Sometimes the struggle feels gratuitous without a traditional woman by my side. Who am I fighting for...

Sometimes the struggle feels gratuitous without a traditional woman by my side. Who am I fighting for? How does one find a good woman not spoiled by modern degeneracy, and before that, copes with tfw no traditional qt virgin gf?

The pic is very fresh OC, by the way. Feel free to save.

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Work out and go to church pham. One is bound to come your way.

No. No. That's not how this works, thats not how any this works. You find a girl who like, then you drop little redpills over the course of a year. Before you know it you have a conservative cutie gf that just wants to make the world great again

My gf and i started dating a yr ago. Gotta admit i was pretty blue pilled before our election. I imagine it is difficult starting with a blue pilled girl because you might reveal your power level too early and scare her away. But most women were redpilled by their significant other. Remember that

I do both, but unfortunately it seems the tentacles of Cultural Marxism try to find their way inside the church walls, too. Christian girls are obviously better behaved than their non-religion sisters, but I've noticed an alarming embracing of nigger culture etc. The "Christian" wife of my friend even cheated on him with some immigrant.

I do know one girl, who just might be up to the task of being the mother of my children. I'm thinking of doing like and suggest, but how does the red-pilling process happen in practice? Anyone care to share their expertise?

just b urself

>finnish op
>fantoft stavkirke

>celt niggers appropriating the cultural values of Rome and Ancient Greece

ebin kyl suomalaisissa töttissä on sisällä se konservatiivi, neon vaa vähän sekaisin koska ympäristö on jutkujen muokkaama mutta niiden sydän ei ole vielä saastunut.

Degeneraatitkin pian huomaavat että ei hiekkaneekereistä ole mitään hyvää. Hyvä AP, olet löytänyt oikean tien!


>copes with tfw no traditional qt virgin gf?
Personally I through myself into my work and college. I'm a forever alone kissless virgin, so maybe this works because it's all I've ever known.
>live in liberal state
>surrounded by liberals everywhere outside my home
>no qt gf or redpilled friends to ever talk about anything with
>focus on my studies and my job
>tfw I have the most friends I've ever had, but I've never felt more alone

Wew I fucked that up hard. I meant throw.
Don't Sup Forums while you're half asleep kids

Lol that didn't for me. I was myself and my ex broke up with me because she said I lacked sympathy and sensitivity and also claimed that I was emotionally unavailable.

When I would drop redpills she told me that I was extremely disconnected to what's reality.

gotta be confident man


Sure, but I'll need to improve myself first.

My thought was to include general parts of the European culture. Also,

Toivottavasti näin.

Were you emotionally unavailable?

Honestly, I don't even know what the fuck she meant when she said I was emotionally unavailable. I figured it was just some delusional made up female shit.

I have no idea if any of the girls I've dated were virgins and I don't really give a shit as long as I'm the only one while we're going out

I have thousands of check boxes I need to fill, no one girl will fill them all so I just go for the ones that fit most closely to me

I'm in my late 20's and I'm in the same boat.
I have an extremely cool job and I know women find it interesting and mysterious, but I can never seem to take that to my advantage.
Maybe I'll take advantage of the insane identity politics of today and marry a W. German Sig.

When i met my woman a few years back we were both bluepilled as fuck. But as i started learning and improving myself, she noticed my transformation and as i was following the path of the redpill i would also be feeding her along the way.
I think that's the most effective method. Never reveal your power level immediately but only do it during a long period.

Another thing that played a huge role at her redpill journey is that she is a traditional artist with strong objective moraliry and she always hated the bullshit (((modern))) art. She couldn't understand why people would consider all this retardation as art etc etc. But when she learnt more about (((who))) was responsible for every art movement prior the modern age (1960-) that was the strongest redpill for her. The rest just came in smoothly

The guy in your pic is alpha as fuck.

I'm in my early 20's and so far I've focused so much on my studies and work that I just haven't had the time to go after women (or at least I've convinced myself I don't). I'm getting my degree soon though, and with that I'm expecting my schedule to open up some more. Hopefully that will allow me to maintain more of a social life.
>tfw don't have a gunfu yet to marry

If you were in the US, I'd say look for a redneck girl. Farming and country folk here are naturally pretty red pilled. Not sure if there's an equivalent in Finland, though.

For myself I'm already too far gone, my social retardation isn't getting any better.
It's not worth it spending hours on shitty dating sites just to go on a couple of dates with some blue pulled chick.
I haven't actually bought my gunfu yet, but I'm also hoping for the import ban to be lifted off of Russia so I can get some good slav shit.
At that point I might as well just buy a Russian rifle and wife to save on shipping.

I'm only slightly socially retarded. I can read rooms well and get positive responses most times, so I think there is still hope.

