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Technology #579
Are windows phones worth buying right now?
What's the best looking music player for Windows?
Is this compromised yet?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Ok Sup Forums I need new headphones. My previous ones were pic related, but I know close to nothing about sound devices...
Edward Snowden says “the central problem of the future” is control of user data
/THT/ - The Holy Trinity
Windows 10 update broke DHCP, knocked users off the Internet
Hey poindexter, since consoles are pc's why can't I buy a $400 ps4 pro and install windows and play my games that way?
I've been a firefox user since 2006 and I've had enough with the recent updates breaking everything
Terry A Davis is being tortured by the CIA
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
He pronounces it "gooey"
Seriously don't give a fuck about the new amd cpu, when is the new amd gpu coming out tho? Q1 or Q2 of 2017?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Post your homescreen
I made a nice little app and people liked it
Why is the battery life on Solus such shit?
Just found out WhatsApp was developed by Facebook
What's the best browser currently? I've doing some research and apparently Chrome is king. Is this correct?
Are X a meme?
Is he...dare I say it.../our guy/?
[Editors war]
How does it feel knowing that OS X is objectively slower than Windows?
So Sup Forums, how is Linux pronounced? Like lie•nix, lie•nucks, lehn•nix, or lehn•nucks?
Alternatives to MySQL using Python
See interesting course
Monitor high refresh rate
Ask a hacker anything
Why can't Linux have nice windows borders? Its a space wasted on browsers plus it looks ugly as fuck
He didn't wait for Zen
I have a 2month break. What language should I learn, Sup Forums?
I'M A LIAR!!! - Part 2
The New and Improved Privacy Badger 2.0 Is Here
Are PCIe SSDs a meme?
AMD Ryzen = Ringu Rasen
I just individually counted all the memory each app is taking up and it came up to roughly 3...
Which is the most evil?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Does anyone carry a second device in addition to a phone? Ipod , zune , etc...
So Sup Forumsentoomen, the install of Windows 10 home on my gaming box has fucked itself again, need to reinstall...
Intel's new Core i3 hits 4.2GHz, beats last-gen Core i5
Which is the most evil?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Name a company that cares more for their customers
Why did apple stop making their only good product of the last 20 years?
Battlestation Thread
Do you guys accept the fact that macOS Sierra is objectively the best operating system?
So i got my computer science degree, now what
That time Dell made a $660 gaming laptop that can play modern titles without sacrificing build quality, portability...
Hey Sup Forums I'm looking at getting a new gaming PC, and spending ~$1800 USD max...
Tfw you have the best desktop on all of Sup Forums
Why is America so shit at tech?
What are some good pc speakers? Building my first pc and don't know what's Sup Forums approved. Budget is around 100$
Is software engineering the master race degree?
Just picked up a refurbished r9 fury for $200. Why doesn't this card get as much recognition as it deserves?
QBittorrent 3.3.8 is out, Sup Forums! Free yourself from uBotnet today!
Programming Language Learning
Thinkpads are a scam
In-car entertainment systems
Discussion of AMD Ryzen Processors
Anyone have experience with small-screen laptops? Considering getting an 11"
Just rooted my phone. What should I do with all this newfound power?
Should I just give up and upgrade to windows 10
Mr robot
Nobody uses this
Tfw every "start up" company literally has the same website
The same amount of interest as a 5 year game made for children
Does having your OS on an SSD actually make it run faster, or is that just a meme?
Serious question: why does technology attract betas?
Florida Court Denies Protection for iPhone Passcode
Linux Arch DE
/dpt/ - Daglig programmeringstråd
Just bought a VPS what should I do with it
Sent ;) edition
Why do you care what operating system someone uses?
Remember when Windows was actually good?
Have you ever installed Linux on your gf's computer by surprise? How did she react?
Post your favourite unicode block
Mfw i realize the /"g"/ is for technolo-***G***
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Post your android rom info
Feds Unveil Rule Requiring Cars To 'Talk' To Each Other
Tfw fell for the 5400 RPM HDD meme
Be honest--do you regularly use any Apple products?
I just bought this laptop...
