Get in here and wish him a Happy Birthday, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Happy Birthday Pinochet :)

Sorry you died Castro :(


Happy Birthday El Heneral. Castro is dead.


Haha yes.

One less Commie shithead

>tfw General Pinochet is throwing castros face from the heavenly helicopter into the fiery pit of hell.

Holy shit, this make me laugh.


Free Market is best Market.


Great, another fag that knows nothing about facism is regurgitating abandoned TRS memes.

kek, praise my general!!

KEK Was celebrating today.

Based Pinochet

did chile even improve under Pinochet though

Nobody mentioned Fascism.

Just compare it to literally every other South American country

Its the only one resembling anywhere close to first world.

Happy birthday general.

My fav Pinochet pic

Happy Birthday, President.

Wait, Castro died on Pinochet's birthday? Final helicopter ride :^)

>people actually celebrating a fascist who helped overthrow a democratically elected leader, who used murder and torture for his own personal and political gains

At least Hitler had a vision, this guy was just a douche.

>abandoned TRS meme
pinochet's funeral song is the ending song of the shoa weekly.

And besides pinochet > everything liberals want so he's a decent guy


pinochet came back from the dead to get him

Lurk more, newfag. 6 months rule. See you in May.

>a free and strong market isn't a vision

>destroying your own nations economy for personal glory is

>oh wow i love being in this prison for my presidente totally shouldnt have eaten that beef for it is illegal due to "mad cow disease"

Imagine a first world system with third world citizens.


fucking swole. pushing commies out of helicopters must really work out those biceps

Rest in Peace Great Leader

Get fucked leftists

its ok Texas

you will always be my favorite latin country

Happy Birthday based Pinochet.

I find it that people who lack a proper response to being called on their bullshit make comments very similar to yours. Been on Sup Forums since 2011 and /news/ prior to that, you're a dipshit.

Uh huh, yeah a strong market. Had the US funded Allende half the amount they did with Pinochet (or at least stopped trying to disrupt the Chilean market), they would've done fine.

Also Hitler actually had a larger vision than this jackass. Came up from nothing meanwhile Pinochet had to be funded and supported by the CIA.

>hey hitler our inflation rates are pretty bad, can you fix them

Yes, first let me massively increase state spending by giving every unemployed person a job, then counteract overproduction with fix prices that destablise supply as demand cannot move freely, then mask the nations inflation with these new Hitlerbux that are worth exactly what I say and you have to agree or I'll shoot you...

Whats that? My market bubble is about to pop and cause a greater economic crisis than the one I was installed to fix? Better put those unemployed people I hired as soldiers during peace time to good use and intentionally violate every treaty I can in a vain attempt to recoup some glory!

Oh no I ruined Europe, better just kms

happy birthday!

2016 The Cycle is complete.

As a new power dies another must take its place.

Genesis: November 25,1915
Ressurrection: November 25, 2016

Capitalism and America will be made great again.

It has been foretold that kek has designed our resurgence for this timeline.

November 25 1915 - November 25 2016

We have been blessed with 101.

101 perfect in symmetry and in golden ration.


Oh please, Germany revitalized itself even during the Great Depression and with the shit they received in the Treaty of Versailles. But believe that delusional "free market" bullshit.

Want to know a fun fact? There has never been any pure free market system, in all of existence. And even Adam Smith believed in possible government interventions into the economy. Go read some Ayn Rand and justify wealth inequality because most people are "lazy" and won't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps", you dumb fucking nigger.


My father had assault rifles pointed at his head as kid because of the military curfews in chile. Mother fuckers were savage.

rot in hell pinoshit

happy birthday based bolivian fascist man

Well all those people will eventually pull up their bootstraps so they can put their boots on the necks of the people that fucked them over.

So in a way Rand wasn't wrong.




Tell me how an economy that has an expenditure of 101billion marks and a revenue of 62billion marks is in anyway a feasible? You act as if 6 years is in anyway a sufficent stress test of a market and enough time for an economy to mature.

Yes he delayed the effects of depression in the same way me taking out a massive payday loan at 2000% apr means I have delayed the effects of a recession on myself, only to have a much bigger problem when the repayments kick in.

You can not hire labour their is no demand for at the cost of state, this leads to overproduction at best which drives down the value of the goods they produce. Hitler counteracted this by enforcing his own currency with a state dictated purchasing power, which is just masking true inflation still present at an international level.

This is ontop of the already mentioned overspending and the 38 billion marks debt he was in by 1938.

Oh so he's at a deficit, implying most countries these days don't run at a deficit. You're also implying he wouldn't be able to control inflation and employment levels over a longer period of time.

Also your example is what I'd call hyper-exaggeration.

hey fuckhead, germany did the majority of it's economics by pure trade. machines for crops, sausage for metal, etc. that's how he got around the international banks.

what the fuck do amounts of money matter when the nation is well fed, no poverty, everyone had a house, a job, families were prospering?

you fucking kike. your gibberish doesn't actually work in the real world when the kikes get kicked out. you're why there's going to be a holocaust.

His revenue is 61% of his expenditure.

And I've just explained to you the issue with hiring labour without demand even ignoring the obvious unaffordable financial burdens.

>Economy dosen't matter because I say so
>Da Joooooos

These are the Arguments of the NatSoc

Thank you for your service General Pinochet. By fighting the communists you saved Chile and turned it into a prosperous nation.

>Fidel's death
>On My General's birthday

Degenerates tears on the chilean social media were good when Trump won, but this will be next fucking level, can't wait to wake up tomorrow and ascend into a meme nirvana.

Feliz cumpleaƱos, General Pinochet. You are missed.

Fuck Fidel, hope the cretin burns.

If you see any really hilarious ones, screenshot them and post them here.

Adios mi general

Happy Birthday

fare thee well, mi general

Sleep well, general

God bless you Pinochet.Happy birthday.

Will do, if the thread's alive when I wake up.

Thanks for killing Castro general.

Happy birthday, mi general.

Soon, we'll cleanse leftists like the old days

pinochet vs. inconvenient flag wave guy, blunt weapons only, no substitutions, to the death

From a hunger games thread

Happy birthday Pinochet!
I can already see you, ascending from the heavens in a helicopter, dragging castro's soul to hell.

Its true what they say, not all Angels have wings. For you have a helicopter.

Deo Vindice El Presidente

So was he assasinated or did he die of natural causes?

sorry im late Pinochet

happy belated birthday!

You just earned a free helicopter ride.


It's starting

>Here, people going to the cuban embasy to put some candles at 5 am
>Also look at these people celebrating in the USA


Happy Birthday general. We will be sending you a stuffed commie from Cuba as a gift.

Happy 101 birthday!

Feliz Cumpleanos, Mi General.

Everyone loves you for your helicopter rides, but I was more impressed with the way you tied leftists to metal bedframes and electrocuted them. I especially liked how sometimes it was a bunk bed and you'd put them on the bottom bunk so they could watch a friend or relative get fried on the top bunk.

I wish we did that sort of thing here.