So I heard you guys hate this new germany

So I heard you guys hate this new germany
We'll ur fucking wrong in every way possible
Just look at the fucking facts

-best economy in europe
-easy as fuck to find a job
-Good healthcare
-diverse culture
-Great Women
-One of the lowest crime rates in europe
-Proved that a multi cultural society can be succesfull
-Our chancellor is going to go down as the most successful politican in german history

Yeah guys looks like germany is on the brink of death I wish we still had the nazis around to set us straight xD

Other urls found in this thread:

I want a qt German girlfriend!

So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)


Aryan women are disgusting

German minister of interior pls go!


I hate females.

yeah.. between the troll pic thats not a troll and afd getting 21.5 percent of the vote in germany, i'm not buying what you're selling. neither are many germans it would seem; the ones not suffering from ze german guilt.

There is no freedom of speech in germany anymore. Refugees live in closed facilities like rats and they collect data from them.

>diverse culture
You keep pushing that and you'll be among those that are stood up against the wall when the Great Cleansing comes, OP.

Come back to me in 2050 and hit me up with that "Proved that a multi cultural society can be successful" when German whites become minority.

Eh, no, your economy is trash and that's kind of why my country(China) keeps buying out your crap.

Not one of your companies could outbid us, or even equal 50% of our bids for Kuka. Lolz.

>one of the lowest crime rates
this doesn't count when its well known Germany is on Japan levels of covering up crimes and falsifying statistics to keep their populace docile.

"we can't tell them about all the rapes/assaults, they'll get upset!"

diversification toted as a virtue is garbage. it's justification for discrimination.

A multicultural nation is a nation where a ethnic group doesnt hold a majority (50%)

good for you hans!

More like 2020. Those mudslimes are quite the prolific vermin

So statistics just blank statements. Bye

no you have huge debt and owe USA trillions in back military protection money
your higher prices and shortages will continue
as states leave EU you wont be able to bank swindle as much

Luxemburg and Denmark have the best economy of Europe you dimwit


Oh hello there, do you mind posting your ID again and the your turk bf, that pounds your boipucci every hour?

It's going to be funny when Trump forces them to pay for their own military, say goodbye to 10% of your GDP Germany.

> -best economy in europe
because we rule the EU and abuse countries like greece, italy, spain...
>-easy as fuck to find a job
because people with disabilities and women are prefered over healthy hard working man
>-Good healthcare
costs rise every year and money goes to refugees, you still don't get money for glasses, docs are shit and you have to wait half a year for an appointment
>-Great Women
>-One of the lowest crime rates in europe
because police is powerless in most cases, 1000 rape cases in one night
>Proved that a multi cultural society can be succesfull
AFD gets up to 20% or more in most Bundestaaten, refugees live in old military buildings
>-Our chancellor is going to go down as the most successful politican in german history
she won't be reelected and will go down as the person that brought millions of terrorists into our country by increasing our debts and abusing other countries

All "Diverse Culture" means is you have to culture and are just a host for the parasite "cultures".


>we'll ur

>-best economy in europe
Because our banks destroyed all the others.

>-One of the lowest crime rates in europe
Because the truth is hidden

>-Proved that a multi cultural society can be succesfull
I see the opposite every day.


>because we rule the EU and abuse countries like greece, italy, spain

>not being OK with that
Fucking cuck

Your country has lied about basically everything it's done for the past several years. None of the crime stats are even reasonably true, and you're letting little girls get forced into marriage and raped, because you're too fucking pathetic to protect newcomers.

Your country is a failure.

You can gladly have one.

German women are wasted on German men.

You've been on Sup Forums for too long if it's that traumatizing to see a nigger.

You just KNOW...

You forgot:

- German Niggers have the biggest dicks of all Niggers.

>1 post by this ID

>-best economy in europe
Bitch please.
>-easy as fuck to find a job
That should be normal everywhere.
>-Good healthcare
Can't beat ours.
>-diverse culture
Bretzel and Kebab.
>-Great Women
Brainless whores cucking you with sandniggers.
>-One of the lowest crime rates in europe
Bitch please.
>-Proved that a multi cultural society can be succesfull
Bitch please.
>-Our chancellor is going to go down as the most successful politican in german history
Oh God please stop I can't catch my breath!

How can you be so cucked and yet proud of it?

>litterally being cucked

Jesus christ, this thread is pathetic. All wealth is build on exploitation and if you fail to do that, you're a cuck.

>muhh digggg
>were da wite wimmin ad?
How the fuck are niggers able to get past the captcha?

And when Germany's baby boom generation dies, so does the rest. Think south Africa, before and after apartheid.

the #AltBlack is here goy...better get used to it

that's just your opinion, fat dyke

you think they look like that
but you dont know what is behind those 30 layers of foundation
feminist ultra marxist ideologies inside that meatsuit will destroy you and your nation
you already work yourself to death nipfriend
trust me, ive fucked so many white hoes

and for those that dont understand, white women in sweden and especially sweden will fuck on the first night , no condom. if you dont act like a aspie motherfucker like most of our swedish cucked beta males would have you believe
granted i am part of the 10% of normal people that dont have comunist tatoos and think islam will save our country
>captain sweden meme is real as well

Dude Germany has been the biggest economy in Europe for nearly 150 years now. It was only pushed to second by England after WW1 for three years, during the great depression for two years and after WW2 for a bit. I agree with your other points though.

They hate you because they aren't you

Keep repeating this to yourself, Abdul. You should understand that this is your interest to save white people, because without them you won't get any walfare and shit. Believe me.


You ruined the Eu germany you ruined us all

What does the deutsch bank have to do with german economy?
Just look to pic related.

Make the captcha hard to nigger.
Problem totally solved on /pol.

>take a picture with niggers

yes they are obviously fucking 24/7

All i'm seeing is a society in decline.

Are you in denial or just a troll?

>-One of the lowest crime rates in Europe
>-Proved that a multi cultural society can be successful

Can you say lügenpresse.

>diverse culture
you mean cultural suicide?
