Communism was a meme that people got sick of when everyone realized it can only be enforced through violence...

Communism was a meme that people got sick of when everyone realized it can only be enforced through violence. Why do communists still unironically exist?

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Because violent retards still exist.

They hate working.

You can go ahead and read leftist forums for the next month, it will all break down to "Marx was right, I hate working!"

Most of these Commies are Upper Class or Middle Class while claiming to stand for the workers, all while supporting, whether they know it or not, the mass immigration problem of today which helps create the Marxist sphere of influence. This, of course, means less jobs for the working class so now you have a bunch of immigrant workers looking for free gibmedat's and a bunch of disenfranchised worker looking to lash out against their former employers.

Communists are the largest breed of genetic fuckups and ought to be removed.

>that quote

Well hey, Hitler was right about something.

To counter capitalism, there will always be contrarians unsatisfied with capitalism, ideals in communism are what makes simingly intelligent people go full retard and disregard all experimental data for 100 years just because they think capitalism is not ideal, coming to think about it, lefty socialist state of 1 world europe countries, the welfare, working insane rights and benefits etc are all due to ussr, the europes capitalists were so afraid of workers uprising that they shifted and become more commie than ussr was, if it wasnt for ussr the world would be much darker

>about something.

You misspelled everything

indoctrination and an inability to accurately predict human behavior

>implying the same thing can't be said for natsoc

As long as we remain organic humans, Communism cannot be achieved.

Because intellectuals still hope for a massive bureaucracy that will employ them. Communism promises them that.

It can't, not legitimately anyways.

The Communist utopia can only ever, and has only ever, amounted to state-capitalism for a reason: The Marxist pipe-dream is impossible.

The lack of a state simply sets the environment for the creation of the state, the creation of this state MUST be totalitarian to ensure those that "enjoyed the freedom" of not having a state comply to this new regime.

The creation of a state to later be dissolved (IE Bolshevik theory) has never worked as it becomes quite clear that abolishing the state would simply leave people in an apocalyptic anarchy and, once again, set the environment for the creation of a state. And, as stated before, the Bolshevik state must also be totalitarian since this "pre-state" is a "requirement" for the state-less communism that Marx promises, and if it is destroyed or replaced prematurely it will "fail".

NatSoc does not suffer from these issues and the evidence of history is on our side. Read Feder you cunt.

>implying nat soc doesnt have sky high approval ratings from those living underneath it

Trips of truth


nice meme

1) Wast majority of people see Stalinism as perversion of Marxism-Leninism, some of them think we should try again with more discussion and less KGB

2) It's a nice ideal to strive towards, unlivable, and yet oh so appealing. A perfect society, where you every whim is catered to and you do your best to contribute to it.

3)Capitalism has quite a few cracks in it this days, many see communism as a backup for if/when it breaks down.

Mind you I myself belief that due to increasing automation we will have to all establish welfare states with free education/healthcare, where people work to get luxury goods/services.

As George Carlin once said: "think about how stupid the average person is...and 50% of people are even dumber than THAT."

>implying there's nothing better than current capitalism
Also, the only branch of economics I know of that rejects empirical data is the Austrian school, and they're fervently anti-communist.

George Carlin was a dumb retard who only /r/atheist redditors find intellectually stimulating.

yeah the soviet union was full of NEETs and its propaganda was totally not all about working hard

OP's question was regarding modern day Communists and why they still exist, not the Commies of the USSR. As such, my answer pertained to your average modern-day Marxist, which is why I brought up today's leftist forums.

Good job playing yourself, potato-nigger.


They haven't experienced enough violence.

ebin XDD


one of the core teachings of marxism is working for the benefit of your fellow workers and community you absolute dipshit

until we hit the point where robots can do everything, being anti work and being marxist is absolutely contradictory

anime reaction image

>being anti work and being marxist is absolutely contradictory

Tell that to your average Marxist. They'll claim this and that about work and workers but the moment you give you ask them about it privately they'll go on and on about how much they hate work and how unfair things are :(

Even though most of them are middle-class or upper-class and just go to college anyways, normally for a shit-tier degree, and then end up working in a part-time job for the next 5 years before landing a stable gig at some office, at this point completely giving up their Marxist ideals as they're no longer youthful morons and have learned to ride the tiger.

You can preach the "core teachings" as much as you want but you're fighting a losing battle, the average Commie chuckle-fuck doesn't actually care about the "struggle" they project and only follows the ideology because they're self-destructive by nature.


sources for any of these strawmen claims cancuck?

The fact that people still waste time on this thought makes me laugh

Like I said, go ahead and go to any leftist forum of your choosing and have fun reading about how much they hate their jobs, they're good reads as it often breaks down to them not enjoying physical labor.


