A new study conducted at Harvard University shows that Donald Trump supporters had a significantly lower IQ than Hillary Clinton supporters.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study’s lead author, explained that people of low intelligence gravitate toward ideologies which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice.

The study's results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical role in whether someone supported Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton for president.

Other urls found in this thread:

Study: Hillary voters significantly more salty about the elections

"lets double down on the insults, that will surely work"

But harvard is full of niggers
Story checks out

If they are so smart, how come they lost the election?

Low quality b8.


>people of low intelligence gravitate toward ideologies which stress resistance to change

Trump is change. Clinton was more of the same.


nigga pls


Kek it makes sense

Often the elites are the most indoctrinated.

>no source

Average IQ of whites in the US is over 100.
Almost 60% of whites voted for Trump.
Most minorities (average IQ about 90 overall) voted for Clinton.
While I'd say whites who voted Clinton are smarter on average than whites who voted for Trump, the stats make it obvious that Trump supporters were smarter on average.

I guess Hodson is ready to admit niggers have worse IQ.

>The IQs of every voter was conducted and there fore we know for a fact.

No shit people became hillary supporters after being indoctrinated in universities, people became trump supporters from actually working in the real world.

Clinton had 88% of the black vote right?

I rest my case

>tfw to hi iq too be employable

STUDY: OP still sucking cocks

but trump waa running on a platform of change, hillary was the status quo candidate. are you retarded?

also, good thing the replicability of social sciences is SO CONSISTENTLY HIGH, practically STEM.

You dont need a study to know this.

>a professor of psychology

Wow, what a concrete and totally not subjective at all field of study.




somones salty

>Donald Trump supporters had a significantly lower IQ than Hillary Clinton supporters.
where's the proofs

>a degree in liberal arts makes you educated

wait, I thought IQ was a worthless measure of intelligence and only measured how well you can take exams?

So if we can publish articles about IQ levels of Trump supporters can we do the same for niggers?

>tfw graduate student with 112 IQ
>still voted trump

Well if there's there's one thing I think of when debating with a Clinton supporter it's "brilliance". All of that cursing and name calling whilst providing no facts or stats just screams "intellect" to me.

Yeah, for sure. All those under-performing blacks and Mexicans and college kids are the best and brightest.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study’s lead author, explained that people of low intelligence gravitate toward ideologies which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice.

resistance to change

literally every news report credits trumps win to 'people wanted change'

so by dr gordons standard hillary voters are the ones with low iqs, and the people who suffer from prejudice.

the left might actually be retarded.

>winning 88% of 12% of the population

trump won the best black voters anyway

Donald Trump's term just got four years longer

>Trump supporter here
>142 IQ
>somehow I must have a low IQ because I voted to save our country

>Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study’s lead author, explained that people of low intelligence gravitate toward ideologies which stress resistance to change
>people of low intelligence gravitate toward ideologies which stress resistance to change
>resistance to change
Trump was the candidate for change.

Harvard faggots are so smart that they think they can win an election by informing the public of how dumb they are.

Go ahead, faggots. Keep telling us about your intellectual superiority. Keep losing. See if we give a fuck.

>(((Gordon Hodson)))

>1 post by this ID

Y'all fell for that sick-ass bait.

What are they trying to even get at

It's weird to me that these people say that they're for the common man, but when the actual common man votes against them, they call him a retard and that his vote is illegitimate because he doesn't know what's good for him and he's fucking a white male.

When the blue collar voted for Obama twice, my pops(who worked blue collar jobs when he was younger) blamed it on the teamsters who force their workers to vote blue in order to maintain the union status quo, whilst the teamsters get their shitty kickbacks from the dem party. I don't remember any republican ever slandering low IQ voters. Yes, Harvard, the uneducated have just as much of a say as you do in elections. Isn't that what you want? for the little guy to have his fair shake?

fucking faggots

>trying to make fun of people for their (((IQ)))
Liberals eh

So 16 years of indoctrination is what you're going on?

