Is there anything more degenerate a woman can do than cut her hair short? Other than tattoos and piercings of course

Is there anything more degenerate a woman can do than cut her hair short? Other than tattoos and piercings of course.

I mean look at this. Why would someone ever want to look like this? Why do they do it?

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have sexual intercourse with negroid

>inb4 autists who say they prefer pixie cuts (aka dyke haircuts)

Shitty feminist empowerment

Short hair girls cut their hair out of emotional frustration. They want to make a change in their lives and so, in classic shallow female fashion, make shallow appearance changes in hopes it'll actually improve their lives.

Pro tip. Short haired women are easy as fuck. 100% of short haired girl Ive gone on a date with put out on the first date. Usually within the first hour or two

It's simply the right style choice for women with strong, short jaws.

you got a problem punk ?

Drugs, Whoring her self out for money, killing someone. seriously its fucking hair and you think its degenerate? grow up.

kristen stewart is like one chromosome away from being maisie williams

Women should have AT LEAST shoulder length hair


Iranian women have been doing it because of the Religious/Sharia Police cracking down on women in public without the women cut their hair short and started dressing like the men. Most peeps don't realize that a Majority of Iran was very Western with relation to women in public and society in general. Yet another example of why these animals should be removed from the face of the Earth.

Nothing wrong with a shorter haircut, it's far easier to keep clean and some facial structures benefit from it

What's degenerate is the "shave half your head" skrillex bullshit

Short hair only works with big tits


Laziness and vanity.

Short hair is easy to upkeep and some girls are convinced they can get away with it because they get pussy worshiped regardless.

>Is there anything more degenerate a woman can do than cut her hair short?

YES. They can eat 500,000,000 bowls of mac-n-cheese and 10 billion buckets of ice cream everyday.

This man states the truth

Bitching about degeneracy on Sup Forums of all places, for one.

it's cute desu

true degeneracy is weeaboo pink/blue hair

>women should look how i want them to

Short hair on a woman is a disgusting thing to look at.
It is right up there with man buns and skinny jeans.

Women have been cutting their hair short for a long time, especially the women in The Greatest Generation. Don't get dyke cuts and regular short cuts mixed up.

I'm a big fan of girls with short hair. They still look sexy and spend less of my money at the Salon.

This haircut screams liberal

post more emma

My sister cut her hair short because she complained that it was a pain to wash and comb and all that every morning, plus it was getting in her eyes and bothering her.

It's a crying shame. She was really beautiful before.

>my sister
>she was beautiful

Pretty cute desu~

Yeah. That's a shame.

Dating a wonderful short-haired girl and she's less degenerate than half of Oslo for sure.
People hating on short haired slim elegant women are just closeted gayboys afraid of giving themselves up


Have it dyed or shaven off entirely.

I've always kind of hated girls with short hair, and hated when they would give pretty girls short hair cuts on shows or movies and stuff that I would watch. It's so unfeminine and that bothers me for some reason. I once accidentally cut my hair that short and I hated it so much, now I haven't cut it since and it reaches my hips, and I'm still not sure if I want to cut it.

What about cutting hair to be less vulnerable during a fight or other dangerous situation?

short hair is fine on animu grills

a-are you a grill?

post hair


I don't see it though

First, short hair is sexy af.

Second, in my experience a lot of the good girl prudes do this. Current gf is short-haired, super red pilled on the big issues, Trump support, the works. That shit's no joke at all.

Wonder if there's a reason short-haired chicks are either hyper sjw autists or cool af.


>Is there anything more degenerate a woman can do than cut her hair short? Other than tattoos and piercings of course.
>I mean look at this. Why would someone ever want to look like this? Why do they do it?

Why do I get the feeling this is just a reverse psychology attempt to get some of us to post sexy pixie cuts?

i'm a grill with short hair and I'm a real qt. mine's not a butch dyke cut, it's still very feminine.
i hate the way short hair looks on women most of the time, i have to say

>i'm a grill with short hair and I'm a real qt. mine's not a butch dyke cut, it's still very feminine.

Rlly makes me think user, Post proof.

The only way that a girl can look at all feminine with short hair is if she has very cute/feminine features and even then why not just have the long hair because she'd look 10x more beautiful with it.

Post pics of your hair.

Or tits.

It's only bad if they wanted to cut it short.



Short hair on a beautiful woman is the worst. The bible says a woman's hair is her glory. God knows whatsup famalam. Pixies btfo.

It does not, which part???

I don't know user

This is pretty degenerate

That's 100% natural. That's less degenerate than driving a car.