For those thinking Trump will not allow Hillary to be prosecuted, listen to this!

Excerpt from an audiobook. Chapter "Revenge"

>never forgive
>never forget

Other urls found in this thread:

>over 30 minutes
have a bump while I listen

danke Alter! It's a good listen so far. TL;DW so far is that Trump rewards loyalty more than anything else.

He has ended people over minor slights, and what he experienced in the campaign were major defamation of character. It now makes sense the "firing squad" he put the media through the other day.

Ich freue mich drauf. Der Kerl wird es schaffen, ich glaube es.

HAHA just got to a gem. @ 11:45 he says
>Rosie O'Donnell is a degenerate.
he really is our guy.

>You must always get even. This is real life advice. If you don't get even you are just a schmuck.

Hillary will burn.


great so far

So is he going to reward loyalty to the country or loyalty to himself? I prefer country.

Now? To the country. Imagine his business empire as his own fiefdom, which he defended strongly. Now he has expanded far beyond that level of responsibility so he will defend the country even harder than he did his own company.

I'm surprised this hadn't been posted earlier. It's a great look into his mind.

Honestly, he should hurry up getting her behind bars so the democrats don't cheat their way into office by recount.

5 min in, is it me, or does he sound a little strange? did he have a cold when recording this?

Walking home today some fucker bumped into me and instantly started talking shit about aluminium being the best metal. I tried to remain calm and explain to him that iron was actually the best metal, but he wouldn't take a hint. He started throwing around words like "rust" and I lost it. Punched him right in his aluminium-loving fuck face. I hate aluminium so goddamn much.

fucking hell you noob, diamond is the best metal, everyone knows that, you soft bastard fuck!

Nord bro, his people have already released a statement basically denying the legitimacy of the recount completely. Called it a sham. If it goes through, we're looking at war.

Just found another gem in this
>I always have my list. Trust me, you do not want to get on my list.

Anyone want to play "who is on his list"?
I'll start: Joe Biden

Just generic audiobook gruffly man voice. I swear i've heard this guy before.

t. Trump

Wow, Trump is a dick.

>I always have my list. Trust me, you do not want to get on my list.
oooh, I bet that grown list is pretty long this year

This is not news to anybody. A dick is exactly what we need to fuck this gay earth.

Of course he would. But it's not directly his call anyway. FBI needs to present case to DA and DA needs to assess if it's feasible.

Trumps comes across as a barely literate, vindictive prick.

I hope (((someone))) gets revenge on him

Nice. I'm happy to hear that you're standig up for your rights. To be honest, I somewhat hope the recount happens so you get an excuse for finally cleasing out the country by war. The way liberals are treating honest hardworking americans right now, is fucking unbareable to watch - it makes me so fucking furious.

>Always make a list of those who have hurt you. Then sit back and wait until they least expect it go after them with a vengeance. Go after their jugular.

Damn, thats good, anybody have audio, pdf or doc download for this book?


just on the mark cuban letter part, kek

I hate cuban, what a faggot

yeah, the list just got 10 feet higher

this chapter is such a relief

Reported to MI6 and FBI.

Pathetic rantings of ego-driven man. Lots of people turn their backs to him when he put them to various positions. A big fucking deal is this is something everyone gets in his lifetime, but somehow he made it big.

ok, I like this narrator now

"mommee mommee, trump called you the f-word"

he was almost too savage to Rosie.
>I didn't call her a fat pig, i only called her a pig! But would you disagree that she is fat?

No survivors.

fucking freaks me out if a burger speaks another language

>I swear i've heard this guy before
I'm pretty sure he is rthe same narrator who read "The 48 Laws of Power"

>this guy is sueing me for firing him
>I dont want to waste money on the case
> I know! I'll make his porn stash public.

I'm a Kraut / Ami. Lived in DE. Grandparents spoke it. Redpill me on your people because they seem doomed and weak. I'm really grateful they came here because you're living in a dystopia now. (So leben wir auch, aber da haben wir Waffen)

Funny because I have that audiobook tabbed out about to start on this 9 hour experience. When I get tired of reading I go to audiobook.

