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I understand that the majority of degeneracy is set out by Jews, but I don't understand if that equates to Judaism as a whole.

Prove to me that Jews are more prone to supporting degeneracy BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH and these people controlling the degeneracy don't happen to be jews.

Also, are all Jews bad?


Other urls found in this thread: pierce

It's in the genes. The jew has the natural instinct to destroy society.

They're evolved to be parasites.

But how? Ideology can't be inherited by genes.

because jews cut off their foreskins, they become more deviant just to get off

muslims also aren't normal, but they try to surpess their inner degenerate (by cucking women a lot, forcing bitchboys to grow beards, etc)

niggers also do it, and ofc the eternal anglo cucks

> foreskin = sanity

You should also understand how toxic their culture is
most of the Talmud in orthodox Judaism is about undermining rules in the Talmud and old Testament
Those crafty enough to originally exploit things are neurotic enough to be proficient in word games hence the concept of pilpul, then magnify that over genetic selection over millennia in their tribe

pilpul explained for laymen

In group bias can be.

They're evolved to be very loyal to their in group in exclusion to the greater society. They sacrifice the society in favor of their fellow jews.

Supporting degeneracy is just one expression of this generality.
For example, they pioneer the porn industry because it makes them money, even though it harms the society.

They seek to normalize degeneracy because it weakens the strength of the majority (who they see as their enemy), and enables opportunities for exploitation and profit.

Thank you, finally some useful responses.

Semitic people are the scum of the earth, not just the Jews. They are genetically programmed to create chaos and destruction wherever they exist. Jews, unlike Arabs, have acquired great wealth and power over centuries through banking, and are much more destructive than their Arabic brethren.

I don't accept the theory that Jews are spreading degeneracy in the west for nefarious purposes

But the answer to your question is to look at their holy texts. They believe goyim are human-shaped animals.

*Cut people are the scum of the earth, not just the Jews. They are artificially programmed to create chaos and destruction wherever they exist. Anglos, unlike Jews or Arabs, have acquired great wealth and power over centuries through banking, and are much more destructive than their butchered brethren.


I recently started having the realization myself after seeing a similar list to this one. It fucking sucks having to begin thinking that they are the root of a lot of the worlds problems, but so far in my research, a lot of shit falls back on their motherland.

This guys has been helping me sort through a lot of my own feelings about it. (He has much better videos)

bump to keep thread going

>penis = psychology
Thanks Freud. I forgot genetic predisposition is literally nothing.

Really? You just NOW realized that the jews need do die? Really?

no, being an ethnic jew doesn't make you a neocon.

>A religion where you can be a literal scumbag but all is well if it's within the law


>A religion that asks you to understamd goodness beyond a set of grounding commandments (albeit important), nurture your conscience, seek atonement for your sins, and practice true empathy towards your fellow man

Their goal isn't judiasm. Their goal is to eliminate countries so they can be lords of the planet.

They are professional victims...

Because all religions are cancers of the mind, slowly eating away at any sort od humanity it has within it.

In b4 fedoras
Trump 2016

its not necessarily because of their faith, lots of jews only look out for other jews based on culture



It's not that literally all jews are bad. The problem lies in Jewish culture, which shares a lot with muslim culture. The Jews actually fought with muslims against the crusaders, and jews have a long history of backing the most destructive and evil ideologies (communism).

To understand why, it helps to look at Christianity vs Judaism and Islam. In Christianity, the burden is on you. You need to be a good person, and adhere to a set of rules. You're supposed to look at others as if they were your Christ, and treat them with respect. In Judiasm and Islam, everyone else is the problem. Everyone is beneath you, and there's nothing you can't do. In the Talmud, it basically says that you can steal (and suggests other, more extreme things) as long as its from a non-jew. Beliefs like this is why you have rabbis saying that it's okay for JIDF to rape Palestinian women. They, just like muslims, believe it's okay to lie to nonbelievers. Of course, non-believer will always end up just being anyone who disagrees with you.

The real problem is that you can't have a society like this. World peace only works so long as everyone wants peace. Everyone likes their own race and their own culture the most, and that's alright. Chinese will like Chinese things the most. Some stuff may bother us, but at least they're just pushing for their own stuff, which is essentially free markets on a social scale. But when your goal is to conquer from within, like jews and muslims believe, then you relentlessly attack the culture of those who take you in. That's why it's always jews attacking whites and western culture. Again, you may see foreigners doing things the way they did back home, but they usually won't angrily denounce the current country they're in.


