Flat Earth? Myth? or Reality?

Flat Earth? Myth? or Reality?

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I believe in a hollow earth.

Nazis were obsessed with the idea.

that is literally just the curvature of the earth.

grab an orange and stick a toothpick in one side. position your eye over the top from the opposite side. it probably looks shorter.

It's real. Possibly Satan's greatest deception of all time. Nothing else has caused more people to leave the faith. Hell is going to be packed full of deceived people.

Uphill earth

Earth is the center of the/our universe
I think flat AND hollow earth are true
I also think the universe is electric/plasmic in nature. And the 4 fundamental forces of physics are just manifestations of electrical properties. That makes physics in general a misguided attempt at understanding the universe, similar to Alchemy. Close but off by 1

You are such a fucking idiot I don't even know how to respond.
>hurr dee durr 2 inches f rom my face

You do know that is make believe right? written by superstitious people thousand of years ago. The Hebrew Bible - Lawrence H. Schiffman

do you even geometry or astronomy?

Although I will give the actual flat-earthers credit, it would be the ultimate red pill to believe that literally every scientist and news publication in history which detailed a round earth were lying for some nefarious purpose

I dunno but my roof is flat and I can hear a possum running across it.

What the fuck are you even trying to communicate, you utter fucking toilet



Eratosthenes knew the planet was spherical 2200 years ago, he even calculated with surprising accuracy the curvature of the Earth and the tilt of its axis. Practically everything after that has been built with the precoinceived idea that the Earth is a globe and nothing has failed so far, that's the power of predictability.

The Earth is a globe, end of the question.

100% factual, do not dispute

Refraction of light


you can see where i live in that picture

ask me anything

Wow. The bible. That proves it.

What did you have for breakfast today?

Literally everything in the Bible is true, you heretic. Sorry you're still shaking off your blue pill Communist education.

yes the math and science is undeniable.

>oh shit the bible is full of fucking bullshit wtf jesus
>oh i know
thx praise jeebus

We have the exact gravitational equations that have been tested and proven millions of times. That.s NOT how it works

is maple syrup real

>Literally everything in the Bible is true

>13 “‘These are the birds you are to regard as unclean and not eat because they are unclean: the eagle,[a] the vulture, the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind of black kite, 15 any kind of raven, 16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
>Leviticus 11:13-19


I saw Cosmos, too, faggot. Carl Sagan was a modern-day Pharisee and he's burning in hell right now. Everything you just said was also completely wrong. Literally nothing is built with the so called curvature of the Earth taken into account.

>i've never studied math and science because muh NASA PHOTOSHOOPS

>flat earth threads daily now

Stupid people should be banned from this site

>Literally nothing is built with the so called curvature of the Earth taken into account.
Verrazano–Narrows Bridge

>Literally nothing is built with the so called curvature of the Earth taken into account.
What about maps, international flights or circumnavigating the globe?
What about GPS and triangulation?
Hell, much as well kill two birds with one stone and show evidence against both flat and hollow earth. What about fucking seismic waves?
You are the dumbest of the dumb

I wonder who is stupid if you think they are serious

>Everything is so complicated and big it's WRONG! Science is harrrrd

Torontonians are LITERALLY subhuman.
Throw yourself out a window.

What is the average price of various sushi rolls in your area and are they 6 or 8 piece.

Scientific classifications are man-made garbage and are mostly arbitrary. Just because we don't call bats birds doesn't make it so. You know, science also says niggers and whites are the same species, yet classifies highly similar tigers as different species. Science can't even properly decide on what a species is because it would either force them to admit blacks and whites are a different species or admit that there are FAR fewer species than they claim exists. The only reason they try to claim so many exist is to make Noah's Ark seem impossible.

That would be light reflecting that causes that effect you retard.

Long range snipers have to take the rotation of the earth into account.

Meanwhile, every long range shooter worth his salt can repeatedly and accurately account for the Earths curvature and rotation when shooting long distances.

>blaming the curvature of the earth on faithlessness
Reality is more proof of a divine than anything else. Our primitive ancestors could not appreciate the scale of the almighty's creation. Now that we have advanced the faithless are treating Science as a new religion. A methodology as a religion!

