

Imogen what now?

It's out on my birthday. Neat.
Shame I don't live in the US.

>>September 9, 2017 (Toronto)
>What the fuck?
Festival screening, it premiered at TIFF.

... WHAT? I thought this was still in preproduction. And it comes out the same day as Pacific Rim 2? What the fuck

P O O T S ○ ◇ ¤ •

Yes, she's a socially awkward girl who escapes into D&D as her mom is slowly dying.

Paid for by the friends of the people whose other friends paid for some of the Harry Potter films:

I Kill Giants (not really)

Coming in 2017.

Attached: orange-and-teal-side-by-side.jpg (1920x1080, 26K)

>female protagonist
but the powers that be shill anything that has a female protagonist...
unless this is a female protagonist with "internalized my-soggy-knee."

>Ready Player One
you mean "memes i don't understand presented by a newfag" the movie?

So why did this get literally zero marketing?

Eh, it's gonna be a rather limited release anyway.

Hopefully it's not like the book, in which the lead was too unpleasant to care about BEFORE ze big twist.

The clmic is literally about a weak teenage girl fighting zero giants

Wait, WHAT!? Since fucking when? There has been nothing for this. No TV ads, no threads here on Sup Forums, I didn't even see a trailer for it and follow a trailer channel on youtube. Seriously, what the fuck?

Spoiler: The giants are metaphors for cancer.

That's only a spoiler if you're new here.

Attached: yeah, look, what i'm inferring is that OP's means of keeping up to date with the latest mi (1382x2048, 696K)

Is this a write off?

>imogen poots
>married to edna brapps

>so casual
>much newfag

What user, do you think the movie's gonna bomb because you called it funny names?

Unless you actually think Sup Forums's opinion on a movie has any real factor in its success or failure, in which case, holy shit dude, that's just sad.

dangit why did it have to be metaphorical.
From the image and the name it looked awesome.
Watching the trailer and all the allusions to a hidden meaning behind the giants makes me sad. Even if they are technically real giants she's fighting somehow, the tone is pretty clear that they have a meaning.
I just want to watch a girl that actually fights and kills giants.

You'll take your fart fetish cancer flick and like it

More like Slice of life /bridge to terrabithia cancer flick

Attached: damn.jpg (356x280, 27K)

>bridge to terrabithia
The PR disaster that was is probably why this has no marketing. They can't push it without tricking people into seeing it because the entire presentation is a ruse.

>I Kill Giants
So quirky! So relatable!

That's lliterally just Fionna from AT and the fart joke on the poster is also something AT would do, what the hell?


Attached: i am going to kill heavy.gif (480x270, 2.11M)

What the hell are you people talking about?

Look more closely at the poster


Her full name is Imogen Gay Poots

Isn't he part of man of action?
He's fucking loaded already.

I don't get it, are you talking about the actress' name? Because that's her name, it's not some silly made up thing for the poster.

heh, poots

Am I supposed to believe a human being grew up with that last name, inflicted it upon his daughter without a second thought, she grew up with that last name, and then went into Hollywood, without, at any point, wanting to change that name, or her agent or anybody else suggesting that she do so?

I mean, you might as well sperg out about Alison Doody in The Last Crusade while you're at it.

Wait, they made a movie!? No wonder why my LCS is carrying fresh copies

Snickering like I'm in grade 4 again

A movie doesn’t have to do well financially to be a good movie

Tell that to the Mouseshills.

What does that have to do with anything, user?

>Not being shown at any theater within 100 miles.

I guess I'm waiting for the Blu-ray then.

OwO Wolfe Poots

The comic makes it ambiguous. The Titan in the end is heavily implied to be semi-real as is MC's hammer.

And it's fine that way, too.

The hardcover version of the book is amazing and well worth the money.

What the fuck is this real