The jewish people have abandoned their faith a long time ago. It is a race of people who seek control over others not a religion.
jews are interesting as they are a race, and religion.


pilpul was a term coined in hebrew which in english would be casuistry. it was coined specifically in the rhineland which was at the time the center of german and french jewry.

rashi ( ) used the word pilpul in a derogatory fashion. it was only his grandchildren, the ba'alei tosafoth ( ) that used it in terms of learning the talmudh. this is eye opening as it is in this time that the provencial christians began using casuistry as well. the christians of france began using it because they adhered to roman law, however their local german customs didnt fit with the roman law. they used casuistry to make loopholes and created mind gymnastics to find a way to make the law and the custom fit, even though it clearly didnt. so to did the ba'alei tosafoth in regards to the talmudic law and local german customs. they used mind gymnastics to create false reasons and answers for why their local customs didnt fit with judaism.

part 1

Some of them even come forward and openly admit the holocaust didn't happen, yet they will all continue to use it as a burden to hide behind that keeps them immune from ridicule.

judaism is symbolised by the menorah that has a candle for each of the seven deadly sins which they use to destroy other people

>jews helped fight against christians with muslims
its in there genes.

In a respectful, good society, people want to get along. You want to be nice to people. Jews and mulsims use this against people. It's emotional manipulation, and you see this from the left a lot. Tell the person you just want to be friendly with them, but stab them in the back every chance you get.

Leftits will tell you they just want people to be taken care of and for everyone to be equal. But as soon as anyone disagrees, they viciously attack them. They'll violently attack people and scream in their faces, but they only get away with this because good societies teach us not to fight, but to be calm and respectful. Truth is, faggots like current year man would NEVER talk shit again if conservatives flipped their shit and became violent. They'll denounce Christian ideals as evil while constantly demanding you hold yourself strictly to those ideals.

There are good jews who just want to be left alone, and who will graciously support the countries that have taken them in. (20% voted for Trump I think). But the real problem is jewish culture. A major part of it is the idea that others are inherently beneath you, which is why jews are obsessed with keeping themselves separate from everyone else. It's fine if YOU let foreigners in, but they're the elites who wouldn't lower themselves to mix with outsiders.

Basically, the people who accuse everyone of being antisemetic for existing, are anti- anyone not semetic. It's projection. And that culture leads to the exact kind of racism and hatred that they constantly accuse the west of.

It's just a form of psychological warfare

When they conquered the palestinians they shoved degeneracy down all the families throats until they broke their will without even firing less than a few million tons of weaponry on children

he french of this time had written the "lo codi" which is the "pilpulistic" book that tried to match roman law and local german customs together.

"We have thus in the Provençal Codi an excellent example of the intelligent and practical use of Roman law in a region where this influence of Roman sources stretched much farther. It affected materially the state of the law in parts of France governed by customary laws derived to a large extent from German tradition. Here the process of transformation is especially suggestive. It does not start with the acceptance of an external authority from which all changes in detail should be derived, but from a kind of struggle for existence between concrete rules and institutions of German and Roman origin."
Paul Vinogradoff, Roman Law in Medieval Europe (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1929)

and in regards to beaumanoir commentary on the corpus juris, vinogradoff says this: "His object was not to present us with a faultless commentary on the Corpus Juris, but to make use of some of the Roman doctrines for his own purpose as a wise judge of France."

as we can see, this concept of casuistry is a christian concept which seeped into judaism in the same time and same place for the mere fact that both communities in france lost their traditional lineage to their laws and had to create ways to make themselves fit with the law one way or another.

however, casuistry is still used by european jewry, it is not used by middle eastern and spanish jewry. only in israel where each middle eastern and spanish jews learn in european jewish schools, and that too is looked down upon in the respected communities.

the european jews learned many things from the christians of europe. this is why there is a big divide in judaism between the middle eastern schools of thought and european schools of thought. middle eastern schools of thought trace back to the time of the talmudh but european schools trace back to 12th cent europe

part 2

Jews, along with muslims, fought the Christians who were trying to reclaim Jerusalem and free their enslaved brethren.

