What's the deal with Americans and their perfect teeth. Is it the fluoride in the water?

What's the deal with Americans and their perfect teeth. Is it the fluoride in the water?

Americans get crooked teeth fixed. I am of Scandinavian descent through both my Grandparents that came from there so my teeth are perfect by default.

My Irish half sisters teeth are all fucked up just like most nigger tier Irish so naturally she had her teeth straightened. Do you not have dentists?

fluoride makes em yellow so it's big business for dentists to make em white again then push fluroide toothpaste. 9/10 dentists recommend colgate ;)

What's with Eurotards having broken, yellow, crooked teeth? Do Toothbrushes and Dentist's not exist?

Braces and whitening, the particularly wealthy get veneers or implants.

Trumps pretty old, they're prob fake.

>tfw naturally straight well proportioned teeth
>never had to have braces
>Brush once a day
>hollywood white teeth

Thank you, Lord, for that.

You fucked me in other areas

but at least I have good teeth.

this unironically

Whitening teeth is do gay

It makes me feel really self conscious since I have really bad teeth. So many Americans with perfectly white, straight teeth.
I needed braces badly when I was 8 but that was the year my dad's business went under and my family was poor for almost a decade, didn't go to the dentist for a long time. At this point my teeth are too fucked up to be repaired.

>Dentist always said I needed braces
>Parents dont get me braces even though I have a cross-bite and an over-bite
>Dont want to look like a child with braces as an adult.
>Shitty crocked teeth for me I guess.

Do you have gf at least?

We have a thing called dentists and insurance that covers the cost for said dentists

I've never heard of teeth so crooked you can't get braces. You can always have them pulled and get implants though.

Get invisalign braces if you're worried about appearances.

Maybe if Trump donates a couple grands my way

invisalign won't fix open bite or cross bite. you need actual braces

Post yfw you realise Brits actually have the best teeth in the world

He never drank coffee and has billions of dollars. Go figure. I'm American and my teeth started falling out at 16

I had braces and my teeth were almost perfect. I joined the military and had my braces removed. My wisdom tooth, one, was also removed and now I have gaps in my teeth. What do? I hate my teeth. They are straight and white but I have big gaps. Back to braces at age 25??

on average brits attend the dentist more often than amerifats yet still manage to retain literal pieces of brown shite for teeth (only nips and frenchy fuckers have worse)

desu no one cares if you have braces as an adult its only temporary

No one will care about you wearing braces.Just get them you autist, it's either 2 years of looking weird or the rest of your life.

I have shit self esteem already which is severely hurting my dating game. If I had a gf I would go for it. But I can't even imagine dating total strangers for the first time with massive braces in my mouth at 30 years of age.

embarrassing post

Braces are generally affordable for parents through multiple channels. Teeth are easier to maintain when they're uniform.