What was the most difficult red pill for you to swallow?

What was the most difficult red pill for you to swallow?

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That God is dead and we are alone in a cold and uncaring universe

Abrahamic religions are best control tools of (((them)))


God exists.

What religion, if any, do you recommend?

>can't determine it is Greek Paganism for himself

Stop trying so desperately to cling to your kike on a stick religion goy-o

Not so fast, my friend.

That I'm completely alone in this world.

t. Dostoevsky

I'm not religious, neck beard.

Everyone is alone so it could be worse, you could be alone by yourself, but then you probably wouldnt live anyways.

Ya sure, my m'ate ?

Then you're a degenerate.
Be religious, just be religious in a non-slavish way.

High-technology civilization is morally wrong and also bad for you on an individual level.

Agnosticism isn't degeneracy.

You don't need religion to be just.
Believe what you want if you must.
>inbf4 fedora

eventual heat death of the universe

That Globalisation isn't actually bad and it is actually a good objective.

Joos are genetically related to Italians

By the way, Greek paganism sounds nerdy and cringey as fuck. Go fuck yourself, nerd.

that there are no such things as red pills

Wow you're a little bitch. The universe is impersonal, literally nothing personal kid.

That there are things in this universe that science really can't explain even in the face of investigation, testing and research. There might be a barrier of what we can understand as humans.
Abraham if they find out you're using technology they'll burn you at the stake.

9/11. I could deal with Jews, Globalism, Cultural Marxism, the Clintons, and the Washington CP Cartel, but the concept of the US Gov't being fine with Larry Silverstein killing 3000 people so he can cash out was harder than any.

That hell exists for eternity after your life ends on this ball of mud and you will have to accept that fact the same way you think you have to accept the grim reality that you think you're alone.

Whoa...mind blown. Fuck you and your flag.

that socialized healthcare is bad, but only because I enjoyed making fun of americans for not having "real healthcare"

I of course still do it, just as a troll and not seriously

Depends on if you like Disneyland or not.
Religion is the blue pill for life, to keep the masses reassured and complacent long enough to organize them.

The red pill refers to is correct. The question is, what do we do with that knowledge? Knowing the universe is cold and dark, we can create some light with our actions. While religion is a control mechanism to instill morality, morality itself is beneficial for survival in a society like humans have created. We can't create cooperation without tapping into animalistic fear drives by creating a false moral system.

Be a Christian if you're in a Christian country, become invested in the theology and structure, and it will help you make social connections and lend to your success. This only works if everyone else in your society is Christian. The Jews created an awesome social order through religious law, you can exploit their ancient proven system for your advantage.
Use their tools against them, master the tools and beat them at their own game.

That is the ultimate religious redpill. Prophets and cult leaders aren't crazy, they're very very calculated.

I guess I touched your wounds...

women may love you, but they will still have some back up dick to ride on to the sunset if they '''''''''''''have a moment of weakness''''''''''''

That's not a red pill, it's just you realizing you're a literal cuck.

I watched With Open Gates earlier today.
I knew the rapefugee situation was bad but that still struck me pretty hard.

god is real and they're with the jews...

Pretty disturbing.

women are a meme

Massacre of adult Muslims is the moral choice.

This, but without the religious part. I was redpilled when I realized my "best" friend was screwing me over and exploiting me without any sense of remorse or guilt. From that point on, I started questioning a lot of things.

Atheism or ignorant refusal of religion is akin to spiritual and philosophical retardation

Life and this world is nothing but a sick cosmic joke where whatever thing that created this hell hole laughs his sadistic ass off every waking hour at our misery like we're ants in a magnifying glass. People are, and always will be, absolute shitters that deserve death.

Nuclear war can't come soon enough and until then I'll stick with memes, manga, and animu.

In the end they're too powerful and you can't beat the system. We've already lost and we're watching a sinking ship hoping some how we can fix it in time.

My country is the worst place in the world and should be nuked.

>What was the most difficult red pill for you to swallow?
That my spic brethen are objectively stupid on average, and that I'll always be looked as inferior in the eyes of anglos and europeans even though I'm a smart spic with a certified IQ of 130.

If you believe any religion who will be coerced to follow moral guidelines that people set to constrain you.

You can pretend to believe in some religion though.

That the holocaust never happened/that the wrong side won WW2. Nothing quite as damaging as going 20 years thinking that our greatest ally was Israel, and that we were the white knights of this world, a shining city on a hill.

Only to realize we are in fact a fallen empire, a husk of what we could have been. That there really is no way to divert to a different path, and I was born just in time to watch the world slowly decay into chaos.

Life is just suffering with a few moments off what we call "happieness"

Fuck and I thought I had it rough.

All men are not created equal.

>most women are liberals by default.
>as an art person myself, the fact that art schools are liberal by default
>people are not interested in facts, they mostly support whatever their confirmation bias allows them to

these ones

Multiculturalism is a deadly gimmick

Probably totally fake story, but god I want it to be real. Some dumb slut got what was coming? Hell yes.

t. Houstus


Pretty smart boy indeed

That democracy and the American Way aren't perfect, they're good but flawed and that we can do better. 1776 was a good start for their time and place but it's not enough, a perfect society might not be possible but we can and must progress futher. Authoritarism and restricting freedoms in the name of a greater good are utter bullshit.

t. Last and First Men.

The biggest redpill in the art world, for me at least, was finding out that not everybody (heck! not even half) are in there for art's sake: they just want money/fame

Where does your morality come from?

That I am ultimately alone in this world and can only depend on myself regardless of my circumstances.