Well yeah, it's pretty obvious that he waits with the largest stuff until he's actually in the white house.
Hillary and her campaign is freaking out aswell, hence supporting the recounts in states, they know that Trump will come after them next year.

"I don't know how anyone could become a billionaire running an airline"


Diabolical. :DD

I agree, it's obvious to us maybe but I've seen so many concern shills that maybe it has rubbed off on some.

things look dark here, arablover merkel will be elected because of no real opposition. AfD will never gain traction because falseflaggers and neonazis with white trash flock to it and make it unappealing for the masses.

europe is just to cucked with the social democrats everywhere in power for 80 years

you have your own problems but the thing you have that helps you is the constitution and a system that was never overtaken by the fucking left even tho the jews have infiltrated both parties you have it so much better

be grateful that your ancestors made a great decision and also the fact that they thought you German

what part of germany?

I think he's implying that it's too competitive and the margins are too low, and maybe that branson is only doing it to further his brand

I'm about a third of way through. This is interesting. Thanks OP.

I'm also reading The Art of the Deal and recommend that book as well. The Donald is quite the character. Very smart too and admits to deliberately playing dumb when he thinks it will work better.

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That is dark indeed. The American Constitution is definitely the legal vanguard against most attempts at subversion. It has provided us with the most basic rights that have been denied to our Eurobros, but I fear even that could be subverted further than it has been if another lefitst were to get into power.

They came from Northwest. I forget the village, right off the Dutch border. I lived on the Swiss border, saw how a "real" multikulti confederacy could work by, oh idk, not forcing everybody to live together but giving cantons cultural sovreignty.

There's always more room for right wing Krauts in America!

Art of the Deal turned me from a "meme supporter" to a Trump supporter.

>will never enjoy well done steaks with Trump
Its hurts.

The narrator's voice is fucking amazing, who is this man.

is there more chapters bro?

all she has to do is apologize and send him a check.

This is also solid intel for this recount sham. Trump has already made it clear he will only accept the results as they are now.

I have not looked any up. The book is called How to Kick Ass or something like that though? Let's look it up.

>It has provided us with the most basic rights that have been denied to our Eurobros, but I fear even that could be subverted further than it has been if another lefitst were to get into power.
all of the consitution writers were brits, it's based on English Common Law and the Magna Carta. It's already been subverted in some massive ways

interesting read:

this shit needs to be reversed in all Anglo countries


>never forgive
>never forget

>enjoy well done steaks
>well done

Fuck off

those steaks are YUUUG!!

not sure I can afford any, might check out the wine prices though and send some to my liberal idiot sister and her bf

Well he'll sure as he'll prosecute. Ow that ducking Hilldawg has tried to join team Jill Commie. No idea what Hillary was thinking on that, the lead is too big to rig and even they admit that there is no evidence of tampering. All this is gonna do is piss off Big Donald

I don't doubt it's Common Law heritage, but I wonder why did we encode speech and arms into as inalienable in our constitution but you guys are denied even the right to defend yourself verbally, legally, physically, even spiritually now I feel.

He does a lot of audio books I think. I'm sure i've heard his voice before.

No, the new leader of the free world eats well done steaks and your going to have to like it.

The world really is fucked when real Marxists are supporting Trump while Che shirt wearing hippies sipping on Starbucks beat up a homeless black woman for defending Trump, all while having the audacity to prance around about being anti-racist anti-misogynist.

This country truly needs a purge.


don't give up on us yet, article 61 of the Magna Carta has been triggered by the Barons, when Lizzy signed the Treaty of Rome which transferred the peoples' sovereignity. We are in Lawful Rebellion

Natural rights can not be removed, only infringed

AT Runnymede, at Runnymede
What say the reeds at Runnymede?
The lissom reeds that give and take,
That bend so far, but never break,
They keep the sleepy Thames awake
With tales of John at Runnymede.