Sup Forums Christmas gifts
AMD is going to CRUSH Intel/Nvidia with this new thing that is coming out in the future!
Favorite OS of all time?
How do we stop Red Hat?
OK faggots. You tell me this show is Sup Forums related. So this thread is extremely relevant to this board I guess?
/sqt/ ~ Stupid Questions Thread
Install Mint
Introducing AMD Ryzen
This was fucking shit
UBlock Origin for Edge arrived at Windows Store
Tfw reading about carders and botnets and wondering what the point of wagecucking is anymore
AR/VR meme?
Apple removes 'Time Remaining' Battery Life Indicator as response to MBP battery life issues
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Win 32bit in Win 10 64 bit emulation for viewing HPLC-ESI-MS data in ChemStation
Applel is ded, long lived Applel. Why would they remove that??
What's his name?
Lwhich firefox extensions do you lads use?
It's literally the current year of our Lord anno domini 2017 and you're still not ready for VR, what's your excuse?
Would you fuck your AI?
Speccy thread
/pcbg/ PC Building General: Lampshades & Thermal Paste Edition
Fuck this gay earth
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: we make a linux distro
/hpg/ - Headphone General
ITT: Your consciousness gets uploaded into a 10^5TB, 33^100 PETAFLOP Linux™ Supercomputer...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/wt/ watch thread
Where will Sup Forums go if Sup Forums is ever kill?
Airpods in stock right now
Which one should I consider while buying a new TV
Stirling engine
I got an iphone! Am I cool yet!?
Just ordered a XPS 13 developer edition (i5, 8gb ram, 1080p one)
What stuff do you usually install when you do a clean install of your favorite OS?
Are shop owners greedy or something? How come a lot of surveillance footage looks like it was filmed by a 90s webcam?
Reminder: You will never get laid if you use Android
What programming font do you use?
Microphone General /mpg/
Best buck for bang DX12 GPU
Six hour will we watch this beautiful human being making story one more time
Can a bigger brain than mine help me out with something?
Still has Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer pinned to their W7 taskbar
Gpu has only one DVI port and the rest are hdmi
Why should a normal perosn use pic related?
If my future gf has a kid already, what tech could I use to track the kid on my phone to get to know them better...
Help me Delete this Abomination called "Norton"
I use Firefox, for a better SJWeb
ITT: We find the most autistic person on Sup Forums
/solus/ - Friendly solus thread
Unplug webcam
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
One more time
Firefox alternatives
Is there any good and simple app out there like ripme that actually works on Sup Forums?
School Computer thread
How the fuck does one find a good motherboard these days?
How long would Sup Forums survive in Stallman-Mode?
Post your Sup Forums related sins
What does this little faggot do on his laptop 24/7. Is he addicted to porn?
"And this is our son's room. He's a bit of a technology enthusiast."
These are the people I'm taking the Machine learning course on Coursera with. Pajeets, when will they learn?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What the fuck is with these broads?
The GPD Meme
If Android has more users, why does iOS always get best apps first and why do apps on iOS always work better?
Hmmm. This is actually a pretty retarded comment
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why the fuck do they have to stand up?
Torrenting is dying
How can I connect this to a power cable
Implying this isn't the best starter distro
/sqt/ ~ Stupid Questions Thread
What is the best 13" laptop money can buy?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's Sup Forums's favorite terminal emulator?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
And why should we hire and train you when Pajeet will work for half your salary and is already trained?
BSODs after installing new CPU
This has been my main computer for the past year and a half
Nvidia Disk Usage
Theory: There is nothing left to program
Video won't load on Auto
Piece of shit laptop. Don't buy this fucking shit
/rg/ Router General
Post your desktop
Is this thing a meme?
Is windows 10 as cancer as vista
"b-but Microwaves cause cancer!"
Android Pay
You come home to this one day
What OS/distro would he have used?
Vintage audio is better than modern audio. Why is this?
This girl sure has a funny body shape doesn't she?
