Two cops instigate a car chase without just cause and three people died

>a driver makes illegal turn
>gets pulled over by cops
>cops find a drug related warrant for the driver
>driver speeds off
>cops give chase with speeds up to 100mph
>driver being chased smashes into a car with two adults and a child
>the two adults and child are killed, driver being chased survives
>cops arrest driver
>driver charged with the deaths of two adults and child

Three innocent people are dead including a child over muh war on drugs and some bullshit illegal turn. Sure the driver that sped off and crashed into the victims should share some blame. The chase didn't need to occur though. The cops were reckless in thier actions and needlessly endangered the public over two bit traffic and drug tickets. Innocent people are dead because the cops instigated and pursued a reckless street chase. Because of this how much blame should the cops share in the incident? Accessory to murder seems like a good start.

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shouldnt have drove off. drug addicts should just be hund and then we were done with their little antics

>driver speeds off

I fought the law and the, law won!

this is b8

>Speeds off
What's the issue here?

>driver speeds off

And this is exactly why everything went to shit.

>>driver speeds off
Burgers being this retarded.

>dealer speeds off
>resists arrest
>breaks law
>crashes and kills
>cops fault

I bet you support BLM burning down cities, stop baiting.

Nope. Cops didn't need to pursue this shit so hard. If would be one thing if the car being chased had armed bank robbers or some shit. It didn't though. Three people are dead because of cops pursing a criminal guilty of victimless crimes. The cops aggression created the situation and as such they bear some responsibility for the blame. Stop licking the cops boots and man the fuck up over the situation.

>No just cause
>Driver speeds off because they found out he had a drug warrant

What did he mean by this?

>driver speeds off

kys faggot

>What did he mean by this?
meant the guy was caught with a couple joints in his pocket a few years ago and flipped the bird to the cops rather then pay the fine

>if they try hard enough to evade the law, just let them
drop the proxy leaf

>Three innocent people are dead including a child over muh war on drugs
Yeah, the guy was sentenced to run from the police, right? These people are dead because of the selfish drugtard who thought he was god and could escape the cops.

Coleman "takes off from the parking lot with disregard to everything he does," county homicide Det. Scott Scherer said. "He doesn't look, doing 30 or 40 mph out of the parking lot."


also fuck the nigger that ran away from the cops. He shoulders 100% of the blame and anyone that says otherwise (like OP) is a massive faggot.

fuck off nigger

Nope. He was dealing

Specific details on the underlying drug case weren't immediately available, but online court records show Coleman was on probation for a 2012 drug possession case when he was charged with drug possession with intent to deliver in March. He was sentenced to jail, but then paroled and had his probation on the former case extended.

There are many police departments that do have this policy in the US. Its not worth risking the lives of the general public over nonviolent offenders. FFS this is the real world we are talking about here not some tough on crime hollywood blockbuster from the 1980s. Innocent people are dead because cops acted recklessly rather then bide their time over a two bit offender.

>it's law enforcement's fault that niggers had a nigger moment


>If you arrest them, they win

Wrong. They are dead because a drug dealing thug nigger crashed into them while running from the consequences of their actions.

Cops dindu nuthin wrong they good boys gettin the community back on track go to church every sunday and take pictures with black kids.

so he was dealing some dope. big fucking deal. i hope you are happy. three people are dead because of yur war on drugs.

Without just cause

>Illegal turn
>Drug related warrants
>Driver speeds off

Anyone else getting tired of defending common sense?

They dindu nuffin they wuz on they way to church n shiet the cop chased us n shiet black lives matter!

the nigger didn't even have a license
this is why no one wants anything to do with you subhumans
following the law is effortless for whites but shitheads like you fuck it up and take decent society down with you

>leaves scene of crime
>probably high as balls DRIVING 2 tons 100+mph
>kills innocents

I am still for drug legalization in much the same way I am for guns. Still for police reform.

The driver needs to be hanged though.

>criminal speeds away
>police give chase to CRIMINAL
>CRIMINAL crashes
>somehow the polices fault

>degenerate drug dealer resists arrest and speeds off
>smashes into another car killing 3 people
>it's somehow the police's fault

Yeah how dare they try to arrest a wanted criminal? Fuck da police yo.

