Why is it that Christianity is being viewed as being the most 'based' religion...

Why is it that Christianity is being viewed as being the most 'based' religion? When the core values of Christianity is the complete opposite of what most users of this site holds?
Take the stance on cuckolding, in the bible Jesus was apparently the son of God and 'the virgin' Mary. Apparently Mary had a sleep out with some stranger, and Joseph (who was married to 'the virgin' Mary) ended up having a kid he would refer to as 'his wife's son'.
How is this based? How can a whore be labelled as a saint? How can the situation even be considered 'based'? Would you raise a kid your unfaithful wife had with another man? And if we follow this 'good Christian' example wouldn't the best Christians be the modern day Swedes?

On the subject of retribution or justice, Jesus had a stance on the subject at hand which said something along the lines of "When struck, just turn the other cheek". How does that work for you Americans that value yourselves as 'true Christians'? With your gunlaws that allows you to own several deadly weapons, and use them if attacked in your house. Truly un-Christian if we follow the doctrine.

It would seem as if most of you edgy teenagers have more in common with Islam, and the doctrine of subjugating women, waging war with people you deem undesirable and living in a society where men have the only say, and you follow one leader to what ever end. Surely that can't be right, can it?

I do sincerely hope you people will denounce any religion you may have, as it's a ploy used by the Jews to cause strife between nations and people, all for the benefit of one religion; Judaism. If you don't believe me just take a look at who the worlds most richest and most powerful people are, they are all Jews, they de facto control USA, UK and the EU.
So as I said before please do your best to burn every Quran, Bible or Torah you can get a hold of, that is the only way we can denounce this jewish sickness that has been haunting the Earth for thousands of years.

>On the subject of retribution or justice, Jesus had a stance on the subject at hand which said something along the lines of "When struck, just turn the other cheek". How does that work for you Americans that value yourselves as 'true Christians'? With your gunlaws that allows you to own several deadly weapons, and use them if attacked in your house. Truly un-Christian if we follow the doctrine.

Not all of us are Christians, cunt. My faith has a rather different stance on self defense than some rebel jew.

The world didn't stop progressing when the christian dark ages started. The Arabs took the lead for a few hundred years and were based af. After the Mongols fucked up Baghdad, Europe took what the Arabs did and ran with it.

The arabs mostly preserved things.

They copied everything from the Europeans (math, philosophy, science, law etc.) and East Asians (paper from China etc.)

They had some (relativly speaking) minor innovations in math, but other than that they didin't do that much (they did some other things as well but it's not worth mentioning).

That picture is retarded. The Church was the main preserver of literary during the dark ages. The Church funded scientific research. Western civilization owes everything to the Catholic Church.

There are different kinds of Christians, i.e. the Crusaders and on the other extreme Svenska Kyrkan.

But yes OP. Christianity is a quite 'nice' (or to put it an other way 'pushover') religion. It was after all created by slaves and so it has within it the mindset of a slave (or at least the tendency towards that).

The traditional religion of the Scandinavians was Asatro, which is far from a slave religion.

Hahahah faggot that pic is cancer
"""""""""Christian Dark ages""""""""""

The thing that divides the "West" from the "rest" is the Catholic church you fucking retard. Individualism came extremely early to Europe because the Catholic Church promoted individualised contracts rather than lineage based ones, as well as forbid incestual marriage and procreation; paving the way for the nuclear family and the individual, which created the substructure for the Renaissance and enlightenment. There's a reason why democratic capitalism flourishes in the West and not in many other countries where agnatic (familial) connections supersede individualism

Because American sunday school kids get missionary cred for shilling online.

>The thing that divides the "West" from the "rest" is the Catholic church you fucking retard.
>pic related is "Western" according to Christcucks

>Not posting the true timeline

That bullshit of a "christian" dark age is a complete myth: Not a damn bit of that was caused by Christianity, it was all the result of the collapse of the infrastructure the western Roman Empire.

And they didn't even do a very good job of it: They burned 90+% of everything they found. It was the Byzantines who did most of the preservation.


nice bait image

Thank you Finn for putting that dip shit Norwegian in its place


It's proven

But Islam means progress and Christianity is evil

>The arabs mostly preserved things.

except anything haram


That graph is just for Western Europe you fucking idiot, East Europe and Asia were doing great with scientific advancement back then.

Christianity is a form of judaism


>dat super stupid bait pic
>makes you think

I think you're a faggot OP.

and tldr, dumbass