What does Sup Forums think of a religion based entirely on the Bible

What does Sup Forums think of a religion based entirely on the Bible.

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The Torah is my only scripture!

Considering the fact that we pnly have translations of the bible, that's fucking retarded

It will have a lot of unanswered practical questions.

tell my one.


Because my rabbi told me so and I"M A FUCKING DUMB KIKE

What is literal and what is allegory?

What about the talmud?

In base of the function of the text you could say what is it's porpuose.

I hope you're not implying the Seventh Day Adventists would be that religion.

I'm gonna be straight with you, this post makes no fucking sense.

It's always going to be bullshit. Any religion requires a strong philosophical thought behind it.

I've seen a lot of catholic christian here, anyone who have read the Bible knows that many of their doctrines arebased in the desires of the church.

what do you mean?

No not the philosophical point, I can't read your post.

Why aren't you killing the degenerates in Tel Aviv if you follow the Torah, and why aren't you rebuilding the Temple ?

I'm not a fan of Rabbi interpretations. If I ever went hard religious I'd only follow the Torah because it was written in the ruach hakodesh.


a lot of things like adultery are punished with death, if the torah laws, moises laws for the people of Israel, are as valid today why aren't you punishing acoording to that.

No need to kill them when they're already being outbred. Only the messiah would be allowed to rebuild the temple, otherwise it's forbidden.


What should non-Jews do religiously?

Doesn't England have his own church?

Polytheists need not apply.

You mean Christianity?

>implying yahweh isn't part of the semetic pantheon and a demiurge

Nothing, just be a good person.

you mean the Trinity

everything in the bible literally happened

>the Earth is 6000 years old

"Be a good person"

So that means kill anyone that gets in the way of my family's health and happiness right?

If you take in count the flood, and how quickly all the earth changed, those 6000 years have much more sense .

Not when we can track the historical movement of the continents, no, it doesn't make more sense.

It's whatever you want it to mean m8.

you mean seventh day Adventism?

For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me.But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?”
John 5:46-47

>mfw when you practice the annoying thing like the circumcision but not the cool thing like "an eye for an eye", "if someone tell you to worship an other god, inquire then kill him"


Your religion is the most based, it's a shame that you lack the missionary spirit of the christians.

I dont know but your thumbnail looks like Trump

Every one of the 15,000 Protestant denominations claims to be based on the bible but they all teach different things.

When asked about this, prots will say, "doesn't matter because of love and kindness."

Sola Scriptura is retarded

i'm not saying that the historical movement of the tectonic plates isn't true , most scientist belive ithat the age of the earth are billions of years because of their methods, like the layers of ice or the layers of rock in the grand canyon, if have in count the flood these methods become invalid, therefore the age of the earth could be much more less than what they think.

A Jewish professor I once had told me Jews were doing non-Jews a favor by trying to not convert them. Less rules to follow.

Read your Bible and you will know when a counterfit church is in front of you.

Yeah but that doesn't change plate movements on the sea floor.
Additionally, a lot of water really won't erode something faster than a normal sized river, especially over just 40 days.

>that feel when you must observe 613 (six hundred and thirteen) commandments

>we pnly have translations of the bible

The issue is that they think the bible is the direct word of God, then they interpret verses in isolation disregarding their context and found a denomination based on them. At the same time, they ignore other verses that through a similarly lax interpretation of the bible would imply it has stark contradictions. But if it has such contradictions, is it really the word of God?

It is debatable, but when you see countries like Usa and modern europe you start to realize that they need to know certain moral rule to conduct their lives, a lot of the problems that these coultures are having today are the ones that let Rome in their moral fall.

your're better beliving to much of the bible than any of it.


>tfw Tu B'shevat is tomorrow and you forgot to buy a tree.
We truly have the most convoluted holidays.

> 15,000 Protestant denominations
> they all teach different things.


it was so much the destruction that God made a pact with Moises to never bring that kind of destruction again

most people are deluded and just want to read what they want to read , plus when you read the bible you always have some kind of idea in your head , it still bogles my mind that it is a good possibility that we dont have a eternal soul yet

Human destruction, yes, and millions died, but the water only renewed, rather than reshaped, the earth.