Why should I work if everything is free?

Of course, you're probably already from reddit or /leftypol/ as they've recently come to the disillusion conclusion that we've become more "leftist" and have decided to just go ahead and start shitposting here.


There's a difference between white nationalists and white supremacists.

Satisfaction. Pride. Self-worth. Empty life off having "fun" leads to escalation of high and low points. Sooner or later you see that life w/o legacy, even a very very minor one, is worth nothing. That's why you see so many rich kids jump the shark one way or the other.

Whatever. They're the kind of people who hate Ben Carson solely because he's black.

Who will feed me while I'm figuring out why I should enjoy working?

No one hates ben carson.

Those who figured it before you did. Trough the state. We are already producing more wealth than necessary to feed/cloth/house/educate everyone with basic produce.

Not disagreeing with you; but I was talking about natsoc and not communism. Why would people want to support an ideology that actively suppresses their liberties/freedoms and makes them suck the cock of someone who can do whatever he wants to do?

Maybe if there were a degree of restriction on this said power or if this said leader was really really good, but that doesn't seem to exist in natsoc/fascism as history shows

Intellectual disability

>Capitalism was a meme that people got sick of when everyone realized it can only be enforced through violence. Why do capitalists still unironically exist?

Whatever man, banks control everything, humanity is already undone.

All we can do now is find peace and watch.

See There is 2 million cases every year in Brazil, let's say this other guy got unlucky. And that's how communism is still contemplatated today.


Because Bezmenov was right, American education and media is infested with progressive far-left ideologues. New generations of millennials thinks that identity politics is the same shit as a class struggle, so of course you now have a shitload of retarded snowflakes spewing pseudo-Marxist bullshit on reddit and tumblr.

Communism is like a giant pyramid scheme.

>"Free lunches! Free lunches for the people!"

>"Who makes them?"

>"The people."

>"Why should they if they get free lunches?"

>"The magic of friendship!"

What if working isn't fun? What if it's actually like, hard?

Capitalism existed when the first man who was hungry killed an animal and fed himself.

You are in the wrong industry. If life forces you to stays there, it sucks, but if government's willing to foot your soulsearching, you will eventually find something you enjoy doing, or die trying. Don't get me wrong I'm well aware plenty jobs are repetitive boring chores that give you no feeling of satisfaction or pleasure. But as automation's kicking in number of those is reduced further and further. While some will forever remain, believe it or not there are people out there who enjoy keeping documents checked, or fixing plumbing, or whatever else makes you climb the walls and bang the head on the celling

ultimate redpill: leftists arent ideologues, but materialists

so capitalism predates capital



communists exist because people can now get their information straight from the source rather than through shitty right wing caricatures

What if I don't want to work? Does Communism mean I don't have to get a job and I can just stay at home and play video games all day?

I'm a blackzilian and I support white nationalism. White supremacy is shit, though. Hitler was only partially right.

So kek said.

Yes, animals (such as cattle) can be capital. If you have an animal, you have capital.

not really but ok

that's not capitalism

but ok

I'm pretty sure communism predates whatever right wing caricatures you're talking about.

Karl Marx specifically stated in Kapital that the core of the revolution is NEET gamers

you;ll be fine comrade

You think hitler was a white supremacist?

You are walking in circles mate.

It sounds great to idiot manchildren who envision themselves a part of the politburo, and not the guy a the bottom of a mass grave.

>I don't know what capitalism is

Pic related is what you think of when you think "capitalism", right?

Nice meme.

No, the capitalist mode of production has the following characteristics:

both the inputs and outputs of production are mainly privately owned, priced goods and services purchased in the market.

production is carried out for exchange and circulation in the market, aiming to obtain a net profit income from it.

the owners of the means of production (capitalists) are the dominant class (bourgeoisie) who derive their income from the surplus product produced by the workers and appropriated freely by the capitalists.

A defining feature of capitalism is the dependency on wage-labor for a large segment of the population; specifically, the working class (proletariat) do not own capital and must live by selling their labour power in exchange for a wage.

In practice, in Communist countries, those who refuse to work are rounded up and executed by firing squad.

No, working is not optional. You work, or you die. Just like in Capitalism.

>Capitalism, as defined by Communists

Must b troo guis

Communism is a snake oil salesman. He promises to solve all of your problems; all you have to do is give him all your money and property and freedom, and kill whoever he tells you to kill.

And here's the ultimate proof that it didn't solve the one problem it was supposed to -

>Yelena Smolnikova has to skip meals so that her meager income can be stretched to buy warm clothes for her children.

So much for ending the "plight of the poor"! So much for the "evils of Capitalism"!

not true communism lol

>Nu-Sup Forums in one post