Why are Republican states the ones most dependent on welfare and the ones leeching off our taxes?

Why are Republican states the ones most dependent on welfare and the ones leeching off our taxes?

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Because they keep putting crooks in office and they just put the most prolific one in as president so what you think will happen

They're also the ones that need healthcare the most cause they're obese unhealthy pieces of shit, but are the first ones to shit on healthcare too. Fucking hypocrites


It's funny how these threads get no replies

In both Republican and Democrat states, the Republicans are the ones paying the taxes, and the Democrats collecting the welfare and leeching off of taxes.

Rural = Republican
Rural = Farmlands
Rural = Farm subsidies

Way to shit on the people that feed your worthless ass with your inference that government aid = food stamps.

You should kill yourself.

>federal aid

as Trump would say WRONG.

farm subsidies is welfare for farmers

Perhaps they see the leeches around them and vote right to end them

Because these are where all the Indian reservations are located.

>farm subsidies

They are shit and should be replaced with automatic poor yield insurance (which they basically are.)

Its been proven farms can exist without farm subsidies, so enjoy your shit thread.

Fucking hate shill threads. [spoiler]s age[/spoiler]

>Implying the west coast doesn't supply over half of our algriculture


You wouldn't say that if you knew how quickly things can go to shot on a farm. Actually, "The Farming Game" Is very accurate. You start with $1million debt, and the winner is the first person to get positive $100,000.

If you don't understand this then, frankly, you don't deserve to eat.

well of course you hate them they show just how stupid you are

> excludes numerous types of revenue

worthless chart

Also why is there such a huge discrepancy between North and South Dakota?

Now look up the counties which produce the food and see how they vote compared to the rest.

High concentration of blacks. Seriously. This is why socialists think their shit doesn't stink. Because they are oblivious to American black communities behavior.

Nice argument senpai. Did you buy Rustbelt straw for that straw man?

blacks and farms

Too short a farming season in North Dakota for too much farming. They are an oil state.

Niggers and farmers.

Bevause those states are red DUE to there being so much discontent with the minorities and white trash eating off the welfare system

Because you're boring and stupid.

Do you really believe producer states don't need the help from the goverment to keep up in the demand of food and materials?

Those states need and deserve welfare because they are actually using it in the national industry

this map is bullshit, half of the wealth in virginia is from the federal government. fuck those faggots

If liberals were in charge of farming, they would make it cheaper, more efficient, profitable and ecological.

That's a very fair point; however there is an enormous difference between something such as an educated Californian Republican voter compared to some hicktrash evangelical who's dropped out of high school in the South

Those states produce so much corn from government subsidies (that force tbem to grow corn) that we literally don't know what to do with it. Farm subsidies is a huge problem here and that whole system needs to be updated

only stupid food no one eats. The staples come from the flyovers.

Niggers and mexicans plus our economy being fucked over by taxes and regulations while california and new york are already protected economic envronment hubs that are inherently valuable. Thanks for fucking over us fly over states democrats!

Maybe, but they would also have to do manual labor. Not gonna happen.

because the ones on welfare and leeching don't go out to vote

Way to fucking generalize redness, faggot

If liberals where in charge of farming, one half would not work and the other would complain about their fingernails and how hard is to farm

Liberals are pussies


Funny how everything is someone else's fault.

Bootstraps when?

Because niggers.

They suck up welfare and resources, their white neighbors vote republican.

Get your head out of your ass

This is true. Both sides have niggers.

National parks and niggers

Then why don't they

No they'd put so many damn regulations in that half of the US would starve and the other half would go into debt to buy a weeks worth of food.

This thread is so fucking stupid.


>cletus needs dem welfares to grow dem potatoes

fuck off barbarian

more whites on welfare than blacks

Right so it make sense for us to not want welfare and socialized healthcare, but we "need" it the most? Get off your fucking rocker. You live in some kind of echo chamber where you don't think dissent exists within state boundries.

Maybe if half of your country didn't eat macdonalds every day and actually eat vegetables there would not be a corn excess


Look at where most niggers are stupid.

