Why are people with high IQ more liberal and tolerant?

Why are people with high IQ more liberal and tolerant?

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>see flag
Well Sven ask Mohammed. I'm sure he'll be able to enlighten you on why liberals have high IQ's.

because they are grow up and stop enjoy cartoons about dog -girls


Because cooperation and mutual respect leads to more progress and peace than hate and rejection.

Oh thailand you don't know how wrong you are

Because stupid people rely on their insticts,which arent wrong. Why would we have them in the first place?
'smart' people think those insticst are primitive and irrational

Why is that relevant, if liberalism and tolerance are both empirically bad policies?

>Why are people with high IQ more liberal and tolerant?

This is something a low IQ retard might ask. Actually it isn't true.

it's perfect rational for stone age but not now
so ko ma te ta

explain yourself. NOW.

>stone age
>fear of invading foreigners is rational

>fearr of invading foreigners is irrational

>people with high IQ

Because they convince themselves they are smart while rejecting everything that could indicate they're wrong.

If you rely on some arbitrary scores to tell you you're superior, chances are you're just delusional. I was there thinking of myself that way - and I was actually a fucking idiot.

because smarter people get into education, which is full of liberal brainwashing

look at the great thinkers of the past, before academia was cucked

If you have a below-average IQ, your ancestors and the people around you are probably smarter than you. If you have an above-average IQ, they are probably dumber than you.

If you have a below-average IQ, you are beholden to your nature and your nurture. Change is harder, your actions are less malleable, and you see this in others too. If you have an above-average IQ, you can easily change your actions, and so you assume other people can change theirs.

If you have a below-average IQ, you're likely to live in an area with a broad cross-section of society in it. You see others at their worst. If you have an above-average IQ, you probably live somewhere with people just like you. You see your Asian neighbours as more like you than the low-IQ plebs a couple of suburbs over.

They aren't
White People with more education are.

Get a very intelligent Chinese or an Indian or an Arab or a Mexican with a phd alone and let them start talking.

Racist as fuck.

>high IQ

Even the smart people in the west are still racist as fuck - they just say they hate "poor people" which incidentally includes almost all non-whites. When they bitch about "white rednecks", it's largely a smokescreen for the fact they fucking despise nigs.
>see, I hate dumb white people too :^)

t. I like to complain about "uneducated people" in a country where all whites have at least a trade degree

Has to do with the fact they don't have to deal with them.

Higher IQ tends to correlate with higher education which correlates with higher standard of living which correlates with dealing with less minority groups on a daily basis which leads to being more tolerant and less racist.

While the opposite is true, lower IQ means more racist only because it means less education, less standard of living and dealing with minority groups more.
Its safe to say that exposure to them leads to being racist and not whether or not you have a large IQ that leads to tolerance/racism.


>painting everyone with the same brush

I dunno, Sven? Why are all Muslims Petty criminals?

>with high IQ more liberal and tolerant?

Because when you are intelligent, it is easier for you to grasp how fucked up everything is. Hence you'd become depressed (inb4 many (you's)) and they decide to basically go for the "liberal" agenda, i.e. ignorance is bliss, live and let live, all under the disguise of tolerance, what in reality is just their apathy.

In the end, when they start hating right wingers, they are usually mad at them that the right wingers are not as apathetic as the liberals because they don't want to be alone. Of course this does not hold true for convinced leftists, which is something different than a liberal.

So don't think for a second that they are tolerant, they are apathetic or not tolerant against the "intolerant".

People with a high IQ become loyal servants of the Nazi Party

only according to statistics, and statistics aren't based off superior intelligence basement dwelling people who forgo the need for social interaction to study thinks like math and science and computers.

High iq people are like selective sponges. Since school/knowledge is their main focus, and to do well in school they must absorb all knowledge while keeping in mind that the knowledge given is only true, they are taught that any major instititutions, such as the media and school textbooks, must be only true. Also, another factor is exposure. A natural instinct of observation present in All people(duh), defines the scope of what they know, and thus when their environment, which they deem as superior, gives them no evidence of the contrary, their decision is made.

Despite only restraining themselves to the principles of logic and not emotion, it seems most people of above average iq practice the seemingly natural fallacy of confirmation bias, or having a claim and looking up facts to confirm it.

You anons shouldnt really be discouraged that high iq people saying somethings and regarding them as truths. High IQ just means you're able to absorb and comprehend information faster. However, simple news and journalism doesnt take a genius to understand, and you are simply broadening your scope of information by being redpilled(visiting this board).


I DO think liberals are smarter than your average country-man. But I dont think they are more tolerant. They also have a hard time accepting real life