"It was considered perfectly fair throughout the Middle Ages to apply any text of authority in any sense that it could be made to bear, without regard to what the original historical sense might have been. The more authoritative the text, the more application were presumably to be discovered in it; and the most far-fetched use of the text is no proof that the writer has misunderstood its primary meaning." Sir Frederick Pollock, Essays in the Law (London: Macmillan and Co., 1922)

jews also transfer their cult through their women so that it would be possible to rape women of other tribes without dishonoring your children if the victim got pregnant

Are you familiar with Warhammer lore?
Imagine degeneracy as a Chaos God.
Jews are just a race that naturally manifests a high proportion of psykers.
All psykers themselves aren't evil, but all psykers are vulnerable to becoming portals for evil to enter the world.

So to bring it back to the real world, degeneracy will always exist and manifest without Jews, but Jews have minds that have a predisposition to manifesting degeneracy even if they don't mean to.

The problem is that mind type is not limited solely to Jews.

"One result of such all attitudes is that a passage may, quite unconcernedly, be taken from the context in which it is found and transferred to some totally unrelated subject." “The stone That the Builders Rejected,” Jolowicz

That's a neat analogy.

Have a (You), lad.

>implying cutting off your newborn son's foreskin is anything but insane

>implying that this will make the child insane

i think the degeneracy is encouraged by rogue jews, not Israelites themselves and shit

Can anybody back this up?

>implying i read the post correctly

I'm a Jew.

We have pretty much nothing to do with ((((((them)))))).

Degeneracy flows from 'Murica. It has nothing to do the religion desu

well put

the jews were persecuted for centuries all over europe, from their point of view, crushing traditional family, crushing christianity, crushing national identity is essential to getting rid of anti-semitism, it has nothing to do with their faith, it's a defence mechanism, when we think of a traditional christian country with sense of national pride we think of something great, for a jew it's a potential threat

We were told people would come to Sup Forums and say they agree with 90% of something, but not this one other thing.

Just read the Talmud and you'll see it's there faith.

can someone explain to me the idea behind the holocaust being fake?

i get that the jews started a civil war, but what is the tl;dr behind this... for new fag

I'm pretty red pilled, but i think this is one of the big pieces I'm missing

When you look at happenings like BLM propaganda and all that stuff its usually backed by one like Soros whos just a dickhead for his own agenda, i dont think the zionist world order argument has any merit cause you could just as easily look at any non jewish secret society and say the same thing. As for israel itself they just fuck over a bunch of other countries for their own benefit cause they can but so does everyone so its nothing special really. Jews have a really strong sense of "help other jews fuck the rest" so in a fully jewish country like israel they dont bother many people but in something like a western country they just barge through destroying everything but themselves

its not that its all fake just that there was no extermination plan and that way less than 6mil died.
there was never any nazi plot to kill jews discover they just tried to deport them and then that didnt work they put them in camps
then theres common sense shit like gas chambers had wooden doors and mass graves were rarely if ever discovered and theres no way cremating 6 million people is anywhere near possible, considering even today it can take hours for one body.
most people in camps dies due to a disease called typhoid and starvation just because the nazis were stretched thin so tending to their prisoner's needs came after their other citizens which resulted in more like 250-400,000 jewish deaths

I'll agree.




>jews were persecuted for centuries all over europe

and other places
Implying it was done for no fucking reason whatsoever.


there are reasons but it's also not hard to understand their point of view, if I was a russian jew in year 1900 I would probably become a communist just like all other jews, it just makes sense for them

just my 2 cents;

the jew is not a conniving conspirator,but instead he is just a misguided and short sighted idealist. this is what makes the jew stupid. the majority of jews in question which cause issues are of the secular variety, they question and claw away at the fabric of society. just like there is something in asian society which makes them generally good at maths, computers and studying, there is something in the jewish culture which encourages cultural and moral revisionism. the insights of these relativistic intellectuals can at times be interesting and enlightening, but in the final analysis are often just causes of strife and decay

Oh and who could forget the classic use of "6 million" more than 200 times by jews prior to ww2

Well if you look at their earliest religious and cultural texts you see the repetitive themes- subjugation which they deem is based on jealousy or hatred, the view they are "God's chosen", a superior people who can genocide others based upon their spiritual superiority. We've seen a literal repetition of this in the last 70 years.
If you read Jewish journals and magazines you catch a glimpse of their self-image and psychology. Tablet- a Jewish online magazine created by an editor of Slate, is a good example. I found this article when researching a Jewish view of George Soros, and in it I found the connection between him, Esperanto, globalism, and Jewish aims at destroying Christian, European culture.

