/capitalists/ BTFO

/capitalists/ BTFO

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Yeah, the leddit faggots were praising this gif too on that anti-rural white post.

Woah, which subreddit is this from?


It's a comment on the top post on leddit right now about LBJ shitting on white people, check it out.

Really activates your almonds

wtf i love mao now

I don't get it.

>dude... corporations are like... evil... man

What do you mean? They are capitalizing off someone else's joke done ages ago.
Also, do i really want to be that twat on the right? Or any of them. Life isn't that simple.
Also, the distract the middle while snatching from them is what the US government has done.
Also, The guy on the right wouldn't look too out of place at a Hillary/Obama/EU/UN conference.
Trump isn't going to be much better but leftist "solutions" haven't done anything. Simply instigated racial animosity...who helped that agian? Oh yeah... super wealthy Soros. Beloved by the left and "antifa".

>implying they arent greed materialized

Yeah, fu-fuck Corporations, right guys!?

>Society is a zero-sum game

>dude.. rich people have like... too much money man... they should like just... give their money away... you know?... we're all just people man... it's only fair

>implying your envy is better
envy has killed more people that greed, prove me wrong

Fuck you. Fucking brainwashed 3rd world "needy Latino" Marxist scum. It's always the 3rd world subhumans that blame their problems on whites and capitalism.

You're poor because you're an retarded 76 IQ Indian. You're the scum of the earth.

Everything about Latin America should be nuked. We need to replace the mestizos and Indians with actual white. I know you're gonna claim you're white because your gret-great-great times 1000 was from Sicily.

Number 1 on the FRONT PAGE and it even has a REDDIT GOLD


The Alt Right is finished!

>the autism
its a fact fucking autists

corporations function like a machine, their purpose is to make money
every decision they make is based on whether its beneficial or not to their objective. its not a conspiracy or anything, they teach you that in school

when did I say that

envy and greed are made up words, can you really say you know how many people were killed by greed or envy?
even then think about any dictatorship, thats pure greed
can you really say envy killed more people than greed?

lmao fucking sperg

>dude... corporations like... try to make money man. thats just evil. you need to like... open your mind bro

>envy and greed are made up words, can you really say you know how many people were killed by greed or envy?

Why does the anglosphere have such a cancerous effect on everything it comes in contact with?

They're trying to raid Sup Forums an user posted their discussion thread about trying to turn this place into a leftist board. Like everyone else, from stormfags, and CTR, they will fail in their attempt to control this place.

Time for goredumps to scare the faggots away?

>envy and greed are made up words
then why did you use it?

>think about any dictatorship, thats pure greed
how so? last I check dictators usually gain power through the promise of "taking from the rich and giving to the poor"
this board's hero is a great example of this:
>the envy of the jews

all communist dictators fall in the same category