My wife's son is not my son.

That gays/lesbians have existed for centuries and are caused by a complex mix of genes/environment. However due to existing as a small percentage of the population, their acceptance in society phases in and out at what seems to be fluctuation in culture, but is actually pushed/revoked by those in power to distract the commoners from focusing on important societal issues like banker control and forced scarcity.

> t. happy merchant

None. You can still live an ethic lifestyle even if you don't have any particular religious affiliation.


Not all are born as powerful philipinos, me for example, I'm not as smart as I was thinking during the school years, but knowing your limits is a great strength.

true, so many attention whores with big egos, but the ones who are really there for sake of art are actually really cool and intelligent people

Left vs right don't exist.
Globalism vs nationalism doesn't exist.

It's Satan worshippers vs God worshippers.


>spits observable phenomenon
"all en were created equal"
I'm not even familiar with it. I'd guess that it does not refer to intrinsic qualities, but to natural rights.

What's the matter manny? Hey, i still think you'd have beaten floyd if you faced him the night you fought cotto

That reality as we know it is likely not real.

That in the absence of established religions like christianity, the State would become the moral guidance for todays youth and there is no way to separate them from their beloved state except for destroying one or the other

"You chose to be here, we didn't ask you". I heard that almost daily in USMC bootcamp and now years later, I realize how tough that was too hear, and how it applies and is a personal red pill for me. the place in my life I am at right now was my choice, I can't blame, or complain, or pout. So either I deal with my current situation, or stfu.

Evolution as a social species.


Pornography is absolutely disgusting. But we must take it.

(((They))) are behind everything.

The conspiracy theories seem a little less crazy nowadays.

Like all Redpills i assume that has documentation that lead you to this conclusion?

Please post it so I can stop tearing my hair out about whether tradition for traditions sake is bad.

The hardest pill to swallow was when I realized the only reason the elites are doing this shit is because they want humanity to die. They hate the world, and they want it to suffer. All their life they've lived under royalty, and that fucked them up. All of our systems point to an end (apocalyptic weapons and apocalyptic media), or a means to a social end (addictions and endless distractions that are the forefront of moral decay and infighting)

[spoiler] What really messed me up is when I realized that I had very much of the same thoughts the elites did [/spoiler]

All of the disinfo about Hitler I learned from school.

Women should not vote.

the tall man is not equal to the short man
the fat man is not equal to the muscular man
the beta is not equal to the alpha

>Women should not vote.

Scratch that. Head of household should vote only.

Do you have evidence for this? It makes sense. Western immigration policy is clearly suicidal, but I am interested in learning more.

>no gf

You are wrong that they want humanity to die. Most of them want power but don't care about others, however if humanity would die then they would die too. They need their drones and slaves to keep them alive.

>you can trust a dog more than you can ever trust a woman.

You can trust a lot of other things before even them my friend

>Most of the history up too about the Vietnam War is either unknown, poorly put together, or blatant propaganda
>Multiculturalism is not Multi-ethnic, and a majority of 'races' are actually just different cultural groups
>Religion is the easiest tool of control
>Communism and any other Utopian idea is doomed to fail, and only highly corrupt systems like capitalism can succeed simply because they account for human faults
>Machiavelli was right
>Nietzsche was right

5.56 < 7.62
9mm > .45
.22 can kill (proven by store shooter. Now I feel safe EDCing .25 ACP)

All the good things about the western civilization are because the church and the decadent spiral of the west is due its downfall

That the Jews actually ARE behind everything

Basically, the imagery of our society is an "end". A good, popular example is some recent movies show disasters and destruction. The news certainly shows that, obviously, and it's no surprise that we are showed multiple disclosures about what would "end" us (i.e Antibiotic resistance, Nuclear warfare, large-scale terrorist attacks, etc etc.). I'm not doubting these by any means, but it certainly has staying power within people's minds.

I also thought that, but they are at some level, nihilistic. Sometimes to an extreme extent. However, most of them are Nero types, they have their own sects of power, but are flawed and aren't afraid of showing it (i.e Soros interview that popped up a month ago). Considering the other crimes, there is probable internal conflict in their minds.

US hegemony is evil.

>Machiavelli was right
>Nietzsche was right
>I am 15 and I am smarter than you starter pack.jpg
""""Red"""" pill

>prophets and cult leaders aren't crazy, they're very very calculated

It depends. There are cult leaders who are truly insane and genuinely believe their stuff.

Here's a tip to help you through life: a good rule of thumb in gauging whether or not a belief system is intentionally designed to fuck with you is to figure out if it leads its believers into committing any of the "Nine Satanic Sins". These traits are universally weakening: they will always decrease a person's power and influence no matter the situation. Every sort of blue pill imaginable will inevitably force at least one of these on you.


>pic related
Not a single person on Earth could tell me that SJW-ism wasn't scientifically calculated by evil, cackling psychologists. Nine out of fucking nine.

Kek says hes a german

Remember the bias you probably only have like 110/100

that no one actually gives a shit about anyone...if they may, it just their own interest.

minimum wage causes more bad than good

Unless you have a constant influx of friends that love you, you will succumb to your addictions. Even then, you will succumb to your addictions. You know what? Fuck you.

No such thing for me.
I knew that the world is not how I know it, I was very sad about that and every redpill I found brought joy into my life.

But isn't that getting fixed with Trump? Seriously what did we fucking MAGA for?

Red pill is easy to swallow, because it simply means replacing delusion with reality. It's only hard if you're invested in a delusion. A bad idea to begin with, and not something you want to become