How can you defend Christianity in the face of Islam...

How can you defend Christianity in the face of Islam, when Christianity itself is a foreign religion that conquered Europe's original culture and religion? Why is it any different if Islam conquers Europe? It's just another foreign religion that suppresses the European spirit.

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cause Christianity doesn't openly condone fiddling kids

Not openly
But it does allow fiddling with kidz

Christianity is the truth though.

Look Varg, it might be cozy for you living in the woods with your pagan religion fucking trees and performing incest and other ngodly things but the rest of us live in the world, and in the real world, Christianity is truth

This doesn't make sense considering all the evidence of European catholic priests and pedophillia.

but they've never stated publicly that they condone any of that
Christianity was shamed when it happened, Islam doesn't give a shit

All religion is cancer
but Christianity might be the only way to fight Islam at this point.

Because it is not the appropriate time to attempt going back to Paganism. History is repeating itself, yet again, and we are being usurped by another religion of the sands. It is time for European atheist, Christian and neo-pagan, or whatever you believe, to stop fighting each other and stand together against the Islamic migration.

I like Varg, but now is not the time to hate on Christianity.



Its funny, Atheist use to claim that Marry was raped by Romans, and thats how Jesus was born.

Romans are European, and at the time would have Germans, and Celts in their ranks.

So either the Son of God united Europe, or the child of a European Roman soldier did, either way it offered a more unified defense from the incoming hordes of dark skinned barbarians from Africa, and Asia.

So what again is wrong with Christianity?

Because European identity has developed with Christianity. Im not even 100% sure that Europeans were pagan for a longer total period of time than we were Christians.

We have evolved and developed as a people with Christianity, to say "hurr durr le sand religion" is really simple-minded.

>Christianity is the truth though.
That meme again. I bet you're the same faggot that makes those daily reminder threads.

>So what again is wrong with Christianity?
Looking at how it all hinges on the fulfillment of the messiah prophecy that requires a jewish lineage, Mary getting raped by a Roman soldier would negate the very basis of the faith.

Either way you look at it, it's shit - that's what's wrong with it.

Islam is the truth though.

Look Michael, it might be cozy for you living in your hick village with your obsolete religion fucking young boys and eating pork and other ungodly things but the rest of us live in the world, and in the real world, Islam is truth

Be careful what you're trying to meme.

Absolutey correct OP. It's a shitskin religion that came from kikes. Jesus was a dirty kike on a stick and millions of these so called "whites" worship him

You should read up on the story of St. Patrick. There's one point where Patrick wants to convert people and figures that starting with a King is his best bet, because the people would follow their leader. The King refuses to convert himself, because he does not want to let down the spirits of his ancestors but nevertheless gives his blessing to Patrick to allow him to preach in his lands.
The fact that this mutual peaceful acknowledgement would never happen under Islam is already more than enough to justify it, but to add to that, I definitely empathise with that King. Christianity is what has made my country what it is and my people who they are. It may not be in vogue anymore, but I don't want to spit in the face of all that have come before me. And this, of course, is to say nothing of the fact that I fear for my immortal Soul.

Christianity isn't really foreign. Sure jesus was from palestine but basically everything else is european pagan shit that the catholic church retconned into being christian

Christianity itself is a psyop:
Psychological Operations or PSYOP are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. Used in all aspects of war, it is a weapon whose effectiveness is limited only by the ingenuity of the commander using it.

A proven winner in combat and peacetime, PSYOP is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of man. It is an important force protector/combat multiplier and a non-lethal weapons system.

Psychological Operations (PSYOP) or Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) is simply learning everything about your target enemy, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations.

Psychological operations may be defined broadly as the planned use of communications to influence human attitudes and behavior ... to create in target groups behavior, emotions, and attitudes that support the attainment of national objectives. The form of communication can be as simple as spreading information covertly by word of mouth or through any means of multimedia.

A psychological warfare campaign is a war of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be disseminated by face-to-face communication, audio visual means (television), audio media (radio or loudspeaker), visual media (leaflets, newspapers, books, magazines and/or posters). The weapon is not how its sent, but the message it carries and how that message affects the recipient.

Tell that to the catholic priests fucking little boys and getting away with it. The church just moves then to a diffirent area to fuck more boys and so on.

Because it's fucking confusing when every other person is called Muhammad

We will return

>Why can't you let Islam conquer white people again?
Islam is a religion of savagery for savages.

White people are not savages.

I can't stand it when you say that Islam is fucking horrible, and in comes some cunt "BUT UUH CHRISTIANITY IS LIKE UUH ALMOST WORSE"

Just fucking kill yourself.

