Reminder that the American people chose Hillary and the system elected Trump

Reminder that the American people chose Hillary and the system elected Trump

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Reminder that the Jaguars gained more yards in this game, and that the (scoring) system gave the win to the Rams.

You're autistic.

Reminder that each candidate won the electors in each state where they also won the popular vote and that California is a preddy big state you fucking retards

Nice straw man drumpfkin.

Hillary was chosen by the people.

Drumpf was chosen by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.

Reminder that the Russians have done more space launches so they got to the moon first.

Never mind that literally ZERO Democrats would have complained about the exact same system if Hilldawg had won

Reminder that mexishits aren't Americans and they have to go back

Reminder that all the rigging they could muster couldn't tip the scales in the cunts favour. Frig off CTR


this just means the system is smarter than the people
and also that all you shillary cucks are mad


At least you didn't resort to a food analogy.

Reminder that illegals and dead people voted for Hillary

C h e c k e d

She stole all those votes from me.

hillary won by 100 million votes. amerikkka is racist and homophobe.

Reminder that democracy is stupid because a crippled retard gets the same number of votes as a top neurobiologist, and there are more crippled retards in this country than top neurobiologists.

Reminder that shitskins chose Hillary and the people who actually made the country great voted Trump


Drumpfkins ACTUALLY believe this

Is there any proof of this? Not doubting that she and the DNC are crooked as fuck, just would like to see some hard numbers.


Reminder: The Indians and the Cubs both scored 27 runs.

Obama assured me that the election would be fair and legitimate. You are a racist for contradicting him.

Daily reminder that the party complaining about unfairness in elections has super delegates

It actually really bugs me that people think democracy isn't tyranny, it shows such a lack of understanding of our history and our constitution

You bet your ass that shit got checked

>the people

really made my neurons transmit electrical impulses throughout my brain



And this will make just as much of a difference as it did for president al gore.

The dead don't vote GOP.

46% of a 55% also


>White collar fags and minority welfare recipients decide the lives for blue collar workers and the middle class.

At least 3 million cases of illegals voting.That is all. Get out, shill.

Kek has spoken

same slave owners created the framework for the most wildly successful and strong nation in the world, which only took 300 years to achieve despite other nations getting a good couple thousand years head start.

Daily reminder that more then 3 million people who voted Hillary are illigal immigrants and their vote shouldn't be valid


You gonna do something about it?

Checked. Thank you digits.

>illegals in california
>American people

Alex Jones told me that 3 million illegals voted and 4 million dead people too. So as long as the difference is smaller than 7 million votes Trump won the popular vote.

>at least 3 million
>not even one (1) reported case of an illegal voting


Checked and keked

reminder that mexican illegals only need to provide proof of residence to vote

>30 years of political experience candidate doesn't seem to know how to work the system
>a reality TV star works the system in its favor

Who is more qualified?

Wtf I love the system now

The system elects every president, and has since Washington.
That is how it works. It's intended to keep presidents being elected solely on popular vote, for a number of very valid reasons.

>letting Los Angeles and Ney York City determine the outcome of the election

Hillary lost 35 out of 50 state popular votes

Its about states picking a leader not population the president has never been a popular election


American people chose electoral college system, which choses the president for them.


the rules say otherwise.

no, the states chose... that is always how u.s. elections have been ran. equal representation.

Big cities have more population than the small counties

Daily reminder that CK is 3 11 and TP is 16 20= 36

it was a choice between masons or satan

Tfw you gets 10% more in popular votes and still dosen't become president

Remember that in 2008, the people chose Hillary, the system chose Obama.

Literally no one cared about that, yet everyone is shitting themselves over this.

also pic related

Reminder that pic related will always silence the shills

Think about all the people who live in a blue state and don't bother to vote because of it.

Haha jinx you owe me a sodaaaa!!!!

>letting foreigners determine the outcome of the election

>an idea is valid or invalid regardless of its source
>system was designed to keep cities from shitting on country people
>3 million dead people and Mexicans mean the country clearly wanted Hilarity Cunton

You need to stop, CTR

>american people

then you REALLY don't get to complain

Oh you mean the foundation of the American government, having representation both equally and by population, that system actually worked for once?

And you retarded commies haven't changed it in 200 years, so it's all your fault. Stupid fuck.

These are so fucking gay because they aren't even realistic chess maneuvers. No game would end like that. You're not wrong you just need to try harder you fucking dipshits.



Those are votes from illegals, dead people, and voter fraud.


I find it funny how people across the world understand my countries election process, and how corrupt the democrats are, more than people who live in my country

>Democrats have always been cucked by the electoral college

Califag reporting. feels like a cloud over head. moved to PA this yr and feels good man

Commies actually believe that russia hacked paper ballots? LOL

Reminder that despite your best efforts and shit talking, you lost.
Sup Forums won again.
Thank you for the salt, now fuck off.

Andrew Jackson was fucking based

>Reminder that Mexicans elected Hillary, but Americans elected Trump

ThankGod America isn't really a democracy despite what's been advertised. Tyranny of the masses and what have you

>"I know that I have been checkmated, but have you forgotten that I have several more pieces in some places on the board."

You don't get to change the win conditions after you lose, dumbass.


reminder that more than 52% chose not to choose the clinton cunt
reminder that more than 53% chose not to choose the God Emperor
reminder that the "American" people chose not to choose
reminder that's why tricks like the electoral college or multiple turn elections, and co, do exist
reminder you rigged it, and still lost, you hopelessly sore cunts

Not an argument

Keep Crying

Well i never knew Hillary was trying to get the popular vote instead of the electoral college. You really would have thought she would have known something about how American elections are handled and how people are elected to the highest office of the land? If she didn't realize that we have a republic system to decide elections then maybe she shouldn't be the president because can you really trust someone that woefully unaware of political procedures in the highest position in government. Bullet dodged there.

Yeah thats because they dont have to report it you fucking idiot. There are states where you don't need to produce any ID or proof that you're actually a citizen to vote.

When you think about it, it was kind of an oversight to neglect informing Hillary about the electoral college.

>It's the Serb shill again.
Are you ever going to leave this site you fucking shill?

muh people!! Abloo abloooooo

why are you always here you fucking cunt?

Doesn't matter.
The election is like a CTF or conquest match in some fps.
Hillary got the most kills, but Trump scored the most points.

Reminder that smart people voted for Hillary

It is an argument, at least if someone is trying to argue that you're a fucking dumbshit that doesn't understand how chess works and therefore didn't make an effective joke. Like I said, it's not wrong, it's just not the right setup on a chess board to make that point.

>Muh shithole California should be able to pick candidates alone
Fuck off


>50% educated whites for trump

Sure thing Abdullah Bin Laden



Truly a miscalculation on her part, indeed definitely got lucky there.