How fascist are you?
make me proud Sup Forums


only a crypto fascist.

did you share your result on facebook btw?

nope, but i shared it with a few friends to see their results


you two fine lads are giving me some hope for your countries



Only got 29%.

this will probably be the majority of Sup Forumsacks

good enough, there is room for improvement

>not being at least 75% fascist

This test sucks because the questions are very poorly worded.

For example:
>The individual cannot really claim any rights against the state, since it is the state that grants him these rights in the first place.
While I agree this is the reality we live in, I disagree with the principal.

This test might end up calling me a "Fascist" even though I disagree with Fascism.

You seem to have gotten lost on your way to reddit.

These fine people will give you directions

Never mind this test is complete shit
>Classical liberalism is essentially an ideology of the past and modern attempts to reinstate it (a.k.a. neoliberalism) are bound to lead to wars.
The brain-dead idiot who wrote this test doesn't even know what a liberal is, much less a neoliberal.




damn Musso

Nah my friend, I've been comfy here for years. Besides, Reddit is going under.

Am I still welcome?

Not 90%

Kys scum


let's take it into account that we make these tests with cold heads. Those guys getting above 70 would be a nightmare if they ever got to power.

this isn't the place for you

he's trapped in meme bubble wrap hell user.

I find it interesting that the archetype of the classical liberal state, the early united states, was significantly modeled on the roman empire and what was then recent english history. It was nothing like the people that currently claim to be classically liberal.

This is okay by me.

Got the same here.


I also got 78. Wanna be friends?

Viva il duce

you realize that americans/canadians are the only ones in the planet calling social liberals of liberals, right?
everywhere else liberal=classic liberal


I only scored 37%.

We prefer to be citizens. They prefer to be subjects. Some men were created to serve I guess...

Really? the only website on the net where all kind of people can talk about all kind of shit isn't the place for me?


stormfront? no, god no, i'm not a stormfag

sure thing add me on steam



hehe xd

Reminder before taking ANY of these tests, first run through the whole thing three times.

Once where you answer everything entirely neutral, once where you agree strongly to everything, and once where you disagree strongly with everything.

This will help you build a frame of reference with which to analyze the results without being pushed toward something that may not reflect your opinion.

lets be friends.

Tfw highest score so far

>spent the last week browsing redpill dumps

It's been real lads, see you in Valhalla.

fuck off zel

>Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in,

49% fascist fellow traveler

Hello, fellow travelers. How do you do?

get on my level

another crypto fag here

I think the difference between those who have 34 and those with 37 is the question about people's worth, the 27 I think, the one based on race and IQ. I left it in the center because I agreed with the first part but disagreed with the second.

How? I tried to answer like I thought a fascist would answer and always chose the strongest opinions but I only got 89%.


We already live in a fascist system. The U.S. is fascist. You are already here kids, you have facebook and data collection as your papers please, you have political correctness as the new social law of order.

Fascism is simply socialism with an upper class elite capitalist privilege.

This means while all lower classes live in socialism, the upper class is free to compete with capitalist ventures.

It's basically a slave system where the upper class are free... you already live in it.

>to absolute vicotry

8/10 almost fell for it.

I think it's just a MS paint edit or something.


i hope not, it's fucking hilarious

Damn, son, did you really create the Orte empire and enslaved the elves and dwarves?

The question still stands, there are people on this thread with a higher percentage, I'm curious how I got fascist ideology wrong. I want to know the most fascist answers to each question.

The positions of the questions get randomized

54% here.

Hell yeah

Have you read fascist literature? At least the doctrines of fascism?

>constitutional libertarian
>still a fascist
oy vey

care to recommend some of those? Mein Kamf is sheit


47% fascist fellow traveler, 93% when I retook it and tried to be as fascist as I could.

Yes, a little bit. Obviously there are disagreements between different fascists. If you went through the quiz looking to get the highest percentage possible could you get higher?

The doctrine of fascism, by Benito Mussolini. I'll get the names of a few others in a minute.

Have you considered "The doctrine of Fascism" by Giovanni Gentile? That might be a good place to start.

In the test page, at the bottom. The paragraph in bold letters has a small list of authors and book titles

s-sorry I don't speak loser

You are 40% Fascist, which makes you a
Fascist Fellow-Traveler.

Quite strange, I got 77% (Ave Sieg il Duce 1488) and I love serving people; I have a gf and I treat her like my little princess and student, I am always helping my family, Always doing double the work in group assignments while really not caring about myself much.
My goal in life is to fix many things and then retire to work at my own small café until my hands are no longer functionional. Won't do much money and I will most likely life off my retirement money, but I can't stand being unproductive

Maybe, you are obviously a facist if you got 89%, I got 92%, it was most likely just a different answer on one question.


>tfw only 65% and thus not bona fide


>You are 61% Fascist, which makes you a

tfw you're not even a fascist.

Glorious 77%.

Fuck fascists

fuck off mud nigger


>You are 50% Fascist, which makes you a

>It would appear that there is a significant degree of agreement between your preferred political doctrines and those of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in, it is scarcely surprising that most people's political outlook will have quite a few similarities with the doctrines of fascism. However, even after taking these thresholds into account, the most likely interpretation of your answers on the test is that you are someone who is right on the verge of being a fascist proper. Now, maybe you don't think of yourself in that way, but nevertheless research in the social sciences has repeatedly shown that a significant percentage of the population is naturally attracted to authoritarian political doctrines (of which fascism is but one example). In fact, one study even found that in the case of people who are drawn to order and control, these values are more important to them than more mainstream political parameters, such as the traditional left and right. In all likelihood, those values are among the most important ones to you as well.

Literally one of the worst ideologies ever thought of.

Fuck Leftists

Who else old/pol/ here? Or are you all newfags?

59% crypto fascist

Siege Trump


Most of us are ""Crypto" ones

We truly became the jew

fascists need to be purged


we did

80+% Fascist- Furher
80-90% Fascist- SS Totenkopfverbände
70-80% Fascist- Allgemeine SS
60-80% Fascist- Waffen SS
50-60% Fascist- 14/88
25-50% Fascist- Komissariat (Filthy Commie)
