

Other urls found in this thread:,_Norfolk

Assange is a baby raper who is a confirmed pedophile.


Cock or Turkey, truly a choice for the ages.
Julian is dead btw and wikileaks is now a honeypot.

How does this prove he's alive?

fucking SAGE


K. Keep us posted "Julian"

Assange is not in the picture. So how does this prove he's alive?

does Julian have a pet cat in there?

That is totally adorable

hi yes, i am alive, don't contact me or my wifes son again

do you think Julian gets laid much in there?

He definitly gets pussy in there.

Until he died that is.


Yes. He seems to spend a lot of time with it, dressing it up, etc.
Pic is his cat


Where do you people who have no idea what's going on come from? Seriously. Did you see this website on CNN or something?

i heared about wiki links from Trump

Hello bitcoin transaction that said that everyone is fine helloooo

also what's with the RIP julian meme

do you automatically assume someone dies when they lose internet access for a couple of weeks?


What if the cat is the one that all behind wikileaks, and Julian Assange just takes orders from the cat?

Holy lel

Assage is a madman who dresses up his cat and destroys evil elitists

Only when they are in possession of information that can bring down entire countries.


he'll be free in a couple months, Trump cancels the grand jury conviction and Julian can finally come back to Aus and visit his parents

He hid a thumb drive up the cats ass

Guys, this is probably meaningless, but the movie "The fifth estate" which is about Assange, is currently airing on "Dubai One" Satellite channel.
I think this is just a coincedencbecause the audience is Arabic speakers, not the world

It would go away if wikileaks would provide proof of life. They absolutely refuse to do so for some strange reason, though.

Oh my God

They turned Julian into a cat???

can we make him time person of the year now?

Heh, sure thing buddy. Tell mum&dad to get his room ready.

"Julian, you come home right MEOW!"

>posting a pic of a cat on Twitter is absolute, irrefutable proof that Assange is alive

that’s the worry isn't it? he's already been tried by grand jury ?

His administration has so far said they have no plans to pardon Snowdon, so go figure that the same won't happen for Assange. It looks weak

Well it is whats your point?


That cat is probably one of the things keeping him sane.

There's a comfy room for him at GitaMo Bay

being trapped for years in a building full of Ecuadorians takes its toll on a man


Wait... Does this mean the embassy got its internet back?

Mucho agreeo.

This is how I think he is still alive. Last post under his cat's Twattor was nthe cat BTFOing Hillary Clinton's face.

He is tweeting out now to be like, "Yo, bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks. Happy Thanksgiving!"

The US wants to extradite him, once Sweden decides whether or not to prosecute him. Assuming he wasn't killed in October, of course

Double confirmed by kek!!!!!

>"wiki links"


Assange is australian. The spooks controlling his accounts confirmed americans #Thanksgiving

embassy Cat was just dressed for the occasion.
That was the day of his owners last big interview

Kek confirm it's a feline conspiracy!!

Kek confirms

Wrong again Moloch,_Norfolk


Norfolk Islanders are legit retards mate.
>thank you. Native American Indians on the other side of the world for giving some turkey to people whose descendants once visited us, whilst we today don't know a single person involved, nor have any turkeys at all on the island.

>pic related

This please



There you go

> 1. Goto:

> 2. Open console (Chrome: Ctrl+Shift+J, Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+K)

> 3. Copy code from:

> 4. Paste code in console and hit enter

> 5. Leave the console open for a while

If you've already voted, it'll automatically clear out your session and start voting again.

>RESULTS (can be different for those using adblockers. - not sure why):

Trump is currently at 8% and Assange is at 9%. Some Pajeet is trying to bot the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, to the top, who is also at 9%

Thank god

Totally off topic but I'm preparing a thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever right now.

10 years ago I never would have thought I'd be shoving a pineapple up a birds ass while drunk off wine.

>an Australian celebrating Thanksgiving

Yeah - pretty bad fuck up there senpai

Anyone else here actually worried about Assange? He hasn't made an appearance and the tweets are weird, even his court appearance is delayed, I hope he is fine.

Embassy Cat and Larry (Chief Mouser to the cabinet office) should meet up an fugg.

Aesthetic kitties would be the result.


I bet he grabs that pussy all the time.

>le no internet, honest XD
>have time to somehow post pictures of a cat
>no PGP signatures
>no proof of life for over a month
>old tweets deleted

He's dead - whatever though, annoying prick anyway

desu i think he made a suicide attempt when the armored cars came to the embassy

that guy on reddit today said "he is more constrained now than when they cut his internet"

he is recovering from injury is my guess
and it show on his face. thats why no appearances
>bullet or rope

Julian's dead and this is why they're posting cat pictures.

Why doesn't Julian sign one of these cat pictures with his PGP key and end this debate forever?

Oh yeah, because he's dead and they didn't manage to get his PGP passphrase.

>not celebrating allied anglosphere holidays

What is wrong with you, dad? Have you forgotten what colours you fly?

Assange here, I'm entirely alive. DON'T LOOK FOR ME.

>bird beginning with C
>bird beginning with T
What did he mean by this?

>that guy on Reddit today
Kill your self

Clinton and Turkey

cant bother to find the thread

he proved that he controlled the backend of

Clinton(?) and Twitter

So u reccomend the public shy away from researching leaks, lest they be further entrapped by said 'honeypot'?

Anderlecht my balls, your schilling effect is not appreciated

Any chance this photo of cat isn't even recent?

The cat looks younger in this pic than the most recent pic (in window wearing bowtie.)

Also does the cat have a name?

are not the same cat

C = Clinton
T = Trump

He's asking us who should be leaked next.

Kek, there's hundreds of people out to kill the guy. He knowingly gave his life for our victory, he's a martyr.

no real evidence that the man is all right, for all we know is that was a picture sitting around on his laptop.

Assange was born in Townsville, and lived in 30 different other towns - unlikely any of them being Norfolk Island.

ctr get out

anybody could have put that tie on that cat
this doesn't prove anything

what about a pic of a dog ?

The fifth estate is an insult eff that author and eff DreamWorks for making it! It's misinformation and a mockery to the story of assange and wikileaks. It's full of falsehoods and lies and was made to slander

considering how young the cat looks, its probably a picture they found on his camera after they killed him

holy shit this is most cute thing ever omg i love cats brb gonna get my cat

As long as they don't kill embassy cat