Finish reading Illuminatus

>finish reading Illuminatus
>realize Sup Forums follows kek who is the literal analog for Discordia
>Sup Forums is literally the anti-Illuminati (minus the submarine)

Hail Eris

Other urls found in this thread: Discordia.pdf

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It's like an 800 page book-- probably available on Amazon or something, I got mine at a used book shop.

It's a fucking trip though. Like if James Joyce and Douglas Adams tripped on LSD and then wrote a satire about conspiracy theories.

Apparently some fuck went to the trouble of producing this as an amateur audiobook

Alright, thanks.

Thats not amateur


Cheers my dude.

Actually, that's the professional version of the audiobook. It's fucking awesome too.

There are actually several different anti-Illuminati groups. The JAMS, the ELF, and the Celine's guys in the sub, the LDD.

Most amusing, of course, is that RAW was Mordecai Malignatius, the Discordian responsible for the AISB. Pretty much the only reason anyone today talks about the Illuminati is because of the original Discordians.

This book is the source material for the infamous cards isn't it?

argentina sux

Infamous how?

Schrodinger's Cat was better desu.

Tried reading this like ten years ago and couldn't get past his writing style, it was like listening to an annoying old hippy that you can't wait to get away from.

This is a ruse right? There is no way to decode it even for someone who knows the method outside of trying anagrams for days since you can't go from step 4 to step 3.

>minus the submarine

Thought about these books a lot during the last year. All of this could've come from Wilson except for the fact that he'd have hated Trump so much it would've bled into the work. But yeah the Beranstein timeline is basically Unistat, happy to be here with you fags

Yes it is. Steve Jackson Games is also one of the last publishers still printing the Principia Discordia, 4th edition too.

>This is a ruse right?
No, it isn't, it does exactly what it says it does


Obviously you can't just reverse steps 4 and 3 to decrypt it. What good would it be then? You need to find yourself a copy of the Discordian Society Super Secret Cryptographic Deciphering Code. That, I am happy to say, was never published in any of the five different versions of the Principia Discordia known to exist.

Fuck off that dolphin did nothing wrong

PD's site has a pdf of Prometheus Rises on it, by the by.

is this a cool book?

The only even vaguely Discordian text I don't have from the original Five is a copy of Mal-2's Summa Universalia, which I'm *almost* sure was a joke.

Huge fan. Wish the Pink version was still available as the introduction by Lord Omar is almost as illuminating as the book. You can read that intro online easily enough though. Black version is SJ Games printing, has the introduction by RAW in it.

Historia Discordia is my true love though. In addition to an amazing collection of other material, it has a complete reproduction of the actual 1st edition Principia Discordia, Mal-2's personal copy, in it.
Check for yourself, only 84 pages long.

I lived in Santa Cruz,CA between 1983 and around 1988 ..

I never met this guy... heard people mention his books but it was obvious a schtick this guy was exploiting these topics and not a serious person as it were.

I did meet Peter Stafford at his house once.. but I am going to get back to this cool talk with TM

Digits don't lie

awesome thanks Discordia.pdf

Links to the pdf version which includes the RAW and Omar introductions. Very much worth it.



i think it needs to be longer texts to work

After 'losing' a copy of the cypher in high school, we used it on full New York Times articles, which we also processed with the Zwack Cypher (lost along with the SSDCC for convenience's sake).

I know for a fact that pressure was put on several individuals suspected of knowing the decode method until a copy of the cypher and a sample message made it to the GBI, who laughed like musketeers and explained the joke.

Discordian shit is pretty wacky, but has a lot of good in it.
heres another good book: