Sup Forums hates Castro

>Sup Forums hates Castro
>Sup Forums is nationalist
>Castro liberated his country from the influence of the American empire
Explain this shit you fucking retards!
You can be against Communist but this motherfucker deserve respect for liberating his country.

Other urls found in this thread:

Press "S" to shit on castros grave

>not rightful american clay

Pick one.

It's almost as if Sup Forumsacks are retarded?


I dislike but respect him.

>liberating his country
... WAIT HOLD UP....

>t. Canuck who goes there on holiday
NatSoc isn't Social Authoritarianism/Leninism.

Sup Forums is full of redneck teenagers just parroting what their redneck parents told them. They can't conceptualize being against globalism when American nationalism isn't at the center of it.

>killed and imprisonned millions to turn his country from a shithole into an even bigger shithole

>Canada loves a commie
Day of the rake soon


Wait let me press S again.

As some one who lived under Communists Regime, I cant never press S enough.

No, not really. It's sheltered white suburban kids rebelling against their liberal/moderate/"cuckservative" parents and would shit themselves immediately if they ever stepped into the hood or the barrios. Actual rednecks are far more respectable.

Cuba has better living standards than basically any other Latin American country.

Fuck you, white Canadian leftist. My grandfather and thousands of Cubans stood against his horrible communist regime on the battlefield, and thanks to chickenshit Kennedy, our country was lost to Stalinist communism. He was a horrible dictator who executed hundreds without trial, and exported his Marxist revolution to ravage other innocent countries.
I'm glad he's dead. 2016 has been a triumph against leftism and globalism.

Good riddance, communist scum.



>Cuba has better living standards than basically any other Latin American country.
Yeah, nah.


>El Libertador.jpg
Thanks for liberating me from my posessions, mr communist.


Are you retarded ?... HAHAHAHAHAHA, HIS FAMILY HAD A GOOD STANDARD OF LIVING, know what a gillete is called on Cuba ? "La lagrima del hombre", because they use the same for months, people there don't have food neither internet or anything else, meanwhile the Castros were eating lobsters and making millions.


are you really this delusional? sure they treat the tourists fine, but have you seen the people?

Look up Cuba's place in international living standards statistics. It's not great but better off than anywhere in Latin America barring the Southern Cone.

>these poor people have it better than these poorer people


>t. nigger vegan faggot


Castro let out a huge runny shit and then died.
get fucked
Another icon of shit-tier politics has died

You stupid Leaf, do you forget it was America who liberated Cuba from the oppression of the spanish?? and it was us who respectfully declined cubas recommendation for annexation?!

Fucking leaves, the day of the rake can't come soon enough

But you still panicked when Fidel Castro took the power because "MUH COMMUNISM" faggotry you did during the Cold War.

bump for bitter tears of mentally retarded delusional Sup Forumsacks attempting to reconcile their cognitive dissonance while spewing hatred for a successful man that ruled a nation benevolently for decades. pic related. its an average Sup Forumsack that will hate this post for its truth.

Justin's mad because his family friend who held him as a babby is dead.

Pic related.


I actually like him, he was good for Cuba


Gtfo leaf

just curios now that castro is dead what will happen whit the goverment , will it change?
who is going to be "in charge "now ?
wha will happen whit cuba?
dont know much about politics

p.s. fuck commies


Sup Forums thinks all Socialists and Communists are Trotskyists because most American ones are.


>t. Justin
>t. Sudaca

Pol thinks that leftism is shit

Yeah, he totally oppressed his people for years, you definitely have to respect him.


Fidel Castro hasn't been in charge of Cuba for years now. But his death is definitely historic.

>hurr you should respect a commie
my grandfather specifically killed them to keep them out of here. I hope he was in pain.

Have you been to Cuba within the last few decades? It's depressing, fuck you.

RIP Cuban Bernie Sanders

Because ever since the primaries we are nu-Sup Forums.

He btfo the American merchants and ran his country to try and free it from (((global))) influence. He even out Jewed the USSR.

The only people who hate him because hurr communism are the Cuban diaspora cancer and bluepills.

t. Fulgencio Batista

he was a national communist, nothing more

that's the same thing with ceausescu here, most despited him but some admired him.

