Are they germany's last hope to get un-cucked?

Are they germany's last hope to get un-cucked?

Is my German correct?

whoever they are, they need to drop the hillary aesthetic if they have any chance at success


Sorry, but
1) try to get some box around the text so that you can make out the words
2) I didn't even understand what you meant.
Something like "Wenn dir die Grenze nicht gefällt, dann darfst du wieder nach Hause gehn"?

The Hillary esthetics are completely unknown here, so no danger there.

I was trying to render, "so can you get rid of the door to your house". Doesn't "aus etwas steigen" mean "get rid of something"?

I think maybe it's "aus etwas aussteigen"? Is that okay or is there another expression more semantic/idiomatic correct?

how do we save our krauts?

firebomb berlin,

I already know they will fuck it up. Germans are autistic af.

Aus etwas aussteigen is to step out of something, like a car or a bus.
What you mean is something like:
"Wenn dir die Grenze nicht gefältt, dann lass doch auch gleich deine Haustür offen."

I re-translate to english:
>If you don't like the Border,
>as you're allowed to climb out of those door of your house.


Their leader is a woman.
Last time they had woman as leader a refugee crisis happened


"Right-Wing Revivalism" will never happen in Europe due to the fact that these 'right wing' parties aren't even right leaning to begin with.

This is a super typical lefty party, but not like the self exterminating hardcore ones that want everything European dead.

Oh no!

I just remember that last time America had a man, they killed Adolf Hitler!

Tried it. Didn't work first time. Bunch of commies squatted in it for 4 decades


nuke every major city and turn North-Turk-Westphalia into a huge french turnip field

This, they need to put Gauland as front Runner, he is also AfD and fucking memetic.

Go sit in a corner for not knowing the first theing about European politics.

The AfD is the most right-wing party you'll find (ignoring the meme NPD), but even then they're barely center.