Isn't this picture that situation where a bunch of gas canisters fell off a truck and exploded one at a time for a long while?

The answer is easy

If it was your family that was dead and the whole scenario could have been avoided would you still be talking shit?

>run from the cops in your car
>cops fault

no we wouldnt, but it werent our family, so fuck of faggot

i woun't of blamed to cops like you are you fucking nigger

>Appeal to emotion
bait's over folks

>without just cause
>a drug related warrant for the driver

I'd be pissed at the driver who killed my relatives, not the cops for doing their job you ignorant fuck.

I would still blame the piece of shit criminal.

Fuck off.

The asshole with the warrent should be executed end of story drugs are illegal and people getti g high on illegal drugs are supporting criminals and should be arrested for providing support to fellons. All three of those people would be alive if that asshole would simply work an honest job and his customers would stop getting high for fun. End of story.

wow really made me think

>DUDE.... what if we just stopped enforcing laws n' shit man?

You are talking about people who magdump suspects in residential areas, as a man with a screwdriver is more dangerous for the public than 15 bullets flying around.
They dont care about collateral damage as long as their ass is covered.

Yes. Shit like that has actually happened to my brother and he deserved it for being a retard.

He fled, that's a just cause.

bait or not there's actual people out there that think exactly like this and that's just special

>Criminal kills my family

You're right. The poor pusher truly dindu nuffin. He was just getting his life back on (the race) track.

The sad part is, thanks to the Jews, we live in a world where OP might not be trolling.

OP is proof weed makes you retarded

>>People whine that cops aren't doing their jobs
>We should let criminals just go free if they speed off
>You know, don't want to risk the chance someone could get hurt
>But they still want to them bust criminals

If you do drugs to get hugh for fun you are a bad person nothing else you do redeems you so long as you continue to get high. Its the people consuming this shit that are enabling violent crimes of all kinds their money is the cause of most of the nations problems.

A high speed chase through a residential area for drugs is worth the risk?

This exact same thing happened in my town, and people were super upset. And we're extremely pro cop here. But chasign a guy at 75 mph in a 30 for fucking drugs is worthless. They had the guys address, vehicle, work, etc... They could have EASILY gotten him later.

The intersection is about a block from a school, and is a 30 mph zone with heavy foot traffic. Absolutely reckless.

>without just cause
>driver speeds off to run away from arrest warrant


>without just cause
>makes illegal turn

Why can't Amerisharts in general and OPs in particular into causality?

>without just cause
>a driver makes illegal turn
>cops find a drug
>driver speeds off
There was just cause you fucking idiot.

>driver speeds off
If they had shot him then and there it would have solved everything.

Literally all on the driver.

The police chased these fucking idiots because they drove off and exceeded 100 MPH as assailants and whom are 100% responsible for their own actions. The tragedy here is that any of the fleeing maggots survived and that innocents died due to these scumbags.. When will severe idiots like yourself start accepting responsibly for your or their actions? The blame game is wearing thin .

I'd have nothing but hatred for the criminal that ran into them, and respect for the cops that were chasing him.

Why would I be upset at cops doing their job? The criminal is the one being selfish and acting without disregard for others, fuck him.

The fugitive instigated the chase by fleeing you fucking leaf on vacation.

They should have backed off and let the police helicopter follow him or just picked him up later.

you find the cops at fault somehow

Niggers are going to nig. It's like playing with a grenade in a crowded room.

There's a reason car chases like this are illegal in Canada. The danger to the public is greater than the benefit to the public in the pursuit.

Drove past the suspect and cops when they first found out he had a warrant. Drove by again 20 min later to scorched road less than a mile away

They actually are, at least policy is.

The danger to the public by pursuing at high speed is greater than what the public gets by possibly approaching this guy.

Unless he's about to set off explosives in a mall let him go and track him down.

Not an argument you stoner retard.

Imagine this case, except make it take place in Europe and have the man be wanted for "hate speech" against immigrants.

Would Sup Forums's reaction be the same: the full responsibility falling on the criminal?