I don't know about castro, but ceausescu accomplished some things whether romanians like it or not

True, but some have a warped view of what Patriotism is. Castro was more patriotic for his nation than Chiang Kai Shek for example.

Go fuck squids you chink shit

Americans are hypocrites, more at 11.

Liberated it from American Empire to Become a Soviet puppet.

Sup Forums is not one person; a lot of people on here are genuinely retarded and haven't read a book in their lives

half the opinions on here are created by globalist capitalist jew propoganda while those who have them have completely contradicting beliefs

Sup Forums is a joke

Freeing your country from globalists is a good thing, but making it a shithole is not

hopefully it implodes as there is large dissent within the population. communism is a failure and the people of cuba know that. its why they ride rafts of garbage to Florida. they are tired of having the highest doctor to citizen ratio in the world but still die from common diseases.

Cuba is a sad place, hopefully they use this opportunity to turn this country around.

How the fuck he was against globalism if he followed the internationalist red jew?

Have you seen the people, burgerfat cunt? it's not like its north korea. I've been vacationing in cuba for years.

it was a bigger shithole under batista for the average cuban

>Vlad can't into learning

Really makes you think...

>implying it always wasn't a shithole

Love this meme, all of Latin America is a shithole.

cuba went from being a poor shithole country run by american gangsters to achieving something no other poor country could. there is a reason why they import their doctors for free all around the world. there is a reason why all the gore cartel shithole videos you see come from mexico and brazil and not cuba

take the red pill you faggot

>grieving /leftypol/ cucks implying comintern-funded "national liberation movements" represent nationalism in any capacity

Cuba is rightful spanish clay

>Cucks his country for the USSR

Nah he can rot in Hell

>You can be against Communist but this motherfucker deserve respect for liberating his country.

lol get fucked you Canadian retard, my dad had to cross the border TWICE to get outta this shit filled country (Went to Mexico, then crossed it's border, you can't make this shit up).


Is it better to sleep in the plantation house for a season and eventually earn your freedom? or to run, and spend your life cursing the road?

Not all forms of Communism were internationalist. Castro wanted to cut ties from the US and the west.

Goddamn communists. You don't know what it feels like to be one of the smartest men in the city to get a full scholarship to Germany and yet because your family is protestant even if you aren't, you're denied the scholarship, lose out on your job and the brink of starvation, just because your parents believe in Christ, have your friends taken away, taken the freedom of listening to whatever music, be free to express your thoughts, have only one television, get only 1 toy a year for Christmas, get things taken from you because the local police don't like that you have some stuff.

It's a shithole and soon the people will be free.

Where the fuck could he have turned when you embargoed them?

Fuck it!

dude have you ever been to mexico, people dont even have toilets

what will happen like who will be in charge now though i just hope they get through it ok

fair point

except castro was internationalist. they literally couldn't survive without soviet imports. grats castro you stupid nigger, you break off from the usa only to be a slave to the soviets




>people dont even have toilets

People don't even have heads in Mexico.

>post yfw Fidel Castro dies on the most capitalist day of the year aka Black Friday

>Allied with a nation = internationalist

FACT: Cuba was worse before Castro than after him for most cubans, there was a YUUGE gap in wealth between poor people in rural areas and rich (((people))) in the cities

You only don't like him because of USA propaganda that he has le ebil commie dictator

why do you think the embargo was there to begin with?

fuck off you stupid redditard. that picture the user posted was a dead moslem, not castro


I appreciate nationalism, but I have no sympathy for communists.

>Cuba went from poor shithole country to....

stopped reading there. Cuba is still a shithole and its people hate the retarded system that has suppressed them and their economy. Nothing shows how great a country is like your most educated citizens that the government spends taxpayer money on educating immediately fleeing the country.

shit system for a shit country

The only good commie is a dead commie.


sanitation is the reoson why mexico has such a low iq and worth ethic, parasites

>parents are infinitely more liberal than me

okay kid

he was internationalist because they couldn't survive without soviet imports, nigger are you fucking stupid?

Go to jail Lula.

>dead commies

>import doctors for free

That's not a good thing...