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I've seen "alt-left" describe a wide range of political tendencies. I'll let you elaborate what you mean by it.


How many leddit communists actually raided?

I doubt it. lefty/pol/ types hate the label 'alt-left'. They see themselves as the true left, not alt anything. Besides, capitalism unrestricted leads to globalisation. And not any good kind. The kind we're seeing the kickback against right now.

Would it be leftism that actually tries to benefit the working class instead of flooding their neighborhoods with muslim rape gangs while calling the white man a racist that deserves to get his culture destroyed?


Fuck off

The current definition seems to be the Chapo Trap House crowd.

We are against all religious politics

what the fuck

And no identity politics either
The issues ate obvious and it is crass to discuss them

>anytime you have to force and astroturf memes, you've already lost.

Well, in theory we have to look at why integration has succeeded in some countries (the US) and failed in others (many European countries). A lack of harmony in a society breeds the mistrust and alienation that both Islamists and fascists feed off of. There are definitely some western leftists that support some limits on immigration for both social and economic reasons, including Bernie Sanders (though he kind of avoided the issue in the primaries, but he opposed a 2006 immigration bill because the guest worker program was exploitative and there weren't sufficient guards against immigration being used to lower wages).

I've heard of them; the Weird Twitter humor can get a bit too esoteric but I have friends who listen to the podcast. Might check it out some time.

Keep resisting

How do you be alt left? Is it even possible to love niggers and want to give them free shit any harder than you already do? I don't get it

Wasn't the Trump campaign literally asking people to shill for them at one point?


The way I see it
Any side would have been stupid not to this time around

Oh fuck

Fuck you

Neo-liberals have hijacked the actual leftists' brand and claim to be on the left side of the political spectrum but in actuality, they're more centre-right. Now people conflate retarded identity politics with socialism. It's retarded.