Do you own a Mac?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Go ahead, name a better distro. I'll wait. pro tip: you [spoiler]can[/spoiler]
/bfl/ - Tech Buy It for Life General: Thread debut edition
Meanwhile, at the FSF headquarters
So I'm swapping in HDD in my Mid-2012 MacBook pro for an SSD...
Have old windows 7 pc I want to make into home server for emulator, streaming, etc...
Is Wayland ready for prime time?
How to mount a heatsink???
Trying to get into a locked Windows 10 laptop
Tfw finally finding a linux distro you really like and dumping windows for good
Is is worth it? I'm planning to use it as a web browsing machine (shitposting machine)...
So AMD has this SJW shit on their homepage and I want to switch to Nvidia. I have an RX 480 right now...
Favorite Music Player?
Am I alone tired of material meme?
Nostalgia fags want to bring this back
What's Sup Forums getting from Santa-san this year?
It's Over
What music player should I be using instead of Winamp?
Why do the techologically inept like macbooks? are they really that user friendly?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
BST - Dorm edition
Secure your shit, NETGEAR
What language should I learn? I started learning elixir and I like it so far...
If you have less than 2500 packages, you're either
What PDA do you recommend? I'm a busy man
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why do u use gnu/linux?
Sup Forums hates gaymes
Green bubble struggle
So the screen hinges on my 5 y/o macbook pro just broke...
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Any powercolor users? I have just ordered this card. Need some comments about the brand
Need text editor
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Ok so the law changed in germany and now univeristys aren't allowed to provide fileservers to their students from the...
This shit worth waiting for?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Are we fucked?
Is there a reason for someone who isn't a computer enthusiast to use linux?
He pirates with torrents
Is there anyone in tech more full of himself?
Why is Unity so hated around here, Sup Forums? Sure, Unity was awful in Ubuntu 11.04 but recent (>14...
Monthly Reminder that Firefox Developers still can't put down their bongs for one hour to make a gnome friendly version...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Find a better IDE. You LITERALLY can't. IntelliJ comes close but its still not as good as Visual Studio
Guts 'n specs
I want emulation on the go
Scroll down
Video games
Give me one (1) reason why you're still not using Arch
Team displays their hard work on recreating the way a primitive AI might find its way around the world making use of...
568A or 568B?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Just installed Gentoo
Linus Torvalds develops the world's largest open source project with a single monitor
Green bubble struggle
Is freedom more important than video games?
TAs: Post your students' hilariously shitty code
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions thread
This is genius
The Verge gave HP Spectre x360 a better score than the MacBook Pro
Have you ever programmed something that made you sit back and think "wow i'm a fucking genius"? If so post it here
400k torrents edition
L33T Rusan Haxors XDDD
Any bored Sup Forumsurus want to help me with a mystery?
What is your favorite programming language and what is your favorite scripting language?
Worth it?
Sup Forums
Facebook profile hack
If Arch Linux is meant to be simple, why doesn't it have a simple installer?
Is there a better bang for the buck than the G4 plus ?
Planned Obsolescence
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Why has this shit taken off?
What's the worst Linux desktop environment
I cant format an emmc partition
Streaming Services
Install Arch Linux
Dies without giving warning signs first
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Is haskell really that hard to understand or it's just bad tutorial?
First vega cards are pro sadly but we fucking called it
Could I impress girls with VR? Maybe tell her that its so real that it might feel like someone is touching you...
ITT: post your worst code
Start working in a tech startup
Who even likes this?
It's just...It's just so fucking fast
/wt/ watch thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why wont this work, I need to finsihs this in 10 minutes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
How the FUCK does Sup Forums make money?
$$$ Web Programmer make in the US?
Alternative to this for windows 10? It's known to fuck shit up
Browser extensions thread
What inexpensive 250GB SSD does Sup Forums recommend?
Post your homescreen
Bow down to your master
First Record Player
Post your desktop
Is ubuntu still shit or has it gotin' better?
Paywalls are becoming very common now, and adblockers don't seem to be enough
Smartphone general thread
Long story short, my housemates are being fags...
Linus just bought his entire workforce late model, ricer laptops - to the tune of 25 grand
ITT: red flags that a program will be terrible
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is 1366*768 cancer?
