Shit! Global warming seems to have kicked in!

Shit! Global warming seems to have kicked in!

There was winter for a lil bit in october but it's been raining for weeks now, and no snow in sight

What an interesting post



>yfw all their eggs are going to freeze
>yfw they lay eggs

Wtf is that? Hedgehogs?

Tfw too intelligent to believe in global warming

Dunnung Kruger effect m8.

You're retarded

uh yeah it goes both ways smartass

If it makes you feel better there's no snow where I am in Canada. Must be global warming, first time in 26 years we haven't had snow at this time of year. Oh wait, that's not how global warming is supposed to work at all is it?


>"You know global warming leads to larger swings and not just warming in general."
>"uhmmm actually if anything happens, good bad, or otherwise, its global warming!"
Moving the goalposts.

>Still thinking man has any impact on the global temperature.

>being this stupid unironically

I don't. That's why I made this thread.

>Still thinking that CO2 doesn't influence temperature

>still thinking that man made co2 even get close to putting even a small dent on total co2 in the atmosphere.

>implying they can read graphs

>What is the carbon cycle
>What is the runaway effect

>what is this image i found online
tide goes in tide goes out, you can't explain that mr science guy

Oh no, you deserved it for selling all that global warming oil.

Pfft sea levels aren't rising, just look at this graph which has increments of twenty meters and try to pick out tens of centimetres of recorded change.

kek nobody seems to get the thread. People bitching and moaning about global warming. Yet it stills snows in winter like it normally does.

Can you pet them?

Because we fear future consequences?

You weren't here in summer, nortard, which was the hottest in recorded history .... just like the three summers before.

>scientists be like "what's cauzin all deez heating?"
look up stoopied

No snow here in Alberta. It normally would be full on winter by now.

I don't fucking understand this graph

i told you

>>being this stupid unironically
>being this stupid unironically
>mfw not even making an argument

Fuck you I figured it out

climate science BTFO

Surely it's alt right using snow machines

>Ice core drilling in the Arctic has shown the world does indeed go through cycled of heating and cool for 100's of thousands of years.

The main issue is that MAN made global warming is causing faster than usual heating

Different areas on earth will experience different changes in temperature of different magnitude and 'direction'. Pic related shows which areas will become cooler and which areas will become warmer. Note that the earth will always warm as a whole as long as CO2 concentration increases

It's almost December and the temperature is only -4 °C. Warm winters suck!

Unseasonably mild here in Toronto. No snow and temperatures in the mid teens

You ever notice how its ok to use personal anecdotes to support AGW but personal anecdotes going against AGW are "stupid"

>Temperature always occur before rise in CO2

*temps rise occur before co2

>global warming
>have one of the coldest winters in history
>now it's called climate change
And this is why I don't believe this bullshit. You can't be fucking wrong and then change it into some vague shit so you aren't wrong anymore.

>Satellite temps prove NASA theory inconclusive
>Did they forget about UHI?

>it's cold therefore there is no global rising temperatures

Never mind this has been the hottest year on record all over.

What you idiots don't understand, is it's not a constant warming period, there are drastic ups and downs, and even if every day is 2 degrees warmer than normal, that is a warming trend.

I dunno mane, where I live we used to have enduring snow on the ground in early november back in mid-90s but nowadays it'll come mid-december or even later. Dunno if that's global warming or some other shit though.

>correlates to the alantic multidecadal oscillation
>but who cares right

Echidna, like Knuckles but not gay.

of cource you wouldnt understand it, it is science. because the globe is warming that causes parts of the globe to become colder. it is simple cause and effect.

>weather, therefore not global warming...

>I'm full, therefore global hunger is a hoax...

Dat logic.

Right. Being warm makes things cold. People who disagree are obvious nazis.

>Global warming theories are all inconclusive
>Climate change charts not correlating with real world data
>But 'what if' and 'consensus' from (((scientist)))

conservatards actually believe this...

US Geological Survey says that volcanoes emit a maximum of 319 megatons of CO2 a year, the average is much, much lower.

Humans emit 29 Gigatons, every single year.

In all seriousness weather is acting silly.
We have a snow>rain>freeze>warm cycle over a month here.

>laying eggs
No, these things actually lay eggs.

>Shows a graph with hundreds of thousands of years of change, says it's not moving because the change hasn't shown up from 100 years of human influence.

Wow, what a tard. If someone sideswiped your car, you couldn't see the damage on google maps, either, does that mean it doesn't exist?

Scale matters, fuckwit.

>climate change "charts" not correlating with real-world data

Citation required. Inb4 cherry-picked bullshit on some douche's blog.


>in loo

Where do you live? Lots of snow here in Trondheim.


>NASA / Hansen for prediction models
>HadCRUT/NASA-GISS for actual observation

Google it yourself I'm going walleye fishing