Why do women benefit more from the government then men?

Why do women benefit more from the government then men?

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You got to play their game

t. single father of 2 kids. Basic income 2300euros after taxes, which is all welfare.

fucking loser

Because they are smarter than men and know how to work the system because they paid attention for long enough in school. Guys typically are hard headed and try to fight the system and cry about it on the internet instead of taking the time to learn how shit works and positioning themselves to benefit.

women are dumb though

Cuz vaginas and babies.

Women want big government so they don't need no man.

>Is better to follow unjust rules and become a slave to a corrupt system than to fight and die with pride for the things you know are right.

Women have no concept of masculinity outside the scope of which they can benefit from it.

Men have always seen women as needing protection and care

Its just that when women demanded equality, they didn't object to keeping all the good shit about being seen the weaker sex

Egalitarianism is a lie. Women even called it femenism because it's the lie that suits them the most.

>Because they are smarter than men

>because they paid attention for long enough in school
You mean in Women's Studies?

>Guys typically are hard headed and try to fight the system
The system that's dominated by Jews and is pushing degeneracy, which happens to include feminism which has poisoned the minds of women?

It was necessary to fight and even destroy such a system.

>cry about it on the internet
Like that?

Look. No one has to learn shit. You just need to bend the system to your will, instead of crying about it (like women do, virtually always) to get what you want. The US presidential election proves that.

Vaginas won't cut it anymore. Be scared.

wew, how that happened?


>wahh wahhh the gubbermint did this

Then. Fucking. Kill. Them. Then! You fucking absolute baby...

>You mean in Women's Studies?
Kek, you realise that from primary school, through to the end of high school, females on average have higher grades?

>No one has to learn shit. You just need to bend the system to your will
I'd say manipulation is a skill. They're smart enough to manipulate the system to their advantage.
Which was kinda the other guy's point. Men will work to build or change a system for their benefit.
Women will work to subvert and alter a system (from within) for their benefit.

>that vid

fucking glorious to watch that arrogant, smarmy beaner get btfo

I smell MGTOW in this post. Pathetic.

Oh ok we'll just go outside and start killing people. sounds good.

>females spend more time memorizing shit so they can pass each class
>males give zero fucks about listening to that bitch talk about helping verbs and just cram before the test and get an A or B and do none of the homework


Women from the get go had the time that men simply don't to fight for it.

They did what they do best, nag nag nag nag nag.

While men are keeping the world turning we have an entire generation(s) of females in first world society who are actual PROFESSIONAL victims and manipulators, because they never have to actually work to earn their keep if they don't want to and have an IQ higher than 60.

sorry user, don't have it.

It was a year or so ago that I saw it, some motorcyclist gets hassled by speeding beaner, decides to confront him in the parking lot and call him on driving wrecklessly. Cyclist is mostly civil, beaner repeatedly makes bad jokes about cyclist not having a gf and laughing at his own lame jokes. Things get heated when beaner touches the motorcycle, gets told not to, does it again, gets punched.

Good shit.

Because women are naturally the "gibs me dats" of gender, and humans have a biologically-wired pre-disposition to protect and care for women (which they exploit). Rising female social power has increased entitlement attitudes and societies have become on the whole out of practice at saying "no" to the incessant demands

Because men work and give money to the government and women get that money from the government.

>become a slave
Nice buzz phrase.
You aren't a slave if you are benefiting and and in full control of what's going on. There's a difference between being a slave, and taking advantage of a system. A slave typically is unaware of the rules and is dragged from place to place unwillingly. Someone who takes advantage knows the rules and plays the game on their terms so they benefit.

>Women have no concept of anything outside the scope of which they can benefit from it.


>I'd say manipulation is a skill.
You're either a kike or a woman

>getting rich on welfare v. getting rich by making yourself

if you aren't a complete piece of shit cuck you will make more than welfare lmao, striving for things you know are right follows naturally

come on, you really need an answer to this?

You could say that about most people.

yes, thats exactly how it works in burger land.


but honor, honor is different

>let's all put our money in a collective pool
>men make more money, so they put more money in the pool
>women make less money, so they put less money in the pool
>now we redistribute the money
>women get more of it because they make less money
>this is somehow justifiable

Then you add in things like single motherhood, paid parental leave, abortion costs etc all funded by this forcibly collective pool and I think it's pretty clear who the winner is.

See now that depends. It may be more logical to have multiple kids from multiple men, collect multiple child support checks, get medicaid, and get a larger welfare check from the government for having more kids. You can make a reasonable amount of money doing this, and if you are smart enough to play stocks and bonds with the child support checks (you cant do it with welfare) you can live very well while technically making no income. Not all women play the markets, but some do. They live well, go clubbing, and never have to deal with loan debt, stuggling in college, job searching (because they are homemakers), etc. Doing this is a sure bet, whereas trying to climb the corporate ladder is a gamble and it's even more of a gamble to start your own business.

They are literally smarter than men. You look at them and think they are dumb, but its the opposite. They're gaming the fuck out of the system. They know there is more money in pretending to be helpless than there is in applying yourself. And you idiots laugh it off and think "haha dumb sluts" while still paying taxes and supporting their lifestyles like morons.

>Government agendas still require - ostensibly - the Will of the people.
>Woman's suffrage, or The Emotional Vote, is common law now, accepted and give grounds to 'equality'
>Women objectively almost always vote for the appeals to emotion and of course, the things that benefit them as the protected sex in nature
>The government, then, has two trump cards in regards to Women and both tie in to why women benefit from the government - They can easily attain and keep power and influence through appeals to the masses of overly-emotion, politically uninvolved women and their vote and also, they - the Government - simply act as a surrogate for the traditional male role, providing for and protecting the women.

Women vote goes in, state protection - housing, welfare for them and child, lax prison sentences etc. - comes out. It's cyclical and it works.

Now we have generations of young men raised in female dominated households, work places and schools who too have degenerated in to emotional sots and think and vote as women do thus ensuring that a strong, male driven form of government that actually works for nations and power and protection never come to fruition again.

>high school grades

a whole whopping 30k/ year! you're really stickin it to them! /s


here you go

because they are cute and weak, and men love that.

Ok, I decided to search youtube for "motorcyclist punches mexican immigrant"

first result best result

enjoy user!


I dont know what youre on buddy, thats a lot of money going directly into your pockets, especially when you aren't using it on the kids.

ah, Kraut-bro beat me to it!

Good work, may immigrants be purged swiftly from your once great nation.

kind words - thanks my man

They benefit the most from divorce court.

Leaching off of welfare causes log-term problems. I don't see how that's smart unless you don't give a shit about posterity.

And adherence to capitalism causes long term problems for the lower class with a growing income gap and social MO ility becomes close to impossible the larger the system grows. Adherence to socialism causes long term problems for the population as a whole because people lose incentive to work.

Idiots get bogged down in long term problems for the whole of society when it comes to these things. The smart ones realize the rules of the system and play the game to position themselves on top before we reach the long term scenario.

The fact that you even argue this is evidence of how women are smarter than men. You're sitting around with your thumb up your ass questioning things instead of winning the game first and asking questions later.

They don't stop complaining and men who go into politics instead of the workplace are inherently white knights

*social mobility

Getting paid 30k while living a neet life style and getting fucked by tyrone on the side is a goddamn dream come true for a woman.