Its that time again, we exact social justice, no tolerance and all solutions for the fat question are on the table

Its that time again, we exact social justice, no tolerance and all solutions for the fat question are on the table.

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Sorry ahmed she's white, heres a shitskin just for you

is this how they kept niggers fresh when they shipped them to america

Thread theme:



fat is beautiful

What like the time someone posted a fat cunt dancing and this entire board got sand in their vagina? Good luck.

you just don't understand other people



fat people are funny and talented

The diet industry is run by jews for the purpose of making white women decrease their fertility through eating disorders. Women should not look "toned" and "fit" like men. The ideal female body weight is 10-20 lbs overweight.

>I have buyers remorse when I look at my fat wife

what the fuck

>fatpeople ate thread

Yes they did.

>If you were born a man and became a woman, you are still a man
>If you were born thin but became a fatass thing, you are no longer human

You fucking shitlords don't know anything about these women, they all likely excessive daily and keep healthy that way. You can't fucking tell someone's health just by looking at them you fucking idiots. What if they have thyroid issues and can't control their weight, or they're genetically predisposed to be larger than whatever some skinny privaledged doctor calls "normal"? No wonder you cunts are all angry virgins, none of these goddesses would touch you you Cheeto stained virgins.

Stay mad, your white male tears sustain me.

Honestly if we want to fix the obesity epidemic we need to educate the lower class and help bring them out of poverty. Poor people are disproportionally overweight because they eat shit cheap food like McDonalds and they have no self control. We need to educate them to practice self control and to develop healthy eating habits from a young age.

I also think we need to squash the whole "love your body" thing. If you aren't in shape you should hate your body so it motivates you to get back in shape. This whole fat acceptance movement has allowed people to become complacent. We need to get these fat lards off their asses and burning calories.

2/10 bait m8. You're not even trying.

>likely excessive daily
Yes, I agree.

> Get yourself a gimmick, and you, too, can be a star !


How is woman in OP's pic even alive? Reminds me of this little gem for some reason.

Must smell wonderful.


What they never show you is the poo. How much poo does a human this big produce? How do they clean it up? Does it just collect there where they can't reach? Gross.

>Can't reach
Yup. Can't wipe what you can't fucking reach.

kek americans and their 'MUH cheap fast food' fast food isn't cheap. oh and when that lie is dispelled , it shifts to , 'well ok it's cheaper to cook at home, but MUH food desert' . people are fat because they are addicted to garbage food, not because it is cheap, and not because it is the only thing available.

god bless the usa

never ever in life does all that shit only have 900 calories and 37g of fat.


I hold high fructose corn syrup in especially high suspicion.

>not because it is cheap
It is cheap. If you go to a grocery store, you can get some fresh organic meals for 40 bucks, or you can buy a 10 pound bag of fried Buffalo wings for like 3 bucks. Not to mention how cheap shit like twinkies are



Hey obvious bait but I'm bored so I'll bite.

These are all on a TLC show My 600 pound life.
Every single episdoe shows their life. All are deviod of exercise. All are fat fucks that don't exercise and eat 4000 to 8000 callories a day. They are too fat to walk without breathing hard. They can't even exercise. It pains their body because the fat crushes their fucking knees and organs.

The show follows people who get gastric bypass surgery and follows whether they recover or not. Only 2% of patients change their life so they actually weigh as much as a person. Most don't fucking change their eating habits or portions afterwards.

Lay off the fatty and sugary foods and you too will no loger need a truck scale to weigh yourself, fatass.

in Poland:
1kg of potatoes:$0.5
1kg of chicken fillet: $3
a portion of a salad: $1

Big Mac set: $4

Poor guy.

This ain't Poland nigga. I don't have pics or anything but as an example, organic, whole grain granola cereals are easily 2-3x a bigger box of sugary crap cereal

For last few years in Poland, there is a fad for healthy food and shit. In schools, we have normal dinners, pic related, not pizza and burgers. I only saw once in my lifetime someone who did weight more than 150kg.

I bet he is a real asshole to everyone outside his home, like a cunt in his truck and a cunt at the shops. Probs gotta be so angry inside with his woman destroying herself so selfishly like so.

>per person
>MCdonald's for FOUR

They have kids and everything. He must of been pretty drunk those nights, to make that happen.

What do straight men get out of this? A sense of conquest, like climbing Mount Everest? Please explain this.

>Herp a derp, 4 bags of chips on sale for a knickle, is not cheaper than a $6 salad mix that will last a week if I'm lucky.

>N before just buy the salad ingredients you lazy fuck

It would cost $12 to buy all the ingredients to make a salad. The ingredients rot after a week or maybe two if you are very lucky and have a tolerance for floppy veggies.

I am dirt poor syrup nigger. You can just step outside and suckle on a maple tree, but down here it is different.

I grit my teeth and go without something so I can spend too much on healthy fresh food. I even try to buy canned and frozen as often as possible so they last loger.

I'm a straight man and I just get out when I see this shit. Truly, mental illness is alive and well.

That's quite a lot. Not as common as these threads would have you think

life imitating art...

It's usually that otherwise attractive men are in this type of relationship, and I cannot imagine why. My mind can't compute this, my kernel dies.




look out, plebs!!!

God, I hate when adults act like babies over unappetizing food. Bet you when they were a kid they were even more overdramatic so their parents never forced them to eat what they did not want to est.
Or their parents were fat fucks that ate candy and shit so they never learned the concept that food does not have to give you a endorphin rush every time you eat.

actually lmao

The other part is lots of people develop emotional associations with food. They eat to feel better rather than because they are actually hungry.

put that thing in a cage, give it a bucket to shit in, and toss it meat...

>They love them for their personality you fat hater!

Honestly low self esteem.
They view themselves as deserving of women like them. Sometimes it's guilt because the ham beast waited until they snatched him to start stuffing their face so he feels like he would be a dick to leave after they gained weight.


What in the fuck? Why?