Although I really like slav women and slav accents, I personally couldn't buy a wife. I would be too paranoid that I would wake up without a kidney and all my shit stolen. I've had my eye on picking up one of the HMG STG44's, but it's not in my budget yet.

> want's socialism
Kys. You are just like the shitskins, niggers and commies. Fucking tree decoration.

> (You)
>I'm only slightly socially retarded. I can read rooms well and get positive responses most times, so I think there is still hope.
Sounds like there might be hope for you so good luck, and pro-tip don't homeschool your children.

>Although I really like slav women and slav accents, I personally couldn't buy a wife. I would be too paranoid that I would wake up without a kidney and all my shit stolen.
That was only half a joke, if I owned my own house right now I would probably go ahead and do it... I mean I have two kidneys so.

What? How have I implied wanting socialism? I most certainly don't.

I went through the public school system and turned out alright I think. Never really wanted to home school any future children anyways.

Don't let your dick lead to your bodily harm and your downfall user. Wouldn't you rather have a qt slav waifu you loves you for you rather than buying one? Don't lose hope, I believe that one day you will find your qt gf.

Holy shit I'm tired. Hang in there champ, I've gotta get some sleep.

If you're a christian date a girl at church, give her easy redpills, be charming, and have kids with her. If atheist meet her wherever but your redpill game will have to be stronger.

Thanks I appreciate it.
Although I wasn't going to actually buy anyone I'm not quite sure how I would even do that.
But something along the lines of a mail order bride seems infinitesimally more possible than obtaining one in the traditional sense.

Same here. I just didn't react to her emotional swings of nonsense. The neighbors talking loud from the flat next door? It's only 8pm, if it's past ten then bring it up. I honestly couldn't hear it or rather zoned it out. By 9pm she'd call him up and bitch. Then bitch at me for not doing anything. You don't care for me blah blah. Fuck

Mail order brides are crap. You need to be more charming, be more assertive, go for what you want more aggressively. Be a man. Look a girl in the eyes the whole time you talk to her and five minutes into the conversation grab her hand. And let her know you want a big traditional family. Women are moldable by men, lead her.

When you're redpilling people, it has to happen gradually

If you just drop everything on them at once they'll just think you're crazy/racist/sexist etc.

Start off with some mild ones and gradually give them the heavier shit


While I agree with what you say, I think the girls at my congregation would find it a bit odd and funny I started grabbing their hand mid-conversation and started telling them about my ideals.

Seems reasonable.

she looks like a slut

How to actually get christian girl ?

>go to church
and then wut ,nigga ?

Thank you for posting this, I need to apologize to my girlfriend for blowing her off to play games.

I also need to leg day today.

Thanks Hanz


Nevertheless, I'm glad I had such a positive effect on you.

go to an endocrinologist and check your hormones, Pekka Urpalainen

Why, Bekzat Akhmetov?

maybe your endocrine system is faulty and causes you to have bitchboy thoughts. just go man, you gotta check up every now and then anyways

What bitchboy thoughts have I manifested?

> Sometimes the struggle feels gratuitous without a traditional woman by my side. Who am I fighting for? How does one find a good woman not spoiled by modern degeneracy, and before that, copes with tfw no traditional qt virgin gf?

Sounds like an eloquent >>tfw no girl to suck her clitoris for 3 hours straight ;_;

A healthy baboon ape man cannot have such thoughts mate

>A healthy baboon ape man

Kek. But yeah, I'd say you're right that the primus motor of this thread was mostly just plain tfw no gf. I don't think it's unhealthy to occasionally have such feelings, though.


exactly mein neger!

btw a girl either wants my cock or her bf wants to talk to me to do the high school 'dont talk to my gf (or else im gonna be really upset)' thingy

im ready to deal some damage to his face, what do you think lads

I think you should leave alone girls that are taken. My friend got cheated on, and seeing what it did to him, I'm convinced cheating on your partner is the worst thing you can do to a person and not go to jail for it.

>go to church
Everyone at church is older than me by 40 years.

Now what?

dont go to church

Get into older women.

It depends on the person. There're plenty of girls on the planet, if you are cheated on at least you find out the girl didn't worth it and start over with a better one.

good song

täydellistä et saa, kuin maailma ojentaisi käden ja laittaisi yhden sinun vierellesi

se on muutenkin mukavuuden haluisuutta, se että joku nyt olisi vain siinä lähellä ettei ahistaisi, mutta mitään oikeaa syytä sen haluamiselle ei sitten ole, ellei ole ajatellut asioita pidemmälle.

ja kenelle taistelet? voitko selventää, tarkoitatko että pitäisi olla nainen ja lapsia joiden puolesta taistella, vai tarkoitatko jotain muuta, jotain suurempaa?

Stop being a faggot and embrace crippling depression and loneliness, it's good for you.