I'm getting tired of Arc and Numix
5 cute facts about maki:
What is your favourite linux distro?
How dangerous is it to pull out the grounding pin an adapter?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
You have 10 seconds to explain why you're still using systemd
Do you turn your computer off at night Sup Forums?
Is there any reason not to use the first format?
Case Fans General
When are 4k blu-rays gonna get cracked?
Product key
Pay $14,000 for 4-month bootcamp, can't get a job
I need to master C in 7 days wat do
I'm rich, can you guys help me build a beastly machine that can run everything @144fps and 4k resolution...
Ayymd pajeets crying and shilling non-stop on Sup Forums
Best GPUs
Download install.tar.gzip.bzip
#define NULL 0
He watches porn in between programming his programs
$89-$99 ARM Powered laptop
I haven't seen one of these threads in a long time
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums, recommend me some affordable in-ear earphones
Replacing paste
Why do you like technology?
Why is our cyberpunk future so shit?
Help please, ASUS fucked me
"That time of year"
Are E-Readers a meme?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are you Team Velour or Team Leather?
Best buck for bang DX12 GPU?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How will technology be great again in 2017?
Let's see how smart is Sup Forums
Internet Traffic Monitoring
Anyone else genuinely dislike this guy? He seems like an autist in the worst kind of ways...
Computer beginner becoming IT professional
Recommend some themes and icon themes for xfce
ITT: great software linux users will never have
Could we get a GameBoy thread? Amazing and nostalgic, these devices are!
What is the best sticker to get to coverup the apple on my MacBook? ty
Budget Build
Is this /ourbrowser/?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Ever want to talk with the people of Sup Forums without making a thread or having to solve captchas...
Find a flaw
I have told Facebook nothing about my real life. My name is fake...
Need to backup 500 gb of porn to the cloud. There's nothing illegal in there...
Kaby lake
Stupid questions thread /sqt/
So TorChat is dead and Tox seems dead
What are some dead giveaways that people are tech illiterate, Sup Forums?
ITT we're on XDA
Ik this an unconventional way to show specs but w/e
Retro Thread
Internet browsers that used to run no problem on 512mb DDR1 RAM on my old shit machine I was still using as late as...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why is it so beautiful?
Hey Sup Forums just got a new wireless router. Linksys WRT AC1200
Hey Sup Forums, what's the best way to get Windows 7?
What OS does RMS use?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Kobo >>>>>>>> Kindle
Alright Sup Forums, give us your opinions about every OS you have used for at least more than 1 month...
What is the most cyberpunk linux distro?
Tech Progress
Go > D > JavaScript > Rust > C > Python > PHP > Ruby > C++ > Java
Which distro should i use ?
Name a better looking case
/hpg/ - Headphone General
tfw you're finally over 1000 packages installed
Leaving Jewtube
About to build a new pc. Let's hear it, Sup Forums
What are you going to do after Microsoft fully ends support for Windows 7 and is completely discontinued?
Stack Exchange
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I'm doing my CP homework and I'm stuck at this exercise: Read from the keyboard the elements of a 3x3 float matrix...
Looking for advice on getting meterpreter passed antivirus on windows...
Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
No shadowplay or Gameworks
Would you install a botnet roof?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Who /botnetandproud/ here?
Lol if you are under 35 you can't fathom how great PC culture and the Internet were before they were compromised by...
If your New Years resolution is less than 2560x1440 @ 13" you're a fucking pleb
ITT: Fallen greats
What the fuck does this fat troll do on his stupid little computer all day? He can't even code
ITT we pretend to be Android users
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
What's the single best device you own?
Now that Kaby Lake is officially dead, what's the next most exiting CPU series to wait for?
Is Visual Studio best malware development tool for Windows?
Your first GPU?
Home screen thread
Stop bitching about your Linux DEs and let's do something productive. Like some C discussion
Where do you put your asterisks?
The smartest engineer on the planet plays video games
Pajeet moved to the UK
Search for anything tech related
Yfw you invent Unix and both b and c programming languages and normies don't even know your name
Why do millennials hate ads so much? I never hear anyone complain about ads 10 years ago...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Home Server Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
That's it. I'm on vacation...
