It's over now. There will be a vote recount in Wisconsin...

It's over now. There will be a vote recount in Wisconsin. They have been able to rig more votes for Clinton in past weeks. If Clinton suddenly wins in Wisconsin, they will recount PA and MI too.

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Fuck off, snow elf

It's funny because Wisconsin didn't even have a close enough margin for a recount.

Even if he'd lost Wisconsin he would still win the election.

Do you realize in that case recount would also take part in PA and MI, and they will rig them too.

Even fucking Politico is saying that there is no evidence suggesting that there is anything wrong with initial vote count and that the recount will not show anything.

Finns are not elves.

Lol liberals are so pathetic

Even Clinton wants no part of this.

Stein is such a fucking piece of shit retard. Sucks up liberal votes running as a third party. Endorses trump. Then when he wins demands a recount. I hate trump but I'm starting to hate her more for being such a fucking twat.

Clinton would have to win WI, PA and MI. Not going to happen, Mr. Soros. Libtards have just been scammed a couple of millions again.

Think bigger. If Wisconsin flipped blue following the recount, that would completely undermine people's trust in the voting system. The ensuing shitstorm would probably result in all states having to be recounted, and that's where there's a real opportunity for election fraud to take place.

Never underestimate the stupidity of a biased MSM and desperate libtards.

blah blah blah blah blah
>blah blah blah blah blah

Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

248 here

Its literally nothing.

Michigan requires a margin of 2000 votes to trigger a recount. Candidate initiated recounts can be requested at the sign of any fraud but still need to be within the margin.

>Mich. Comp. Laws 168.880(a)(1)
>Mich. Comp. Laws 168.862.

A legal recount will not happen in Michigan.

MSM is actively deflecting coverage of the recounts, which means that they don't want people to see what those recounts dig up.

If Clinton suddenly wins in Wisconsin there will be civil war

As in, evidence of Democrat voter fraud/rigging?

You are sincerely the stupidest person I have met if you think this means literally anything but a fat pay check for Dr. Stein from the cucks like youself, she deserves it too she does much better work than sit around arguing about recounts and complaining about Trump alll day.
Honestly get a life fin this must be like the 4th time you've posted this shit tier thread.

Stein's a fucking opportunist alright. Any leftover money from her recount fundraiser (now standing at what, $5.5 million?) will go straight into her/her party's pocket.

Why would Soros give her money if it went towards nothing?

Soros probably knows nothing will come of it. He funds anything that will sow discontent.

Anything to push on the fabric of our society in the West. He wants it to fail.

The goal here is probably to further the cause of getting rid of the electoral college.

Focus on how the whole election was won by Trump in a few states by only a few hundred thousand votes.

>Trump lost the popular vote

It was already rigged. This is correction.