>it's acceptable to point to and insult low IQ white trash
>you can't do the same for niggers and beaners, who are far worse and vote Democrat
Harvard should be burned to the ground.


Harvard study shows Hillary voters suck more cock by choice than Trump voters.

>Being so assblasted about losing that you further prove a democracy is flawed becuase Aristotle and the Village Idiot cannot have the same weight in elections

>resistance to change is the lower IQ
>business and corruption as usual is the most change


>specializes in understanding bias and prejudice
>is extremely biased and prejudiced


They seem to have enough IQ to not falling for a multi million dollar fundraiser scam that had no legal information on its webpage.

Yes, continue this path of failure, democrats. Insult voters more.

Going to a jewniversity to go in debt does not make you smart.

>get beaten by somebody
>call them dumb
This means you are even dumber, op.


blacks confirmed for staying home on election night

minorities don't vote for democrats. minorities get registered to vote by the democrats, and after they fail to show up to a couple of elections their registration is used by bussed in voters to vote for democrats.

That's why they never show up on these studies as having voted, because they get asked if they voted, and say "no"

You think the indoctrination stops when these people go to work? They're still the same idiotic type of people who just read studies published from circlejerk groups in university as study material so they can join in with the circlejerk, not to really form any kind of independant thought. Of course it is encouraged to form such thoughts, but they're minimum at best.

As if STEM isn't the same kind of circlejerk. My ''STEM'' degree curriculum was 2/3 of bullshit courses as well, and it took me a little over 4 year to get the shitty degree because some courses were intentionally made near impossible to pass since assignments on test were very different from ones given.

Fuck university, if employers didn't ask for a degree I would have never went. I also don't feel that I've grown particularly smarter from going to university itself. Education is more or less a meme at this point, but still one employers buy. While in reality from what I experience on a day to day basis people with a degree can be either smart or stupid, it doesn't have a guarantee.

I had an IQ of 164 last time i was tested, and I voted for Trump out of sheer bitterness towards $hillary. Anyway, it isn't right to say that peoples opinions matter less b/c they're less intelligent. Black people also tend to score lower on IQ tests, but I doubt that you would want to disenfranchise them.
IQ is total bullshit anyway: you're scores can easily be warped if you've taken a lot of written tests, or if you're autistic and took the test as a child. It's really only useful for testing if someone is severely retarded: that's what it was invented for.

>everyone who voted also took an IQ test verifying their IQ

libshits will say anything to maintain their superiority complex go back to sucking jew cock you faggot

I only just realized how many typos were in that comment. Fuck!

>voting out of sheer bitterness
IQ only gets you so far, you lazy cocksucker. I know plenty of highly intelligent people who can't even rationalize the merits/deficits of the right and the left or who fell inexplicably on the left because of feelings. I agree with you that IQ is just about useless but wanted to make sure you have the self awareness to realize you're living proof. You're in your own science experiment, mate.

There was actually a book ''IQ and global inequality''

This book states that global inequality by GDP is largely attributed to the average IQ of the inhabitants in a nation. It got attacked by Swedecucks and the likes because they say ''IQ tests are racist and against Africans'' while the funny thing is that the literature and IQ tests that were used in the book were changed to the Africans their language and so that the Africans would very clearly understand every question.

These weren't some bunk IQ tests done. Some other profcucks said it was inaccurate due to international students their scores showing something much else. While that is such a bullshit argument, of course international students score higher because to get a chance to be an international student they need to be very smart and talented (or have very wealthy parents).

But this kind of science is deemed racist and likely if you would do this type of research you would get your butt kicked from an university and creditentials revoked.