I would rather support a Jew than a bearded monkey.

You're alright, wanna go to Ikea and eat some köttbullar?

It's not asatro or asetro. It's Forn siðr, ahmad.

Christianity is a religion of creation while Islam is a religion of destruction.

Sure let's go Truls

I'm not a christian. Unfortunately, the religion of my forefathers was mostly wiped out from the record thanks to the Christians.

Christianity is a missionary religion. It converts people mainly through persuasion. Islam is a conquest religion. It converts mainly through conquest.

Christianity did not kill off whites in Europe. It in fact made Europe thrive in a way it had not been since the height of Rome. Islam seeks to displace whites by conquest. Islam will take over Europe through the spread of Arabs, as they did in the middle east. Notice that the non-Arabs like the Coptic Egyptians, the Assyrians, are white.

The truth is all religion is incompatible with a human population this large. It's just another way to divide and cause conflict. Paganism is the only religion I will respect because you pay respect to nature. The very thing that you came from, not some magical sky daddy.


>haha, give everything to the community, soon the messiah will return and destroy this earth to bring his kingdom
>what, you're a rightwing nationalist that believes in things like contributing to the long term benefit of your people? pfssh, fuck off, everything's going to destroyed but if you're a good goy maybe you can come to the Brazilian favela heaven is at this point


It's a foreign Semitic mythology that says our European custom and traditions are Satanic and evil. It says we must give up who we are and become Semitic like them and adopt their culture and traditions.

If you're a christcuck, you're an enemy.

>Christianity did not kill off whites in Europe.



Stay mad Ahmad.

Why do White Nationalists hate Jews so much, but the one human they adore unquestioningly and hold up as superior to all other humanity is (((Jesus Christ)))?

People who quote comics in political discussions are fucking idiots.

Fucking degenerates.

When you Pagancucks were sacrificing virgins to "nature spirits" Islam conquered the Persians and the East Roman Empire.

stay mad, heathens, the khilafa will rise.

If the world followed Christian morals then it would be a wonderful place.

If the world followed Islamic morals then it would be a toilet.

Sure, Christianity has jewish roots, but who cares. It's the enemy of Judaism and Islam. We have been Christians for ages and it gave us values.

>it gave us values


>Christianity was shamed

You mean, religion where God himself impregnated a kiddo that was 11-13 when she gave birth to "the Son of God" was ashamed? Gee, how is that?

(((Christianity))) is truth. Who paid you? George Soros?

Old testament is historic and full of horrible things. New testament was Christ's revision to the old ways. Our new job? Love God and Love everyone. That's it. Compare that to the Muslim message.

removing kebab

>Christianity has jewish roots, but who cares.

Yes goyim, keep our traditions alive and thriving. Never drop the Jew Jesus or you will go to hell. (The term helheim we stole from the Germanic pagans to demonize them further).

Pastafarianism is the truth though.

Look Abdul, it might be cozy for you living in your mud village with your obsolete religion fucking young boys and eating kebab and other ungodly things but the rest of us live in the world, and in the real world, the flying spagetti monster is truth.

>united Europe.

During the time of Jesus' alleged birth, most of Europe was under control of the Roman Empire. The Roman empire wasn't Christian until around 300 A.D. That was when the empire was split into two parts (after it was split into four parts). In about 476 A.D. the empire was done for. About 1000 A.D, Europe was Christianized, Charlemagne dead for a while and his empire split to pieces, now factions warring with each-other. Tell me here how Christianity united Europe other than under the force of some big tough warrior who conquered everyone and forced them to convert.

Lets go further in history, Europe has been warring for years, and Christendom was split into Catholic and Orthodox. However, the Orthodox part was the only part you could say was united. The catholic part was split into warring feudal states. To attempt to stop this and aid Christian pilgrims against Muslim attackers, Urban called the crusades. There were thousands of people who joined the crusades. However, this did not in one bit end any of the feudal wars. There are some notable conflicts that occur during the crusades. One of them were the conquest of French lands under King John, while Richard was off on crusade. The pope almost permanently divided Europe by making enemies with John.

Notably, the fourth Crusade was just an excuse to loot Constantinople.

Then, when Martin Luther came around and question church positions and caused the protestant movement, Europe was even further divided, in this case, by Christianity again.

So Christianity did nothing to unite Europe. At most you can say it divided Europe further.

Is that why formerly Christian North Africa and Middle East are pretty much entirely muslim and why the Christian Balkan was under muslim rule for half a millennium?

