Wins by more than 2,000,000 votes

>Wins by more than 2,000,000 votes
>Isn't president

Explain this bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

You must be new here. Allow me to explain. You have to go back.

She lost. She didn't win anything. Not even the Dem primaries.

How can yo be an American and not understand how the process works? Are you ten?

how do these fucking threads even get replies, its such obvious bait at this point. its like CTR samefagging, its all for the (you)'s but YOU retards keep falling for it.

Trumptarian thread? Trumptarian thread!

It's actually happening

I've never seen Trumptards this scared before

Electoral college ensures that you have to campaign across the country and that everyone's vote actually matters instead of having candidates just chill in very populated cities.

>Explain this bullshit.

The system uses electors allocated to states and not a popular vote system.

The results illustrate the point of that system; extra voters in certain states cannot overturn the will of smaller states.

The votes of lowlife stoners from California dont count as much as the votes of hard working people from the Midlands.
I see no problem here.

We live in a "republic." Not a "democracy." Google the definitions :)

Aw, you don't know about the electoral college or google?

Here, I'll get you started;

5,000,000 fraudulent votes from illegal Mexicans in California.

see fuck off back to
stop bumping this shit

There's no such thing as a popular vote. There's 50 state elections that are then weighted for the final result.

Agreed. I manage full-time graduate school and a job that I only have to work at for 2 days/week to pay rent. They use 6-month hair follicle tests for the majority of drugs before hiring and they pay incredibly well. (Shitty job tho, I might add). I really hope Canada adopts California. I foresee a civil war among the contradictory beliefs of the fascist left.

Back in 1992 the Chicago Bulls had less assists than the Portland Trailblazers in the NBA Finals. The Bulls had more points.

The Trailblazers should have won because assists are a sign of good team players and strong fundamentals. It was merely a technicality that the Bulls put the ball through the hoop morw often. I know points are the way the rules say you win, but the Trailblazers should have been champions. The rules need to change!

>including 3 million illegal votes


>3 million illegals vote
>isn't in jail

Explain this bullshit

Your delusion of grandeur came tumbling down abruptly so it has registered as denial and anger regarding your current situation. You are unsure of the validity of the election, regardless of your arrogance prior, and now your faith in the system has been shaken to its core. With your foundation crumbling and your sanity dwindling, you find little left to do than to call in sick from work/university to shitpost on a japanese image board to state your dismay.

Welcome to depression. We'll be here for another 4 years. Please enjoy your stay.

fuck off retard

Do burgers score football by the number of yards covered?


For the umpteenth time, it's a republic not a direct democracy, you need to win the votes of the states not just the major cities.

>I've never seen Trumptards this scared before

every living being on this planet should fear mob rule

Illegal immigrant votes are pity votes and don't really count. Imagine having to put a child's drawing on the fridge even though it's god awful and they're not your child. Plus the fridge is empty.

I i wasnplaying scrabble with my buddy, and he put Xantham on a triple word score, with the X on a triple letter square.

I should have blocked the triple letter, but I thought I had enough points to get away with playing it slow and steady. I told him he wouldn't have won without using that square. He agreed. So I called him a cheater and said I won.

He won't play scrabble with me anymore.

Look mom I posted it again

If elections were decided by popular vote, there would be no incentive for smaller states to remain in the Union because they would effectively have no say over their own governance.

Because the representative opinion of each state is more important than the opinion of each individual.

Think of each state as a person: a part of the country that is unique and influenced by different aspects of the political landscape. Each of these states needs to be fairly represented in the vote.

The perfect case in point is the majority of the population who lives in major cities. Their political opinions aren't shaped by the same things as the people living in the small towns.

Wow a bunch of illegal and dead voters.
I actually like how she got more votes because it makes her supporters even more salty.

>hurr durr lets give the choice of the presidency to California and New York every time

USA has never elected someone based on popular vote. shilfags only mad because their candidate lost fair and square