>non violent criminal
>police treat drug-related crimes as if they're nazis
>something violent happens over fucking drugs
Drug war is working sooooo fucking well isn't it america? Love living in this cock-sucking nanny state of a country. Can't wait till we're as cucked as Sweden.


Good luck getting your point across OP as this is a low IQ board. The retards here can't figure out why so many states have a no chase policy except for extreme circumstances.

>Drug war is working sooooo fucking well isn't it america?
It's working fine in China. Go choke on a dick.

Canadians are such cucks in every aspect. I knew it was a leaf posting this bullshit before I saw the flag.

> he thinks drugs don't flow in china

> Russia
How's your heroin, krokodil, AIDS, and suicide epidemic going?


I literally daydream that the dumbass mexicants speeding up and down the side street near me every night crash into a pole at 100mph and imagining what their BTFO faces look like just before they die from blood loss is the only thing that puts me to sleep

not the cops fault in the slightest

also just a couple months ago my dream came true when a truck driver smashed a biker faggot into the road after the biker tried racing past him next to my house

Niggers. Not even once.

The fucking idiot should not have drove off. The cops didn't make the bullshit drug laws, but they sure as hell will catch a lot of flak if they don't enforce them. "Oh shit he is driving off, lets just let him go" Real sound logic. If they are willing to drive off recklessly and go into 3 digit speeds then they need to be taken down, because shit like the family dying is a possibility, and is exactly what the cops were trying to prevent from happening by giving chase.

>defending scum

> There's one chinese dude in a billion who did drugs one time, this totally proves the drug war failed in China.
Serious question, do you have a brain?

P.S. 'Krokodil' was a meme invented by the Russian federal anti-narcotics agency. Look it up.


OP is either a huge baiting faggot or someone in their first year of a sociology degree at a liberal arts university. Probably both actually

Fucking niggers.

I find it hilarious how those cancerous fucking cops convince themselves they aren't doing anything to harm you while trying to capture you and steal years of your life from you.

Then they act surprised when their victims flee or fight back, and use the media and politicians to convince people they're "heroes".

Being a cop is a shitty fucking job for shit-heads and the more people you interact with as a LEO the more people who will realize this and treat you like absolute shit.

The only way to maintain the illusion that policing is "good" is to leave people the fuck alone. Less is more.


Better than creating 300 junkies desu


not an anti-cop cuck but they really do need to fucking cool it with the car chases

>>stop getting high for fun
>>implying people only get high for fun and drugs have no medicinal uses
>>muh big pharma

>>Being that goddamned retarded,

Still the driver's fault. The fact that he sped off was a clear indicator to the cops that something was wrong.

>if you chase the criminals they win

You're seriously blaming the cops for enforcing the law against a criminal? Retard

people only get high for fun and drugs have no medicinal uses

your 'anxiety' doesn't exist faggot you're just a pussy

I used to work at like two of the businesses at that intersection. It is very busy with two major roads 48 and 30. Going a 100mph around there is impossible. You will crash like they did.

Yes, if the person had a warrant for hate speech then it's their own fault for not following the rules of the road then speeding off when they realized they fucked up. It's 100% the criminal being selfish and only thinking of themselves.

These fucking nationalist idiots care more about their fucking non-existent empire than personal liberty.

Oh no, drugs! Niggras, lynch 'em boys. Who cares if it kills innocents and they already had his information.

Pure unadulterated stupidity.

Reminds me of conservatives who oppose gay marriage but want government to stop it while simultaneously being anti-big government.

Many here have no fucking clue what freedom is apparently.

Leave my guns, my drugs, and my privacy the fuck alone.

Drug dealing Nigger killed a white family on thanksgiving.

Him and the Nigger female he was with need to be hung.

If you are doing hard drugs then uts nit formedical reasons you can lie to me all you like but dont lie to yourself. People doing drugs 99% of the time do so to get high every excuse they have will blame something or some one else but the defect is their charecter. Life is suffering suffering makes you stronger adapt or die.

My family aren't criminal niggers and wouldn't have warrants out for their arrest and speed of from the police during a traffic stop.