Ok Sup Forums... what's this? i saw a guy saying a lot of good things about .net in a forum...
Last updated: 14 November 2015
What Linux Distro do you guys use? And for what reason do you use it? And why is it perfect for what you use it for?
I just need to fucking vent
Do you think he has regrets?
General REEEE /g thread
Show me your dick drives, user
I'm really scared at the moment that other manufactures will go the Apple way like removing all the useful ports
Loonix Fags BTFO!
Just bought a 10,000 RPM 2TB SSD. you faggots jelly? xD
M-Disc backup
ITT meme software Sup Forums tricked you into installing
Alias cd='sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root ;'
Desktop Vs Laptop
He just got out of prison and he's live streaming again
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Which one, Sup Forums?
Do we have any actual engineers in here?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Walk into office
How long do they last?
playing the same video file on a pc
/fag/ - Friendly Apple General
Is Linux really that shit to where its creator uses a MacBook?
Hey Sup Forums
Are mouse laptops any good?
Who is most important female in techology? i can't think of anyone
Still the king
I clicked an old link that I apparently had bookmarked and this shit came up
Why haven't you bought a stick pc? you just plug it in your hdmi port on your tv
Post most frequent sites
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Dollar Store Electronics Scavenging
Google sent me their VR headset. Other than porn, what is the point of this...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What do you want for Christmas, little Sup Forums?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
SSD can lose data in as little as 7 days without power
Jayz2Cents is pist
What the fuck is happening to my phone? Adware from going on Sup Forums in iphone's safari app?
It seems I have neglected to install HTTPS everywhere on this laptop...
Tfw you will never collect vintage technology with your trap gf
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why can't AMD compete with Intel at the medium/high end CPU department? Jew magic?
This shipped with new O'Reilly Programming Newsletter. wat
ARM - Windows x86
I turn my computer off every night
Do your courses require you to code on paper?
Hello Sup Forums *leans forward* how are you today :3 I was wondering...
Did you fall for the AMD stock meme Sup Forums?
30 grams protthein did you take your prottein bro did you meet your prttein this is prottein thtat is prottein that is...
AMD R9 Fury (non-x)
I see programmer memes on a daily basis that have something to do with a missing semi-colon being impossible to find...
Laptops for Writers
S340 Elite Cooling Dilemma
I just bought a Dell Inspiron 17 for $1000
>BST - HermemeMillerEdition<
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Show me the flaws that don't make this notebook the best choice on the market
What surge protector do you use? i've been using this one since 1998. 2 decades old. protected light still works
Buy a new laptop, acer cloudbook, emmc memory
The LTT channel offers absolutely nothing of value...
/ipd/ - Informed Purchase Decision General
Hardware issue?
What's your favorite browser and why?
Sup Forums is depressing
Why is there no orthodox file manager with proxy functionality?
Hey, user is good with computers!
Windows 8.1 or Windows 10?
Archlinux on UEFI Laptop
Tfw all these years late Trinitrons still have best imagine quality
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How do you triforce Sup Forums?
Every kid has or wants a tablet
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Poor Syrians
Reminder that if you bought open headphones that aren't in this picture, you're a retard
Skillz. You got 'em?
Post OC logos
PC Speakers Ideas
Yes goy, you want to play the newest DX12 games, don't you?
Core2Duo Macbooks are more expensive than 2nd gen i5 used Thinkpads
So this.... is the power... of the new paint app
8K Gaming
Will their ever be hobbyist computers for children again?
Ya'll nerds ready for the next level?
Dual boot vs Virtual machine
Bspwm or i3
Dropbox or Google drive?
I'm going to be moving to college dorm soon and I dont to be on the public campus wifi as I'll want to do sone...
/rg/ - Router general
Poorfag manlet reporting in
Update wangblows
Speccy thread, still deciding what to do with pic related. Might put 7 back on it, 10 messed it up a bit
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tfw the main purpose of my computer is to download and store photos of boobs
Windows error screens
How do you carry your tech?
Does anyone make good desktop replacement laptops anymore? Been out of the game for ages...