As I am getting older and still being single, I do tend to move towards lack of will to fight.

As a cisgendered, hetero man with financial independence and his own real estate there is nothing that could threaten me personally.

What's the best place to meet kind of shy/introverted women, Sup Forums?

I'm in university and most women here are fat slobs who go clubbing and drinking every chance they get and get depressed when they're forced to be alone for periods of time longer than one hour. I'd rather be single and alone than waste time on such a person.

This mah nigga.

My girl was this, she gradually went from non-imbecile to god-tier redpilled.

Full imbeciles, however, stand no chance of recovery. Ward them off as the Devil.

vielä paikalla?

Tarkoitin lähinnä sitä, että toisinaan tuntuu turhalta opiskella, säästää rahaa, nostaa rautaa ja pyrkiä kehittämään itsestään kokonaisvaltaisesti mahdollisimman hyvä, kun on kuitenkin yksin. Kavereita on kyllä, mutta ei se ole sama asia kuin elämänkumppani. Mikäli en löydä vaimoa ja lisäänny, mikä virka kaikella tällä yksinäisellä vaivannäöllä on ollut? Toki naisetonkin voi edistää maansa, kansansa ja rotunsa etuja, mutta tuntuu se silti jollakin tavalla tyhjältä.

Itsellä oli sama tyhjyyden ja tarkoituksellisuuden tunteen puuttuminen vuosia. Luulin että se johtuu epäonnesta naisrintamalla mutta kun sain sen naisen josta olin unelmoinut niin ei se elämä muuttunut pitkäksi aikaa. Kuukauden päästä oli taas sama tyhjä olo. Oon miettinyt pitäiskö puhua psykologille mutta en usko että voin olla onnellinen silloinkaan. Elämä on vittujen elämä. Älä luule että elämäsi muuttuu onnelliseksi vain mukavan tytön löytämällä.

rare has fuck

>pitäiskö puhua psykologille
Tuskinpa siitä haittaakaan olisi, joten käy ihmeessä. Päänsisäinen terveys on äärimmäisen tärkeä juttu.

>Älä luule että elämäsi muuttuu onnelliseksi vain mukavan tytön löytämällä.
En missään nimessä. Ei ole hyvästä sitoa onnellisuuttaan ja mielenrauhaansa sellaisiin asioihin, joita ei ole, ja joiden saaminen ei ainakaan kokonaan ole itsestä kiinni. Suurimman osan ajasta olen suhteellisen onnellinen, mutta kyllä halu tytyn löytämiseen vaan meinaa takaraivossa tykytellä. Toisaalta jos ei tykyttelisi, niin silloinhan sitä ainakin jäisi yksin.

onhan tässä yheiskuntarakennellisia ongelmia, joita vasta viime aikoina on alettu suuremmin selventämään, että ehkä parempi maailma meille tulevaisuudessa. itse syytän median röyhkeää tapaa pyrkiä vangitsemaan massojen mielet oman typerien halujen täyttämiseen.

itselle löysin syyn elää, tosin se onkin ehkä vain mielipuolen mielipide. tämä siis ajaa minua eteenpäin kaikessa, kuten ongelman ratkaisuissa.

mutta se ei muuta sitä että puolison puute vaivaisi. puolison puute vaivaa ihan normaalilla tasolla, kuten myös "syy elää" tasolla.

jos kykenette, pyrkikää siihen että kysytte jatkuvasti "miksi". miksi joku tapahtui. omalla kohdalla huomasin nopeasti että syyt tulevat ihan omista tunteista, jotka tulevat luonnollisest tavasta tuntea esim. häpeää tai pahaa oloa, kuin joku olisi satuttanut henkisesti syvältä.

tiedän josken pitkälle kaikennäköistä, mutta en silti luota mihinkään omiin uskomuksiin 100%, koska kyseenalaistan sen miksi ylipäätänsä uskon jonkin olevan totta

you better find a fucking white girl

Yep ,this.Don't cheat and don't make other ppl to cheat with you.
Cheating is degeneracy.

That's the plan.

Don't know.

Try being American.I'm 20 years old, every girl has already been fucked at least by one guy, and they plan on being fucked by another 40 by the end of college. I'm no longer a virgin, but that's because I the girl I lost it too seemed like my future wife.

No girl wants to settle down, they all just want to ride the cock carousel.

I'm single for the first time in 3 years, and let me tell you, the future looks bleak.

Sup Forums is just this awesome.


This. While I was with my last gf, just the thought of her hugging another guy made me queasy.

If I would have found out she cheated on me, I likely would have killed someone. Hell, we've been broken up for a month now and if I found out she fucked some other guy, I'd at least cry.

Cheating is honestly the shittiest thing I can think of that isn't illegal.