At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
Oh, hear the reeds at Runnymede:--
"You mustn't sell, delay, deny,
A freeman's right or liberty.
It makes the stubborn Englishry,
We saw 'em roused at Runnymede!

"When through our ranks the Barons came,
With little thought of praise or blame,
But resolute to play the game,
They lumbered up to Runnymede;
And there they launched in solid time
The first attack on Right Divine--
The curt, uncompromising 'Sign!'
That settled John at Runnymede.

"At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
Your rights were won at Runnymede!
No freeman shall be fined or bound,
Or dispossessed of freehold ground,
Except by lawful judgment found
And passed upon him by his peers.
Forget not, after all these years,
The Charter Signed at Runnymede."

And still when Mob or Monarch lays
Too rude a hand on English ways,
The whisper wakes, the shudder plays,
Across the reeds at Runnymede.
And Thames, that knows the moods of kings,
And crowds and priests and suchlike things,
Rolls deep and dreadful as he brings
Their warning down from Runnymede!

Tell me more about this. More specifically, when do I get to come over and help with the overthrow of some despotic regime.

If article 61 is in effect as of '01, why are you guys being fucked in the ass so hard by globalist scum?

I thought he was a billionaire from owning Virgin media and Virgin records?

hopefully soon

I don't have any info on our numbers currently, but the current despots appear to be on the verge of committing overt treason by rejecting the will of the people and overturning the brexit vote

>why are you guys being fucked in the ass so hard by globalist scum?
they hope to pretend long enough to get away with it

first thing I see

HM the Queen? Holy shit


that's what I use to red pill family and friends, it works flawlessly.

germany by the swiss, austrian boarder is my favourite place in germany I spend many summers by the lake constance, how long did you stay here?

I actually lived a while in Manhattan around 8 months and I started to hate america because I felt betrayed that it wasnt like I imagined and known from the movies, books... turns out I just hated liberals and I was surrounded by them

what state are u from

The Archbishop of Canterbury: Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?

The Queen: I solemnly promise so to do.

The Archbishop of Canterbury: Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?

The Queen: "I will."

The Archbishop of Canterbury: Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolable the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?

The Queen: All this I promise to do. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform, and keep. So help me God.

the coronation oath binds the monarch to uphold the laws and customs, it also implies penalties for breaking the oath

Ich wohnte am Bodensee! and now in Arizona.

What videos do you like best? I like the "Watch out for Right Wing families" one. It is a good one to get my blood boiling.

Fascinating. So, its treason then.

this was a really good post OP

>Fascinating. So, its treason then.
treason, misprission of treason(knowing and allowing it), sedition, aiding and abetting underage rape, robbery, theft, fraud and murder, and genocide

Do you have a spic problem down there? how is it living down there? how are Germans treated?

Have you seen Bregenzer Festspiele?

I don't have a favorite video, like I told you I use it to red pill people but I see it as propaganda so I don't really need it but you should check out
it gives a more reasonable german voice and it wont make you boil your blood

powerful stuff

>So, its treason then.
oh, also, allowing any jew who prays the kol nidre(which they claim absolves them of all oaths for the next year and the last year) to take a public position of trust which requires an oath is a crime in itself. e.g. police, army, politician, lawyer, judge

Yes, we get a lot of illegal immigration here BUT, out of all the Southwest, we are the most conservative and German blooded outside of Texas. Our gun laws are very free. If you are a white native here, you very likely have German heritage. German nationalis are treated very nicely.

Nej, never saw that. Im looking it up now.
Do you have any deutschsprechende right leaning / conservative youtube guys I can listen to besides this one you sent me?

also enjoyed it

After the shit she is pulling with this recount scam she needs to be PUNISHED

We need to come at this bitch guns blazing. With a renewed effort to put her in prison.

We are powerful enough to put a man in the white house, we are strong enough to put a bitch in prison.

honesty you only need the good old Hagen since others are really cuck edgy tire like some of the english "alt-right" commentators

check this one out

how about them niggers? or is it just beaners?
must be pretty grand to be near las vegas and cali but still in a save conservative place