So are tablets any more than dumb toys yet?
Is the AMD A4-6300 a good budget processor?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Tell me why I should fall for overpriced semitic battery replacements when I could just replace the cells in my battery...
What Rx 480 8gb should I get?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Just bought a i3 6100
/wt/ watch thread
Should I send my Macbook to Louis Rossmann or Apple?
Which is more reliable for long term storage?
Android is gimp
Came out in 2001
Honestly? UWP is a pretty good platform
Sup Forums says:
It says here that you made a tweet on your Twitter account saying: "hashtag MAGA". Care to explain this?
I have a feeling that hundreds of people are watching what I'm doing on my computer...
IRC: #/mbp/ on
Programming should be taught standard in schools
Minutely reminder that if you place your opening curly brackets in a separate line...
Crt question
Install mpv
HOLY FUCK (also case thread)
Is 5.1 and 7.1 a meme or are they worth it? I got a 2.1 system as a gift a few years ago and am considering upgrading
Firefox master race lads
Why are they trying to blame the Russians for the hacking?
Using Clean install Windows 10:
You gotta admit, it's sexy af
Built-in adblocker, VPN and proxy for slow connections
Linux games
Why are AMD employees so immature?
What do you guys use for viewing images? im using infarview but can't make it work with webm so I may switch someday
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Terry has not posted a video in 2 days
How much RAM does your PC have?
I bought a hard drive from walmart and it came with internal documents for kelloggs (the cereal company)
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Want to buy an IPS monitor with fast response time
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What heater does g use?
How do you archive your stuff, Sup Forums?
Literally can't find anything wrong with this. That bothers me
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I bought these. 1 in front and 1 back but they feel kinda weak
Will you teach your daughters to code?
When will cpu become hot-swappable? its already 2016
What filesystems do you use/prefer?
At what age did you grow out of Linux?
Why is it that Indians cheat so much in the tech world including phone scams, malware distribution, and stealing code...
Why does Sup Forums hate VLC?
Google Fiber to Louisville when?
Desktops of Sup Forums
Is there any, you know, point in getting a newer smartphone...
Where were you when Windows was kill?
I want to escape Google, but I own an android phone, my browser is chrome, I use gmail, google drive, maps...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/fglt/ - Friendly Guhnoo Slash Linux Thread
Convince me to not buy the best laptop ever
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General - Certified Edition!
Learn c++
Sup Forums Approved Ubuntu
Post fly tile wallpapers
I give up
About to start learning pic related. What is the best IDE for C++?
Okay so I understood binary trees after just an hour
Desktop Thread?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
When the fuck is RX 490 out
Fizz buzz fizzbuzz
Kicked Vivaldi, have any other reccomendations for internet browers?
Creepy text
A friend of mine is convinced that having a motherboard and a graphics card both from MSI will give you a 5% bonus in...
Is mkv the most advanced video container currently available
CS majors say C++ is too hard
You're not a real programmer unless you know
Desktop Environments
Screen Calibration
Thoughts on the Freewrite
Desperately trying to watch porn and jerk off
Broadband speed thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What do you guys think of C# ?
Any reason to use Arch over Debian testing? I want recent packages without having to fuck around a lot
It's 2021+5
How do i transition from windows? i feel like i can't break myself off enough due to various programs i use...
ITT Technologically accurate shows and movies
Windows 10 worth giving a chance?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Home server hardware
What does Sup Forums think of web bloat?
AirPods delayed to mid-2017
Guys, need help. I just bought a new headphones that also includes microphone...
Do you have the .NET framework installed on your computer?
Is a Chromebook a valuable option for basic tasks?
So fucking pissed off
Poor fags need not apply
Where you were when Linux desktop is kill?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Almost 2017
Can anyone tell me why Sup Forums supports nvidia?
I was thinking of buying this used laptop but then I saw this pic related
TypeScript, AngularJS, Node.js, ASP MVC, MongoDB, Azure
Americans can't even use public torrent trackers without risking getting sued for piracy
Programming challenges
Sup Forums recommends a torrent client
Which technology is more efficient in heating?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Linux in charge of memory management
There are still people buying WD over Hitachi
Terrible UI
Sorry boys, its time for us women of color to do some ACTUAL problem solving
Now that the dust is settled, how long until Trump can catch this traitor?