Christianity is not the way. The way is to subvert them with ironically feminism and homosexuality. Give women power in Islam and it will fall.

Christ-Cucks are dummies.
Why can't you idiots be crusaders and shieeet you cucked now nigguhs.

Christianity is the religion of conquerors. It triumphed over the Euro-Pagan religions and proved that its values and doctrine were superior. I don't need anything else. Simply because Jesus was from Israel doesn't mean he never spoke any truth. If a jew says 2+2=4, he's still right. The jews had Jesus crucified because he advocated a doctrine of morality and honesty. On top of all this, Israel being the Holy Land gives us a reason to drench Jerusalem in jewish blood and claim it as our own. It's time we start invading the mid east for keeps.

>not being a freelancer and once again stop the rape of europe in the name of what is good and beatiful

Thought experiment:

If there was an Islamic sect with exponential growth set in Europe that has the goal and means to purge the continent from every shitskin, would you convert?

Five hundred years difference.

I hope you ain't white. Being proud a middle eastern cult came in and did what muslims are doing now is shameful. We are lucky that the Western Greco-Roman values still exist after Christianity fucked us up.



>communism and fascism both think the economy needs to be controlled
>communism and fascism both want to or lead to authoritarian governments
>communism and fascism both want to abolish western style democracies

>look they're totally the same xD hurrdur

fuck off

Trying to revive a system that failed to protect its followers from a foreign invasion is shameful and contradictory to nature. Survival of the fittest afterall. And besides that, lots of pagan kings willingly gave up their old religion and converted to Christianity. Paganism is a failure. It lost the Iberian peninsula to the mudslimes and Christians had to take it back for them. Christianity is what protected Europe from shitslam. Paganism was mostly extinguished by the time Islam existed in the first place, so it's pretty idiotic to say 'paganism protected Europe'.

Christianity is a Modern Eurooean religion started by Romans. It was started by the purest of European men. Not some half-Mongolian/half-Neanderthal subhuman scum.

Pagans are heretics and scum. European Empires were built on Religion, from the missionaries leading to civilise the Coolies and noghers, to the race against Islam. Remember it was Christians who derended Europe.

Pagans Larp and worship the Sun.

Varg's a cuck and is cleaely homoaexual for his son.

You're thinking of the Jews.

fucking this, are you albanian xd


>Pagans are heretics
oh boy

>worship the Sun
if there is anything worth worshiping it's the earth and the sun. and i'm not even pagan

>George Soros is responsible for 2000 years of Christianity

Good one, kid.

>How can you defend Christianity in the face of Islam, when Christianity itself is a foreign religion that conquered Europe's original culture and religion?
>Europe's original culture and religion
Why do North Americans misunderstand Europe so much? Does something in the air reduce their brain cells so that they can't grasp basic concepts like plural?

What are you anyway? French or British?

No it doesn't. The churches do and whatever corrupt institution you can find. Jesus Himself openly declared children to be holy/under special protection.

The sun is evidently there. You get an affirmation that what you're worshipping isn't founded in make-belief every morning.

>if there is anything worth worshiping it's the earth and the sun
How about Life and Reason, Logos and God?

Life is a consequence of the sun, reason is a consequence of life, logos is a consequence of reason and god is special pleading that any of these things didn't come from the sun but from your specific personified powerfantasy :^)


The whole reason for White advancement over other Cultures was Christianity.

The British Empire only started because the Protestants were competing with Catholic Spain to control the land for Protestantism. It's what sparked a technological race amongst Europe for a dominance to take over.

Science and Christianity are merged throughout the history of White Empires. Before the 16th Century, Europe was the same as the Middle East.

Pagans are literally like Nuggers. They dance and perform the same retarded rituals as Nuggerd wearing leafs and eating their own excrement.

M8, Paganism worshipping the Sun is uncivilised. It's from a time when people thought Witches and Potions were responsible for the Sun coming up every morning and that you had to sacrifice children so that you could pay the sun God. Scum.

the earth and the sun, in it's position and composite is what gave live. all things in life, all reasons all goals originate from being alive due to the earth and sun

No need for that anymore, the sun is coming up anyway and for that it plays a far greater role for us humans that whatever FOTM of judaism you follow.

>is a 1000 years under Christianity
>is extremely primitive
>Christianity is the reason we're so advanced

>worshiping a pattern
Once again, you understand that pattern because of reason. Respect for Creation (patterns) is fine, but how come you justify worship of them?

