Can we agree that Goebbels is the most Jew-looking non-Jew ever?

Can we agree that Goebbels is the most Jew-looking non-Jew ever?

Reinhard Heydrich was "jew looking" too, the fuck's your point, nigger?


I honestly could have sworn my teacher telling us he was Jewish himself.

martin shkreli

He was a neet until his life got meaning
>I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

Okay, your teacher is Jewish. What's that have to do with Goebbels?

>Sup Forums in the 1930's

love this guy.

Goebbels has always been my favorite.

Apart from this chinless manlet specimen of the glorious ubermenschen.




Was he OK?

no, but he was right in the end

damn relatable

i also thought kevin o leary was jewish, weird that he isn't

>implying he wasn't

He looks like my grampa, actually, and I'm 100% goy

We'll win this time.

Honestly, I don't think he looks Jewish. he doesn't have the hair or facial hair. He just looks like a very skinny, smallish man.

nein. jews have large facial features either they have big ears fucked noses or their mouth looks like they have 200 teeth.
Goebbels have slight keen features very European.

Obviously that he had some self loathing, you cuck

Oy vey you stupid goyim Goebbels was 100% German

is it the nose? i've seen french people with big noses.

Gas her too just in case.



Oops I misread.

I thought non-Jew-looking Jew.

>Not Jewish


We're well familiar with that effect here in Israel, all the Arab looking Mizrachim who are sometimes indistinguishable from them, hate Arabs the most fiercely and most vocally.

Yeah but Germans had no idea what a Jew looks like irl.

That's precisely what teens who leave the West to join ISIS say.

What is Jew?

> please explain

exotic species?

thats everyone at one point or another. Alot of people, even scholars seem to frame the life situation of the high ranking nazis as failures who somehow got power but would have otherwise been failures for life. They don't seem to realise that unusually successful people were failures and failed a lot too in the beginning of their adult life or earlier as well. And that pretty much everyone gets to success through failing many times unless they are simply privelaged and get their position in their life either entirely or largely from the right birth and/or knowing the right people.

It seems to be an american thing, an attitude where people are either losers or winners, for life. That they are born that way and die that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-nazi or a nazi sympathiser, but having a lot of failure in your life doesn't mean you're a bad person and/or a useless/defective person. Being successful doesn't make you a good person either.

how could they not? there were jews everywhere in germany and they were prominent in the cultural sphere. The nazi stereptye of what jews looked like is a caricature of ashkenazi jews who don't look northern/central/eastern european.

I thought mizrahi were usually whiter looking then arabs?

the toothy semitic smile is really cute and charming on girls.