I don't understand how the internet works
Mistakes in Shipping
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Linux Foundation adds an open source networking specialist to the team
Cheap laptop for parents
Cheap single board computer idea
Uptime thread
Why aren't you using the best Media player, Sup Forums?
Stop using more that 16 colors
How to become a h4xX0r?
Is there a way to de-botnet android?
I am having problems with viewing images on Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is caps lock a meme?
Are external SSDs better than external HDDs in every way?
CPU backdoors
What's Sup Forums getting from Santa-san this year?
/surf/ - Surface General
Is there a good small alternative to this piece of shit that it has become?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
If the Universe is a simulation, what specs is it running on?
What would an nvidia desktop cpu be like?
Did anyone ever run a deleted file search on a brand new flash drive...
Serious question
Is online learning the future of education?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I don't use Sublime Text because I don't like its icon. How autistic am I?
Okay Sup Forums here we fucking go:
Linux os
Going to my retailcuck wagie job
How do i stop my friends from buying 1070s and convincing them to wait for vega?
Terrible black levels
Why is this acceptable
What is the best Linux distro and why is it Solus?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Gnome will never be THAT good
Name laptop with the following requirements (not a Macbook):
Macfags will never know this feel
Microsoft BTFO
Muh windows is bloated
What tech related things was Sup Forums up to these days?
Why are Windows users so obsessed with trash bins?
Cable Management
This bothers the Linux user
Why cant we have nice things?
Why does google want us to select street signs?
Working with women in IT
FreeDOS will soon be releasing its newest version!
Colors thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So is there even any reason to buy a Vive over a rift now?
I no longer have any motivation
Nvidia Drivers Shitting the Bed on Windows 7
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ chink shit general
Open or sell?
What operating system do you run on your brain Sup Forums?
Ask a Sup Forums janitor anything
You mad?
Anyone else invited to windows XI insider fast track preview
Alright Sup Forums explain why i should use this over ubuntu/debian/mint/arch/fedora/suse/manjaro/faggyblackpeopledistro
Hey Sup Forums...
How does one make this type of img?
/wt/ watch thread
What do you think of my PC?
Can I take a poll of how many NEET there are out there?
Arch linux
Would you still use linux if it costed money?
When you fall for the ssd meme
Do you leave your computer on at all times or do you shut down after use?
I want to start hacking but i don't know where to start. any tips?
What is it that actually makes Chrome run faster...
Nvidia cucks will never fell how good wattman is
What went wrong with tablets..?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What's the most Linux friendly laptop manufacturer?
Is this overkill?
Ctrl+f 'desktop'
Post in this thread only if you have a phone 2013 or older
Non-BSD/Unix OSes
/mtl/ Moving to Linux thread
Oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking T460?! No way...
Rate my masterpiece Sup Forums
Which launcher does Sup Forums use?
PC /Guts/
/mmg/ Mechanical Mouse General
Friend's company decides to give the entire sales team new computers
Hey Sup Forums
What would you do if you had full control of Samsung's mobile division?
Is the free software movement losing the battle?
Tfw fell for the mechanical keyboard meme
The state of Apple
Does anybody here use Kodi on a daily basis?
New Radeon Chill:
Why in 2016, can we still not get storage for ~$0.01 per GB?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What have you got in the mail, Sup Forums?
Ask a Philosophy professor anything future-technolo/g/y wise anything
Ask a VERY intelegent computer scientist who finally understands the halting problem anything
Hiroshima said we can have one meta thread about the board. He says he reads these
/ptg/ - private tracker general
Hi guys long story short i forgot my Win7 password my account is Admin. What do?
What are the best JS frameworks?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
My laptop running Linux was installing an update that was not completed when the power ran out...
What does Sup Forums think about ReactOS?
Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions in general
Alright lads, I bought a Macbook Air 13" 2014 for £450
Explain this
T. Mactoddler
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...