Especially since Space travel will rearrange that pattern... You're not thinking long term.

i'm not saying you should worship it, though.
i'm saying that IF you want to worship anything then it might be these two things.
better then what islam or christianty is doing

It's sad. You've clearly been brainwashed by a JewTuber. You wouldn't be Pagan if you didn't have a crush on A larper. Honestly can tell you're in your early 20s from the waay you talk and have been suckered. You will realise when you're older how dumb you are.

All Cultures at the time had religions. The fact is Christianity sparked a technological advancement in Europe above all other Cultures and Countries.

>The Sun is coming up.

You see how primitive you are? If Pagans knew about Oxygen back then they'd be worshipping it the same as you do the sun now. It's evidence Primitives looked for answer to life and found the first thing (Sun) they found. It's the same as a sub-Saharan religion.

Almost the Same as the Aztecs who were wiped out By Christians.

europeans are that easy to conquer

>all those non-arguments

Is that a way to swing people to your side? :^)

Europe advanced fromthe beginning of the 15th century. but rome and greece in 500 a.d. did the same without christianity. so did the ancient chinese, persians, egyptians.
you say that Christianity is the sole reason for Europe's advance, when it's clearly not the case. in fact the advancement of the 15th century came at a time when the church's power began to wane. the weaker the institution got, the more did Europe advance. on the other hand, when christianity had total domination at it's peak in the middle ages, europe was extremely primitive.


Looks like I won.

You have nothing to say back and then say "you're points are invalid". Hahahah.

Pagan education folks. Im5out and proof pagans are primitive sun worshippers.

Hitler was Catholic.

>How can you English worship Odin when he replaced Christ
>How can you worship christ if he replaced our native Woden?
>How can you worship Woden when he replaced the Celtic native of Morrigan
>How can you worship Morrigan when the Celts replaced the native Beaker peoples religion and culture
>How can you defend the Beaker people when they replaced the culture and religion of the Neolithic people

Come on man, cultures have always changed. Worship of Thor/ Thunor and Odin/ Woden have only been active for about 5000 years as far as we can tell. How much of human history has been replaced by newer cultures?

i meant 500 b.c., obviously

Because the "old" religion of Europe consist in having human sacrifices and Christianity teach Europeans to be a little more civilized. But if you want to go back to your old roots and act like Arabs, then your choice.

>literally declares himself a winner in an internet debate
You raised no points other than "hahaha u stupid i smart", which isn't an argument.

>Hitler was Catholic.
Then maybe him failing was just tradition :^)

when u hittin in from behind and she says "heil odin"

Islam doesn't either, but when Islam was first introduced it was fairly common for men and women to get married shortly after puberty or older men to marry younger women. And Aisha was betrothed at 9 the marriage was consummated at a later date. Its fun reading the shit Sup Forums regurgitates without research or questioning.

It's true that Christianity is a jewish trick, but when applied properly (traditional values, pro-family, etc.), it's pretty good.

Islam is for goatfuckers.

Both are Semitic death cults as well. What's going on now is a repeat of the 300s.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are Abrahamic* not varying forms of Judaism there is some continuity between the three but they are ultimately very different.

Echoing Christianity. Son, you're a fucking idiot.

Child marriage is extremely common in Muslim countries. Go back Ahmed.

It's true that Islam is for goatfuckers, but when applied properly (traditional values, pro-family, etc.), it's pretty good.

Name one time in history that Islam has ever been good.

Protip: You can't.

I would rather walk through the worlds most dangerous Christian neighbourhood than the worlds most dangerous Muslim neighbourhood.


After the Roman fell.

M8, I done my doctorate on Europe Empires. You are talking bull and any person with knowledge on the field will admit it's Christianity that is responsible for progress.

Wheter it was missionaries who went to Africa and needed to discover new cures, or wheter it was Protestants and Carholics competing for land,and began inventing new methods of Mapping the Earth.

Look at Empires before Christian Empires. They had no wish to discover new land, just to conquere existing land and they were content with it. Onky a.few actually bothered to doscover new lands.

The Church was not losing Power in the 15th Century. It was at almost full strenght and had a firm grip on Europe. You're living in fantasy now.
I never said it was the sole reason, merely the main factor of which the advancement started. From Spanish Carholics looking to bolster Christian Numbers around the world,to English Protestants competing against Popery. The Empires started over trival matters.

>The weaker it got
The less people started caring about Empires and started caring more about giving Savages rights. The Chirch of England was in full power up the 50s.

You have no idea what you'retalking about. Someone who spent years learning about European Empires at higher education.