They are also the least reliant. See Alaska and ND.

They're also the states with the most spooks and Indians.

Pretty sure that isn't per capita there buddy.

Far bigger population retard do a comparison with scale and then kill yourself.

More whites than blacks. We have percentages for a reason, faggot. Use them.

Let's take North Carolina for example. Those that live in the big cities are dirty Googles and spics. Those that actually take the time to vote are white liberals and conservatives. Nignogs around here couldn't care less about who's in the Senate for our state or who the president is. Kikes have infiltrated our schools and major cities to keep the negroes on the federal dollar.

Not our fault that the ones that actually vote here work for a living.

Remeber that the southern states are the ones with the highest proportion of dindus. And they tend to get more stuff from the government than whites on average.

On the other hand, you have North Dakota and Alaska as the two states that received the least federal aid, and they still voted republican. How could this be?

>Implying that California could produce anything without Lake Mead, which is drying up faster than a 30+ woman's uterus.

Wait 10 years or so and California will go back to being desert.

few people live in north dakota and alaska, so they would need less money

a lot of whites don't work either, stop blaming this on jews and blacks

you whites talk about how hard you work, and yet we need to hire mexicans to do all the jobs

Excuse me dog blower, can you civilize me about your useless 500000$ moose statue?

Californian here, no there isn't.

Gas all urbanites.

Generalizations, leaf. We've dealt with race relations for much longer than anybody on the continent, we understand what the problem is. If you think welfare actually helps blacks you are lying to yourself. Hey I actually have a better idea, talk about something you understand instead of making general observations about a country you don't live in.

And without farm subsidies, that farmers need because urban liberals patent worthless seeds, worthless liberals would starve and eat each other.

Death to liberals.

OK so apparently you don't know why we produce so much corn

Google corn subsidies in the u.s. and then come back and try to talk shit about McDonald's, u fucking Leche faggot. Ecuador is a better country

As with most problem in America, the answer is niggers.

a lot of the black unemployment is with youth

most black people have jobs, a lot of them are low paying due to red states having low minimum wage

Liberals hire illegals to clean their toilets. There's about 2000 people where I work and I only know of 3 Hispanics.

Then sell it idiot, use your food excedent to produce wealth. it's not hard to sell and transport products in this age you know?

>Republican states
NY, TX, FL, and OR all have the same ratio, what are you crying about?

Liberal states rely much more on state aid
And more important, most southern/republican states have massive amounts of niggers

But the map does not show that total amount received, it show the % compared to the state revenue. If it were the total amount, CA, NY and TX would get by far the most aid.

>If you don't want the federal government to solve problem X, then you don't want problem X solved.

>Healthcare coverage is the same thing as quality healthcare.

>If you want to force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, Obamacare is the only solution.

>97% of scientists agree with these facts.

Except we didn't spend $500,000 on a moose statue. Don't believe everything you read on Sup Forums you gullible retard

>Republicans are dependent on welfare! Look! Republican states receive tons of welfare!
>W-W-What do you mean "This map mirrors the distribution of the black population"? I-It's supposed to be a map of welfare distribution... Stop trying to push the narrative that black people are dependent on welfare, r-racist...

A percentage of total state revenue
>Cali 6th largest economy

I bet Calis 27% far exceeds the total for many of the rural states combined.

There are more whites than blacks (64% to 12%)here. If there are more whites then, of course, there will be more whites on welfare.

Given that niggers are in the minority here, they use up a shitload of the cash for how small they are in number. North Carolina's major cities (Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro) have had their governments and schools taken over by kikes to keep blacks with the Hands Up narrative so they can rationalize using our tax dollars.

Southern states have higher rates of black people that Northern states. Black people take significantly more welfare than whites. DO THE MATH.

yes, retard, because they are 75% of the population. whites take like 40% of welfare while niggers who are 15% of the population take like 39%.. do you get the picture?