Such people never had faith in the first place.

>science also says niggers and whites are the same species
They are because they can interbreed.


Bats are mammals you dumb fuck. I see that common core education has busted your brain but this isn't about species, they are a whole different class

>I don't know how light works

Yes. Try to use a GPS without taking that into account you tremendous faggot.

Shut the fuck spergburger if you can't visualise the very basic model he's trying to construct.

That's a myth. Snipers do not give two fucks about the rotation of the earth

Friendly reminder that it's all a visual illusion. With the correct mindset you can see 100 miles far. You just need to see through the curved jew.

Flat earth fags BTFO

So can Lions and Tigers.

they literally have nightmares about giving any comfort to their greatest enemy, the Old Testament

friendly reminder that math and science takes years of consistent pen-on-paper study, and watching youtube videos is not a substitute.

no proof that this number is correct doe

Surely, it's hard to unravel, but the Bible doesn't call Satan the great deceiver for no reason. I'll concede that the Earth is a globe when someone flies from your shitty country to Australia across the "south pole". Circumnavigation is trivial on a flat earth and has been long-debunked. You just go in a circle around the north pole. That's why all "around the world" events have always been east to west and not even once north to south.

GPS has been and always will be a land-based technology, just as its earliest versions were (LORAN). GPS is a pretty simple technology. You just use triangulation and basic math calculations using electromagnetic signals:


Not sure what you're driving at regarding seismic waves.

the children of such matings are sterile.

LOL, no they do not. So only bullets have to take rotation into account... but not airplanes? Makes perfect sense, bro. 10/10 post.

Coriolis effect.

>I'm literally retarded please fuck my face
Please never be in charge of artillery.

What, are you mentally ill and mentally retarded? He's trying to make even the most retarded person understand how it works yet you fail to see it, jesus christ dude. You seriously believe the earth is flat? XD

if you want to take a trip over a pole, where your navigational systems turn to shit, and emergency landing in this area is guaranteed death, be my fucking guest.

lol fake

You're right, and that's why microtaxonomy exists, because nature isn't so picky when it comes to categorize reality. Lions and tigers could be as well the same species but taxonomists use other factors to determine them, such as geographical separation and whether their offspring are fertile or not (in the case of the Liger, they can't further reproduce, nor can the mule). If you're really interested, read this book: books.google.ca/books?id=pHThtE2R0UQC

Now, about human sub-species... taxonomists actually categorized now called "races" as subspecies but surprise surprise, PC culture took over and now (((anthropology))) is the new paradigm. However, anthropology is considered a pseudo-science among many scholars, some don't even respect the field.

Are you speaking from professional experience?

As I said, it's a MYTH. Snipers don't account for it. Nothing does.

Earth's gravity keeps the atmosphere on earth, and it gradually thins as it leaves the earth. I actually don't understand how people can be so retarded as to blindly accept these memes you keep posting.

Once you can get a aircraft to withstand the temperature without any mechanical or electrical problems and a crew willing to go knowing that if they crash they will end up as meat popsicles then go ahead.

If the earth is flat, explain as to why places like Alaska can have daylight conditions for months.

this is the worst meme on pol

>You just use triangulation and basic math calculations using electromagnetic signals
Dumb as tits. You need triangulation precisely because it's a globe, on a plane you only need two points of reference.

>Not sure what you're driving at regarding seismic waves.
I know you don't know because you're stupid and your education system needs fixing, thanks God Trump is gonna do it. But the way seismic waves travel prices beyond any doubt that the earth has an imperfect globe shape and that it has a liquid core and a solid interior. The refraction and reflection of seismic waves wouldn't be like it is otherwise

Now you're citing Brazilian Facebook pages?

>sea level

Not to mention anyone involved with ship's gunnery since the late 19th century onwards.

>can not be reproduced
If we had a whole planet then maybe.

Yet our atmosphere is right next to a massively powerful vacuum (space) and doesn't get sucked away because """gravity""" is strong enough to keep it on the Earth.

Yet a small man-made vacuum can suck up lead pellets, and gravity isn't powerful enough to resist it?

Wrong. That is not the guiding principle at all. If that was the case, why is there an endless over-classification of species that can interbreed?
