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see, the problem with America is that there are so many stupid people

>I voted for hillary because I'm a faggot who knows nothing about politics and wants this country to become a politically correct, third world shithole.

Why are leftists so self-destructive?




>more relatable

She's a, dare I say, white liberal woman. The most horrendous of creatures.

>posting the writings of a literal terrorist
good job Sup Forums

>I voted for Hillary because Trump has no idea of the struggles we face as average joe blue collar workers in small town USA

Trump may be a fat cat but least he doesn't act so inhuman. Every time I listened to Hillary's shrill voice and watched her act "hip" with the kids by following the latest trends and maymays, I died a little inside.

>"I can't refute any of it. Better start throwing out Ad hominems"



>unapologetic frauds with a history of moral abuses and a disregard for national security

so she's not voting for Trump either?

why is she voting lol

Esp. on the right. The whole fake news thing was a way to make money and the libshits weren't profitable enough.

Any presidents not millionaires?

Trump never said he could relate to blue collar middle class people. He's always been "braggadocious" about his yuge empire of billions and billions of dollahs. He recognizes that the working class white guys are struggling though. It's not like he's doing it for money. He already has money. He's already at the top of the Maslow pyramid - what else does he need? He's 70 years old and successful. Now he just wants to kick back and help the country.

Bavaria cuck ?

Unlike liberals, Trump doesn't want to kill all white children.

Hillary said she thought half the people in America were pieces of shit. The MSM was calling the working class people voting for Trump "uneducated white males", and they meant it as an insult. They fucked up.

a terrorist who was completely right

>Now he just wants to kick back and help the country.

Are Americans really so retarded?

He most likely just wants the power and the fame and the respect (or at least a pretence of respect) from other powerful rulers. You can't amass wealth if you are an idealistic faggot. You can't rise to the top in politics if you are an idealistic faggot.

Why are Trump shills so deluded? Most Hillary shills just think that she is a lesser evil, but you faggots actually think that he is a good choice.

>unapologetic frauds with a history of moral abuses
I take it she's voting for Johnson then

jesus fucking christ i'm stealing this

>that fucking awful paintjob


Nice digits

And before I get called a Hillary shill, I wouldn't vote for that bitch either.

Trump is honest about his riches, to the point where people say he's not.

Hillary is dishonest about her riches.

Most Hillary shills think she's feminist Christ who will magically mend race relations and swing the nation into prosperity by virtue of being a white woman.

Trump supporters seem downright pragmatic compared to the hysteria of the left. They can't even keep their party together anymore and the media is only digging them a deeper grave by behaving so childishly.

Honestly the biggest thing that would help this country is reforming how congress works, which is what Trump wants to do.

The president doesn't even do much to help the average citizen, but at least going right to congress to shake things up can help.

Aren't we allowed to report blatant photoshop trolling?

Why is this thread still up?

You don't need to have actively experienced it to actively acknowledge it.

Clinton didn't even visit the rust belt, didn't pay them any attention because they were safe blue states. The only way for them to prove they weren't safe, and that ignoring middle America and all the promises made to them for the last 8 years, will mean they vote red.

I don't even know why it's shocking to people. Clinton didn't visit them didn't campaign on any policies to help them didn't even acknowledge the struggle of blue collar workers in an increasingly white collar society. Why the FUCK would they vote for her?

>Most Hillary shills think she's feminist Christ who will magically mend race relations and swing the nation into prosperity by virtue of being a white woman.
Most people I heard supporting her claimed that Trump is just a way worse choice, while you faggots idealise Trump.
>>Now he just wants to kick back and help the country.

>he never said trump does understand

get rekt

just because Trump is rich doesn't mean he doesn't understand the struggle of blue collar workers. hell, the whole idea of class struggle was created by a lazy Jew born into a wealthy aristocratic family.

Trump has done tours of his golden penthouse for Fox News, he doesn't hide it at all. He knows about the problems in the middle class because he's sharp and attentive. You can have Bernie claiming he's poor despite his 3 houses, or you can have Trump who admits he is a billionaire and former insider who knows what's wrong with the system.

Blue collar workers can't have that stuff?

I'm sure if they, or anyone in general, saved money and invested it wisely they could buy this retarded extravagant shit.

Yea the picture is ironic, however Hillary made no attempt to appeal to working class Americans, and trump did. Trump promised something. It was most likely a lie, but it was something. Hillary promised nothing but identity politics that left millions disposed while focusing on minorities; not even on their income, but how people think of them.

>Trump, what is best in life?
>to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women

Bernie IS poor he only earns $400k for his Senate work. And lol it's not hard to own 3 houses you just need to play the housing market a little.

But reasoning presented by him is still retarded
>I didn't want to vote for A because he doesn't X, so instead I voted for B (who also doesn't X)
He probably had some real reasons, but what he stated sounds stupid so user is laughing at the retard.

So the Left wasn't smart enough to make fake news?

Hell, it wasn't until after the election we heard about this fake news, where were the smarties on the Left calling it out right away?

Give him a break he has no thumbs

>And lol it's not hard to own 3 houses you just need to play the housing market a little.

And people criticized Trump for saying he can make a lot of money during the recession buying houses.

What is a drumpfkin.

I know what a shill is. Its not a made up word. But explain to me
Why drumpfkins should insult me

Bernie never bought houses during the recession.

Trump is still a lesser evil and a con man who played all his supporters

get. rekt.

