'Nobody will play with me because I look like this': Indian boy, 16...

>'Nobody will play with me because I look like this': Indian boy, 16, whose face and body are covered in tumours believes 'the gods have cursed him'
>Mithun Chauhan's entire face and body is covered in large, swollen lumps
>Indian doctor says unsightly sores are tumours growing from his nerves
>There is no cure for severest form of the disorder, known as neurofribroma
>But a medical expert said Mithun could be treated to help him see and eat
>Mithun can't go to school because the other children are frightened of him
>'It's because of my looks that my friends have abandoned me,' the boy said


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Suffer not the mutant to live

goddamn how nasty

The real question is, despite all his troubles, does he poo in the loo?

He should just wear a mask im sure hes a good dude

why is it always indian with these fucked up skin and health issues? is it because they dump pharmaceuticals into the water?

Poor kid.

then, no one would know him if he wears the mask.

God having a laugh. You sick fuck, I like you.

> believes 'the gods have cursed him'
No sympathy from me after hearing that.

No user he has become poo, designator of streets

That sucks. Kids probably going to kill himself at some point. Sad, hes never going to experience a lot of the things in life that is human. If he keeps living he'll probably be consumed by hate at some point. All holes aside he should become a super villain at that point.

More people, more chances to randomize the gene pool?

They wallow in their own filth. No, really, and literally. I'm not being a meanie racist. This is how they live. Their sacred river, and the Indian Ocean it dumps into, are a megatoilet.
Do you think that might have something to do with all the weird skin conditions they get?

>tfw friends move away when you try sitting next to them on the shitting street

Oh come on. Would it kill him to take it off?

i forgot they shit where they ate and worshiped. god what idiots.

For the same reason the smartest people in the world is likely to be indian or chinese. If you throw the dice enough times, you'll be bound to get all the possible results.

Why does India produce so many disfigured people? Seems like a serious issue tbqh.

when you poo in loo so hard you become the poo

>tfw friends move away when you try shitting next to them on the shitting street

nobody will care who he is until he puts on the mask

Can we raise money to help him?

This man needs bitcoins now!

I wanna pop those bumps.

He should enroll at pic related. He will make plenty of friends there.

You're a big tumor

audible kek at 4 am

The digits say make it happen

That sucks.

Give this kid an internet connection so he can at least try to scrape a little bit of joy out of life.

Like we do.

Vast majority of their population is poor.

India already has lowered health standards and regulations compred to western countries. And that is for their elites/middle class.

The poor drink water with nothing but shit and chemicals in it. Tend to fuck people in small villages with small gene diversity, and have horrible higine practices.

Indians are just fucking their families and this is what happens

You could say he's faced many hardships.

hang yourself useless cunt

indians should be fucking gassed to extintion, nothing good comes out of those subhumans.

*Tips Fedora*

He is now the mightiest buddha of the village and peasants sacrifice virgin 4/10's qt's and above on a weakly basis to appease his wrath!

It would probably be really painful

>They walk around in human excrement and are littered with parasites and bacteria.
>extremely dense population
>extreme poverty
>rat temples
>Ganges river where they piss, shit, bathe and throw their dead in
>they use extremely toxic chemicals in factories with little to no ventilation where they walk around barefoot with no protection

I dunno...

,said the man while using Google to search how to illegally dig a tunnel under the wall? and getting 0 results.

For poo

they all come from the same region
there was an accident in a nuclear power plant there a few decades ago actually

That poor young man, he doesn't deserve that.

This breaks my fucking heart.

poo is not a pharmaceutical

No, it's just that people from extreme poverty gain success from pure struggle.
Women in the west get meme education, while women from poor countries all get doctorates you can use to make a fuckload of money from.

He's a grown man.

>When your rectum has been blocked by intestinal beetles for a month and you cannot shit

No sweat, he still has an undisturbed line of sight.

They live in a corrupted land.

Fuck cunt, this some camp of the saints shit

>Give this kid an internet connection so he can at least try to scrape a little bit of joy out of life.

This is more true than anyone will give it credit for.

So many "normal" people have zero friends and get the most joy out of life playing some games or shitposting online.

He'd not be very different there.

for you maybe


Why was Piccolo so scared of the Supreme Kai? Op pic related.

Let's summom KEK to cure this young man

If I Pulled off his mask would he die?

fucking hell, india is grim.

we love memeing about poos in the loos but just look at it from a geographic perspective. A large land able to sustain a 1 billion people population in a warm climate, but only in poverty. Shit is bound to happen.


Google research didn't come from shitting in the street you fucking abhorrent currygobling.

This is terrible. Had to sit on a plane once next to an old guy that looked a lot like this, almost threw up.

no there has actually been a very poorly treated nuclear fallout in India a few decades ago and that's the cause for those fucked up children

you can google it if you want man

Memes aside that is pretty grim.
Poor kid.

will you be on a strict beans and taco diet while digging the tunnels under the wall? It might get a little gassy in there, no? Good Luck, Pedro.

>Shit is bound to happen

Oh, and it does. But not in the toilet.

Go swim in the ganges you filthy rat and i hope that all your shit offspring is just as shit as the pic in the Op, Die you fucking insult to humanity.

and I hope your offspring is a Mexican Intellectual.

Yes, not a fucking untouchable such as yourself, you fucking waste of carbon and oxygen.

L4D3 when?

I read about some troupe of freaks and some of them apparantly inject themselves with shit so people will feel sorry for them and give money

not sure about this one


But will your Mexican intellectual be able to build a tunnel without using Google though?

The kindest thing someone could do is tell him their is a cure discovered and he is scheduled for surgery. Then give him the peaceful morphine send off...

If you look up the definationn of oxymoron you'll find mexican intellectuals under it.

Also please telll me what has mexico contributed to the world other than drug mules and lazy gardeners

>Nobody will play with me

Vishnu dealt him these cards and he still hasn't grown up. How bitter must the pill be?

Can't tell me that it doesn't look like pic-related.