>A new study conducted at Harvard University shows that Donald Trump supporters had a significantly lower IQ than Hillary Clinton supporters.
>heres another (((study))) by (((experts))) explaining how bad you are for voting trump ya dumb cattle

>Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study’s lead author, explained that people of low intelligence gravitate toward ideologies which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice.
>voting for a wildcard candidate that is a complete 180 from the decades long political status quo is resisting ((((change)))) also here's some buzzwords about how hateful and retarded you are even though we have a multi billion dollar 24/7 hate campaign against you and every other westerner who thinks they should be free to chose their government officials

>The study's results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical role in whether someone supported Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton for president.
>vast majority of blacks and hispanics vote hillary while majority of whites vote trump but somehow trump voters aggregate IQ is lower because dumb white cattle Also IQ has no racial bearing goy and whites only score higher because of privilege but in this case all whites that voted for trump are drooling retards while the 80%+ of minority hillary supporters are genius level high school drop outs but white privilege because oppression magic

TRUMP supporter here: mechanical engineer & national sales manager. I guess I'm just lucky then. maybe all the white privileged I experienced while being raised by a single alcoholic mom in a trailer park.

>lol look we are smarter than our political opponents!!

Typical leftards

>we have scientifically determined that Trump voters are stupid
>and they stink too
>science proves it!



>Quick let's insult people some more, that will surely win us the election next time!

Fucking retards need to delete this. Seriously. It only makes them look worse.

>resistance to change



>1 post by id
>no source

Has anyone here actually read the study?
It's about as scientifically sound as The Bell Curve, you should accept it and stop calling numbers racist or mean.

How much do you want to fucking bet that they excluded nigger IQ in their study?

>resistance to change

I voted Jill and prefer Hillary to Trump but I mean come on.

Niggers are only 12% of the population, they can't swing the averages that much tbqh

So this.... is the power of... Fake news...

>resistance to change
>voting for the chaos candidate
What the fuck is this guy talking about

Sounds pretty classist t b h f a m

or this

Lemme guess, the study was dont by the same people who made all those accurate predictions before election?

>We don't need to unite the country! Let's just get the elites, academics, and "enlightened" people together ad try to forcibly dismantle the working man
>Whoops! We forgot that over decades of shit policy everyone is a working man.

very underrated question

So much grasping at straws and tears. This election just keeps giving, lads.

So Trump won because he managed to secure the black votes?

Study conducted by liberals at a liberal university concludes what liberals expect it to conclude. News at 5.

>lose an election because of insults and derogatory rhetoric........double down on same.
Yep them liberals are sure smart.

This can be proven false simply by using the ethnic makeup of the voters. 90% of blacks voting Hillary by itself would make the democrat IQ average lower. Math beats propaganda, every time.

This might be the single best summary I've seen.

This confuses me as well, she was literally the status quo option.

Whats up with cucks and high IQ?
I never understood this meme

Le authoritarian personality meme

People who believe these studies have a significantly lower I.Q. than those who do not.

>professor at a Canadian public university

really stimulates the electric current in my cranium

>New study shows that people who voted Trump have low IQs
Old studies show that nobody was going to vote for Trump in the first place. You think they're going to be right now?

>If they are so smart, how come they lost the election?
This, if they are so god damn smart why didn't they tweak there own campaign to cater to the low i.q plebs?

Literally: You are st00pid for having an opinion that differs from mine. Pretty immature IMO

>Most blacks voted for Hillary
>Most whites voted for Trump
>Blacks have a higher iq than whites

Wow really made me think

Before the election they said Trump supporters were poor uneducated retards.

Post-election analysis shows Trump matched Clinton in college grads, and won the $50k to $90k income demographic, which they then said showed that Trump had no appeal to the common man.

Now we're back to this shit again.

Im waiting to hear it from a liberal. It will be funny to answer blacks have less average IQ

I think his conclusion is not valid. I was not required to take an IQ test in the voting booth. Maybe its different in other states, but in mine you don't get tested for IQ in the voting booth.

>won the $50k to $90k income demographic, which they then said showed that Trump had no appeal to the common man.

MSM sure are retarded. 50k - 90k is middle class. The middle class probably aren't common anymore but that's King Nigger's fault for killing off the middle class and making everyone equally poor.

I blame Common Core.