Ask a cult memeber anything

So I've been accused for apostasy against watchtower corporation.

I've been going around subtly red pilling multiple members of my cult, but now the game is up and my judgment day is upon me.

A woman attacked me in a parking lot screaming I was responsible for turning her husband "away from the truth!!!" (Yes we are encouraged to refer to the organization as "the truth")

Both my parents said when I'm disfellowshipped they will never speak with me again. I don't take this threat very seriously, but who knows how deep into the cult they've regressed.


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Weirdest shit? Spill the beans

Good for you, user.

What made you see the sham for what it was?

Had an elder turn an entire congregation into his harem, he had relations with every woman, and cucked several husbands. Pretty funny, he was in a congregation in my state, I knew him, but I didn't go, so I cannot confirm if it's "totally" true. But he definitely cucked a minimum of 5 husbands lmao

Do you praise anny god? if yes, which and what does it do?

I read the Bible.

This seems interesting. I got a handful for you.

> What does your cult believe in? What's a normal meeting like?

> Have you gotten anyone to leave the cult?

> Does your cult have any tactics to keep members in?

> How deep down the rabbit hole are these people?

Good for you man.
I was in your shoes 15 years ago.
Contact with my parents stabilized when I got married and had kids.
Hope it works out for you. It felt weird to be out of it. Still kinda does.
I know it's all bullshit but I still feel some brainwashed guilt whenever I celebrate some holiday or whatnot.

Did you worship frogs?

Do you know anything about the compound in Georgetown, Ontario?

We are an offshoot of Protestant beliefs, so we believe... I should say "they" now... believe god "jehovah" rules and will step down when jesus his son commences Armageddon, which btw is totally coming guys it's right around the corner here it comes

Are they going to come after you? Will they force you to defend yourself and pursue them like a game of Call of Cthulu while listening to Hendrix?

Since 1914! Any minute now

Ever got a look at this?
Cult founder was a prominent freemason, even had a freemason grave

Posting from phone so sorry about poor formatting

1. We believe typical Christian things, we are more like puritans in the sense we have to believe every word of the Bible is literal, which is hilarious because any child can see the obvious plagiarisms of the flood story.

2. We have pre assigned literature that we study every week, it's one sided but in a question and answer format, along with newly introduced indoctrination videos.

3. Yes many. The biggest weapon to force membership is the relatively new "shunning" rule. Any ex witnesses are completely shunned, minus forced exchanges such as the death of a mutual family memebr. The witnesses that remain are told the shunning will help the person return, super fucked up strategy.

4. Think ISIS level deep, but since it's a Christian religion there are no violent extremists.

I do not what is ir? Sounds juicy

It's supposedly one of their main headquarters in Canada, I'm from the area and there's nothing noteworthy there other than this several acre compound.

Oh that's a publishing center. We've seen this in our indoctrination videos. It's most likely innocent, but I have never been so I'm just going off what I've heard and what I think. Check it out sometime, they usually have no qualms about visitors, in fact if you're not a witness you may get specially treatment.

cool thx.

My entire upbringing centered around this bullshit organization. My 'family' is fractured beyond repair and are all selfish and fake and useless. It's thanksgiving and I'm here alone because I don't have any friends because I've been sheltered from 'the world' my entire life among other reasons
Fuck this cult does some profound thing to the human psyche I don't know what to make of it.

Sup Forums is your friend now

Do Jehovas witness claim a prophet post Jesus?

Wish I could buy ur thanksgiving dinner bud, you need real humans to spend time with. What's your area code?

One of my friends met this girl online, married her, moved to salt lake city (((underground mega cult))) never saw him again.

OP is a Jehovah's Witness?

I'm also in this cult, and I'm scared to try and leave in fear of my family disowning me. Do you have any idea how to deal with this, or are you just as clueless as I am. Either answer would make me feel better at this point.

I wanna post and say I'm a JW but I still believe in most of the stuff heavily such as
>Not celebrating pagan shit
>No hell
>There being a god
However I don't go to church too often. My only complaint is the self righteousness from certain people can be physically disgusting. My cousin for instance, I made a comment about Russia and she said that people there are preventing our "brothers and sisters" from preaching (brothers and sisters being people in the religion) and how they'd all be destroyed in the end of the world. So it bugged me that this person whom doesn't know a damn thing of what god's plan is, could outright say that and claimed to be devout.

how do you deprogram other JWs? alot of them come to my door and i try to give them actual biblical arguments against what they are taught. they never actually answer anything I bring up but try to act like they need to bring me to their bible study.

Oh and the pope is a degenerative fuck trying to pretend that some sins can be forgiven just because he says so.

Bill Clinton may be charismatic but I wouldn't call him a cult leader user..

My best friend was a JW, very chill and his whole family was pretty okay with me being an outsider.

Then he got married to some hardliner woman who forbade him from talking to or seeing any non-Witnesses and that was that. He was always kind of an easygoing (sometimes too much) guy, so it's no surprise he let his wife dictate the terms of their entire relationship.

Half of me understands, but half of me is still pissed off and hurt over being dropped so nonchalantly.

>i try to give them actual biblical arguments against what they are taught
the basic beliefs are generally more Biblical than a lot of sects that just flat out made shit up or copy and pasted pagans. You could try some of the "you don't have to belong to a super organized machine church" stuff though.

FUCK (((JEWhovah))) and FUCK kikehovah's witnesses.

