I am a Golden Dawn member for over 10 years

Ask me anything


Whats your opinion on the 21st Waffen SS Division?

Fascist dictatorship when?

Hello, my fellow ortodox senpai. Day of rope in Greece when?

>21st Waffen SS Division

Based Albanians.There were many greeks from north erirus too in that division

How accurate was Die Hard?

People are waking up.Especially with the refugee crisis

wtf I love Islam now

First time I see a Greek praising Albanians.

very accurate

What do you think of Sweden?

Albanians that genocided ethnic greeks on northern Epirus
Thats how far the patriotism of GD goes
They would murder their mother for a chance to suck on some aryan cock

What is your endgame?

Do you like Spirit of the Patriot?

Muh genocide

What are the main teachings of the golden dawn?

Ive been a fan of Golden Dawn for a few years, glad to see you guys posting. Would you take some white americans?

HowCan I join the golden dawn?

I have been there.Many many cucks and arabs.I have friend from Nordic Resistance.Pretty based people

Ofcourse.Now with trump you showed us you aint cucks.

You are welcome anytime

Old Golden Dawn was pure national socialist.
Now its more "softcore".People are not ready yet to talk about it.Too much propaganda against him