You have ONE nuke

One 50 megaton nuke to alter the course of history for better or worse. Which country or location would you use it on and why?


Makes the Wehrmachts job easier.

Mexico. It's a disgusting 3rd world shit hole and the crappiest neighbor ever.

Germany. This is the third time they've fucked up Europe, no more mercy (or rapefugees!)

North pole


Middle East

Fuck every single country in that shithole. Birthplace of Civilization will be the end of it if we don't act first.



Germany. Humorless people.



Nuking any single country with one 50 megaton nuke wouldn't solve much in the log run.

I'd drop it on Greenland. Melt them Ice caps real good.

India Pakistan

so is this the leaf master plan?

Israel, or Mecca.


Can't get to Europe if the path is an irradiated shithole.

Mecca or Ankara

Tel Aviv. To knock some sense into the Juden.

id blow up the damn yankees and lincoln and have the south take over the north and enslave all of them yella bellied nigger lovers tear dowm those wretched factories and every southern gentleman that fought for the stars and bars and dixie would get their own plantation home and wed never industrialize but sip on tea on our porches widdling and listen to the cicadas roarin in the summertime

Mecca is the only correct answer


Canada. The answer is ALWAYS Canada. Some times the little teacher's pet suckup gets his ass kicked first.

i would nuke japan before they attacked pearl harbour to delay america entering into the war....might not give any better an outcome but it would be interesting to see.

D.C. would be great to root out all the entrenched corrupt establishment.

Sauce/name on pic?

its not germans mate its the crypto jews that are controlling them, we need to liberate our kraut cousins and reclaim the west.

blame germany for you declaring war on them. how about drop a fucking nuke on wherever winston churchill was born i don't give a fuck.

Africa, in summerbreak when all the shitskins here are vacationing in Morocco. The rest of Africa is just collateral damage


Switzerland in 1987.

>No Zionism
>No Frankfurt School
>literally all problems solved

Sorry, 1897.

>tell Germany that if it invades Poland there will be war
>Germany invades Poland
kill yourself

yes fuck mexico, make sure you take out as many
drug fields as possible.

gernany didnt exactly 'invade poland' though did it, they moved to reclaim territory that had been illegaly taken from them and to protect ethnic germans that where being persecuted in said territories...kinda like the whole putin/crimea situation to a degree.

Bethlehem, year 0.
