What does Putin want from Trump after helping him win the election?

What does Putin want from Trump after helping him win the election?

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A friend to talk to.



>someone spent the time to photoshop this

Galicia is one of the most conservative regions in Spain; their nationalism isn't nearly as popular as Catalonia's.

took a couple of hours because you have to find the right heads to match the perspective

Wait how did Putin help Trump in the election?

...d-did you make it?

you couldn't find a fatter man to fit trumps build?

No more NATO so he can take over west Europe and then cuck us once he gets powerful enough

I think he just wanted to fuck over Hillary more than anything. Trump just happened to be the enemy of his enemy.

Maybe you should think about the direction your life is heading

Tips for his hair.

We've all been there, brother.

Does anyone here know?

any other good ideas much appreciated, here in holland this kind of disrespectful shit is loved by the public, we do this shit all the time with our politicians and of other countries (actually everyone) like with erdogan and the poet in germany (remember?) We did/said even worse stuff cause it triggered and bothered us immensely. Merkel went too far.

if you can find me a better docking picture matching their body mass (dicks + faces) then go ahead and post it, i'll do the rest

if it takes you two hours to create gold, you would do the same.

you mean Sup Forums ?

“maybe we helped a bit with WikiLeaks.”


“There were contacts,” Sergei A. Ryabkov, the deputy foreign minister, was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. “We continue to do this and have been doing this work during the election campaign,”


>we do this shit all the time with our politicians
Noem eens een paar voorbeelden.

Eastern Europe ie Western Russia

Friendship :3

rutte, wilders, volgens mij ook Groenlinks en DENK binnenkort. photoshoppen ja sure, maar das toch helemaal niet zo erg als wat hansje ooit over de koningin heeft gezegd.

No, spending hours photoshopping/mspainting a politician's head onto gay porn.

Geert Wilders photoshopped into hitler (AKA Dutch Trump)

End of Nato, end of Syria war

Yeah here's some gold someone else made

>delete this



oh my fucking god. really though dont try to make trump look gross, old man dick is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY less gross than the roast beef she has down there.

and believe me, he's doing just fine down there.

and she is not. and i dont know what old lady pussy looks like and ive been lucky enough not to find out