Trump scored 14% in Boston, 9% in San Francisco, 20% in Los Angeles, 10% in Manhattan

Trump scored 14% in Boston, 9% in San Francisco, 20% in Los Angeles, 10% in Manhattan.

He was literally elected by dumb and emotionally immature suburban and rural plebs who have never experienced the kind of complex and fulfilling social interactions that can only happen in large, educated and diverse cities.

If you support Trump, you are inferior and your life is a waste.


I remember this pasta from two days ago

Well, the thing is, the plebs won. You don't have to like it.



>complex and fulfilling social interactions that can only happen in large, educated and diverse cities.

Like getting robbed by a nigger?

I'm in a suburban and rural MA town, and I'm smarter than the fucking retards at Boston.

We already get a bad rap. Please stop making it worse.

Paying higher taxes and living near subhumans and ugly poors

No you aren't

SIGNED T. #ImWithHer

>complex and fulfilling social interactions
>large cities
>Everyone self-segregating
>Getting Robbed at gunpoint by a nigger
>Getting begged for money by hobos
>nobody makes eye contact or talks to one another and is generally ruder

People in rural areas are politer, closer-knit, and more human overall.
1/10, Saging for bait thread


Stop this satire now.


Don't worry this will just push the drive toward abolishing the electoral college.

Power should sit in the cities where everything gets done, not in bumfuck welfare country.

Why are Canadians still allowed to post on this board

I know it's a fucking leaf shitpost but for real cities are the absolute worst.

Living in a big city literally rots your soul away. It's completely dehumanizing.

If you live in a big city just move the fuck out as fast as possible, trust me, you will find life enjoyable again once you do.

I challenge you to live a year in LA and conclude that a wall isn't necessary.

>abolishing the electoral college
I can't even imagine the legal framework for it

That's President Trump

you cock sucking pleb cunt


Wow leaf your cuck fetish is really outrageous

A year? I was there on vacation for a week and came to that conclusion.


You posted this more than once already. sage goes in the options field

wew lad.
tumblr is down the hall on the left.
this is why they have a buddy system.