Blacks cucking whites in the west via alpha masculinity

>Blacks cucking whites in the west via alpha masculinity
>Asian cucking blacks in Africa via mining resources

W-who's cucking the Asians? The circle of cuck is not complete.

do you have a dick larger than 3"? then you are a candidate

>USA as the ID

Hell yeah

the circle of cuck is now officially complete comrade

Bald faceless men

Check this thread faggot

Whites cuck Asians this is a fact

>Blacks cucking whites in the west via alpha masculinity

>Online dating

That's a cuck zone bud


Nobody, asians are superior

whites will cuck asians post january 20th, 2017

In 2008, of the 2.7 million white female newlyweds;

91.2% had a white husband
4.6% hispanic
1.8% negro
1.7% other
0.8% asian

>inb4 dating and marriage data doesn't prove anything

>asians cucking anything
99% of western asians are numales, and the women all want white partners. Asians are awful

That's marriage lol, black dudes don't get married they jsut fuck and move on.

More than half of Korean women in america date outside their race

What else is there to say

The real 'cucking' is White men of hispanics and asians. Nigger females tend to stick to their own kind (as do white females.)

In 2008, 19.5% of hispanic females had a white husband. 30.3% of asian females had a white husband.

>inb4 dating and marriage data doesn't prove anything


Marriage is a small fraction of dating.

Blacks dont cuck whites, they are used by the jews to cuck whites just like Sauron used the orcs. Blacks are too dumb to cuck anyone by themselves.
Asians aren't being cucked because they don't have jews in their midst.

So are whites too dumb to stop the Jew?