You think I'm the one in charge, dipshit? You can't sell all that fucking corn we produce. There's too much due to old time fucking subsidies. I said we needed to fix that. How fucking stupid are you bogota fried plantain eating ass faggots?

>Tribal reservations
>Included as welfare
>haha a separate nation's welfare counts as republican welfare xD

Truly activated my almonds, chaim halfdick


can you even statistics?

So you can't sell corn but you can stop goverment subsidies?

I can't do shit

I'm saying what needs to happen, Pollo Tropicàl

And in exactly what the goverment is going to spend the money from the corn subsidies?

More welfare? More military?

Education? Infrastructure? Hydrogen fuel research? Space exploration? Reducing taxes? Limits are endless,

Yeah, just like corruption and politicians

What? You think funneling money into a broken program is a good thing bevause "pfff what else can we spend it on?"

Get the fuck out, commie trash

why are people in republican states so uneducated? The blue collar jobs are gone and never coming back, but these people refuse to adapt. what kind of capitalism is that?

Welfare expenditures vary by state and are primarily state funded. Thus, Republican states are the most generous in many respects or conversely spend more more inefficiently due to corruption (which is also true in the case of Texas)

user, we both know that a lot of politicians are corrupt, and where money is involved people stop caring about the other. Money always get lost in proyects and plans.
Where is your infraestructure lost in the great depression? 50-60 years and nothing, wasted money and time

Where are your manufacture jobs, your good education sistem and safe cities?
So many years and it's not that great for a first world nation

Maybe if you didn't had jews...

If the goverment decides to stop the subsidies and try to invest in other things. That money would find a way to get lost. It's more, i think a great part of those subsidies don't end nd in farmers hands

Because federal policies favor financial and IT centers (NY/SF), and harm industry (Detroit).

With different set of trade policies for last 20-30 year, Detroit could be one of the richest cities in USA.

Also, you are a dumbass, even russians understand this shit.

>With different set of trade policies for last 20-30 year, Detroit could be one of the richest cities in USA.
oh man, this is just the most retarded thing I've read all day. In what world would detroit compete with China for manufacturing when they have unlimited manpower and no regulations.

You can't read can you? The metric used is percentage of Federal Aid to State General Revenue. That just means they take more Fed money than what they raise through state investment or tax.

And if you weren't such a dope you'd understand those governors probably can't unilaterally reject federal aid anyway.

so fucking what? USA was quite self-reliant on it's own goods back 40 years ago. No cheap chinese shit.

Why could not they sustain the status-quo with harsh import tariffs and taxes on foreign goods? Fuck NAFTA and alll that, and keep humming along just fine?

Oh yes, I know why. NYC financial elites will be much poorer, and detoit will be a real city, not a nuclear shithole.

More googles.

Oh yeah, lets make everything more expensive for everyone because a bunch of uneducated, inbred people can't keep up with the times and want things to be like they were 50 years ago. Instead of investing and diversifying their economies they just mope around and demand jobs be handed to them. With protectionist measures the median american would have much less purchasing power then they have today. They would be much poorer.

lol, "muh free trade", are you Krugman?

Here is a hint -- if you have lost your job because it was outsourced to China or Mexico, your purchasing power is goverment handout and food stamps.

Again, if USA had a real national elite caring about it citizens, these problems could be mitigated just fine.

But they had (((global elites))), and now they have a baffling dumbass as a president, after white trash have had enough of assfucking.


Democrats set up NAFTA and most the loop holes that sent jobs overseas. Now surprised the regions that relied on those jobs need help. Difference is most people in those areas actually want to be able to not rely on those programs. Make more jobs and watch the numbers decrease.

absolutely correct.

Canadians don't suffer despite manufacturing essentially disappearing from the economy and we also have (((global elites))). The people who voted for that chimp are too stupid to realize, its the same people they keep voting for over and over that are hurting them. The same corrupt governors, mayors, representatives etc. Its not the presidents fault bumfuck nowhere mississipi is a shit hole, its the same republican, trickle down bullshit they keep voting for over and over.