>Bernie IS poor he only earns $400k for his Senate work
That's already in the top 2% of the country, not including what his wife makes because I don't care to look into it. Sanders' third house was a $600k summer home, not exactly working class.

I'm not going to waste time explaining to you the political climate in America. You don't live here and you read cherry picked quotes from the Internet to form your basis of understanding. Suffice to say the dems have gone completely insane with power and their primary tactic of discussion is to plug their ears and scream about privelige while ignoring any and all pertinent issues regarding the economy and future of our nation. They're blind, deaf and dumb. Trump supporters are just relieved to see a break in the status quo coming ok the horizon.

t. ex-leftist University student in the heart of Indoctrination Land

I think CTR tired combing the name Drumpf the with work munchkin to get Drumpfkin, possibly as a way to humiliate/demoralize Trump supporters. Who really knows what goes on inside the mind of a leftie though

Pic not related.

>"Trump may be a fat cat but least he doesn't act so inhuman."
Exactly, it is absolutely amazing that she can go through a campaign lasting over a year and none of us can even say what her actual personality is like. It's no wonder she was collapsing from fatigue, maintaining that public persona 24/7 for over a year must have been incredibly exhausting.

It's amazing because I honestly think no matter what her real personality is, she could have been a total crazy bitch but all she had to do was be real for 1 fucknig moment in this campaign, not treating the electorate like dumb sheep and I'm certain she'd have won.

Every possible card was in her favor, she could have coasted to victory on the mere fact that shes a woman and shes not Trump if she just acted like a red blood human being for 2 seconds.

>Bernie IS poor he only earns $400k for his Senate work
You do not know what the word "poor" means.

At least we didn't lose.

Hillary is #NotAnybodysPresident

im very poor , all i have is small loan of a million dollars my my pa

Pretty much loool

OP. Sheer desperation.

It always absolutely terrorizes me that he's 100% right and I've half come to that conclusion before having read his work. It's scary primarily because how he ended up. I really hope he just couldn't deal, because the rough work the other way is a scare.

trump is actually a very good person towards others

It's okay, we're just call you an idiot then.

More important thread

OR, the uneducated white males fucked up.

Assuming that there are not many blue collar workers here (more like middle class mooks in STEM related jobs) you do know that his own constituents (the workers) will be most displeased once they find out they will stay the same at the end of the term, right?

If he is so honest why hasn't he released his tax returns showing his stake in foreign countries.

Trump supporters think he will help them. Trump the ultimate blue pill.

>Insulting people who are being taken advantage of will make them be taken advantage of less.

I've never heard him say he will overturn citizens united. In fact the justices he wants will probably allow more secret money to run washington.

Donald Trump ended up being the ultimate blue pill. He now says the Clintons are good people and he doesn't want to hurt them. Not only is a border Wall a big government plan he has switched to a fence. He has surrounded himself with lobbyists and millionaires. He is washington as usual so far. He wants to pay unemployed parents to stay at home with their kids (very Democrat plan). His plan to deport 12 million illegal immigrants is now down to 3 million, and to do it he will have to rebuild the immigration courts. Just like Clinton and Sanders he is going to modify the Affordable Care Act but keep big portions of it. (Democrats would have had a hard time passing that). He turned out to be very Democrat and big government in his policies and plans. Plus his tarrifs on imported goods will cost Americans billions. When everything you buy goes up in price call it the Trump tax.

>tfw trump has a heart of gold
>tfw he hasn't let them take it from him

FU cKing socialist analogy. Where else can a regular Joe have the opportunity and the blessing of a government to be as rich as your cunning can make you?

Enjoy being a Capitalist and enjoy all the wonderful things money Can buy!

>you actually thought trump would put a physical 10 ft high concrete wall across the entire border

fun fact: the areas which will be fenced off are either extremely mountainous, swamps, rivers with direct military surveillance (there's places where the mexicans will swim over and the military will just watch and wait for them to get on american soil then arrest them), or are death valley level deserts.

Everything else he owns is made out of gold so there's precedent

>Trump wins
>Strawman arguments are all that CTR has left

he also stopped some guy from being beaten with a bat in the 90s
i think it is bullshit how hard they try to make him look evil

What were his points on oversocialized leftists?

I'm interested to hear what he stated about them. This compilation of points is very informative

having fun on your first day?

>unapologetic frauds with a history of moral abuses and a disregard for national security
That is all I fucking heard over and over again.

>Implying Hillary isn't more racist or pro-white.
>Wanted to cage up black for bullshit weed charges.
>Wanted to continue Obama's immigration policy (you know, the guy who kicked out more illegals then Reagen)
>Wanted more affirmative action laws (you know, telling minorities that they are too fucking stupid to do it on there own, causing them to gain an inferiority complex and whenever one of them gets shot they all self destruct and chimp out and destroy their own fucking neighborhoods)

I agree with this completely except for the fact that Trump is not a good president and you have a shit ton of alt-right cucks licking his fucking boots and trying to suck his dick pretending that he is. I say we get him into office and support him so he can outlaw lobbyist and put terms on supreme courts then we impeach that motherfucker before he can do anything fucking retarded that will ruin the country. If he quits while he is ahead he could be one of the best president ever.

Dumb strawman.

I voted for Trump because he's unapolegitically pro-white. I don't give a shit about whether or not I can "relate to him."

>he's unapolegtically pro-white

She didn't tho lol.
She only payed celebrities to appeal to millenials. Trump rallied in working class counties almost daily