>Schor notes that the 20-something Zamenhof (creator of Esperanto, a language intended to replace all European languages so to unite Europe) became a Zionist in the 1880s, when he was a medical student at Moscow University. (He also, for a time, urged Jews to purchase a 60-mile tract of land on the Mississippi River, convinced that an American Jewish colony could model itself after Utah’s Mormons.) Zamenhof soon abandoned Zionism, and he regularly concealed his early Jewish nationalism after he became the leader of the Esperanto movement: Zionism could have gotten him into trouble in France during the Dreyfus years, when Esperanto started to take off among non-Jews.


So you're saying they are brainwashed predators/parasites? They are damagd and despicable in not recognizing their degeneracy or a jew appologist. Or maybe you're some kind of moral nihilist. How do you feel about David Cole for example? That should clear things up.

crickets, did i short circuited you?

yea no

there must be trauma done by the knife but it's not just and only that pierce

as someone who interact with jews on day to day basis consider this.

i believe jews have become degenerate because the torah forbids so many things people feel like they need to experience the west, consider that almost 50% of the people here are religious in one way another so they seek refuge in degenerate places like tel aviv.

jews are very much prone to degeneracy because the education system is hollow, the religious system is too strict.
athetists are all over the television spreading lies and jews eat it up and go to tel aviv to have anal sex and drugs

So the big jews fuck up the little ones with atrocity porn and early head trauma through cutting penile. Agreed on atheits while being one. Without morals of Molyneux variety you're lost.

The Six Million Jews Myth

would normally never link cuckington post, but this is relevant

> For Zamenhof, Schor writes, “Hillelism promised the ‘normalization’ of Jewishness.” She quotes one of his bolder admissions: “Instead of being absorbed by the Christian world, we shall absorb them; for that is our mission, to spread among humanity the truth of monotheism and the principles of justice and fraternity.”

So that is a summation- a Zionist (read imperialist) Jew who outwardly denounces his faith but then admits Esperanto, and socialism to a greater extent, are Jewish aims at absorbing Christian Europe and judaizing it, essentially subjugating it to Jewish beliefs which include Jewish superiority.
The leftist Jew is no different than the Zionist, they merely believe that their moral altruism justifies their aims whereas an outward Zionist is more transparent and less worried with appeasement and control.

if you really want to get down to it i believe that israel is already too far with corruption

whenever its jews in general or just globalist jews its by far one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
the PM throws away any economic reform and fires people on the spot.
america is far more democratic than israel, even with all the conspiracy shit and shadow governments

Basically it's the combination of a superiority complex (Israel literally means to wrestle God and man and win) and a victim complex. The movie Defamation will help show you the victim complex. Essentially bad things happen to Jews because Jews got to Jew. Then the events are wildly exaggerated while not admitting any guilt on the Jews. They're all dindus. This propaganda about how badly treated, for no reason, Jews were is fed to the next generation.

It's not at all unlike a cult. Where the kids are programmed to view themselves as separate from everyone else. This can then reduce any guilt over cheating goyim out of money or hurting them in any way.

That's not to say all 10+ million Jews are evil. A very small percentage does the really messed up things while the rest are mostly normal. Jews are not born bad but many are given bad ideas. The solution should be to remove the Jewish power structure. Not to commit genocide.

i am a student of hakham faur. my posts from up in the thread come from his paper:

however the blame for degeneracy although stems from the religious community of eastern europe, that is only because everyone was religious before the 1700s. the 1700s with the start of the enlightenment and built upon the fact that jews werent able to own land in places, were taxed higher than their christian neighbors, the anti semitism, and so on and so forth, this put together with the enlightenment brought about immense social freedoms to an extent. jews were still forbidden from going to colleges and this is why many "converted" to christianity to attend colleges. as jews tried to fit in with their local surroundings the more left and liberal they got the worse it became for them.


Consider all these Jewish, prominent Bush-era Neo-cons who voted for Hillary. All you have to do is watch what the Jew will rotate around, what area they won't compromise on. In the end it always is Israeli, Jewish interests.

The only odd thing is that Muslims seem much more aware of Jewish corruption than Christians. The average Christian will defend Jews while Muslims often see past it. You'd think they'd want Christian dominance instead.

welp, they don't teach ya this in school