Why are Nords considered superior? Can anyone on pol explain this to me?

Why are Nords considered superior? Can anyone on pol explain this to me?

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Asceticism, not any real human achievements like the British or Germans.

harsh conditions breed tough people. like the Icelandic strong men. the conditions in the north meant only the alpha motherfuckers could survive which created a race of super humans

that was pre-2010
then the gender shit started and rapefugees


They aren't, that's just a meme from decades and centuries ago.

Because we are white.

Why are they huge faggots then?

WE WUZ VIKINGZ, WE SETTLED GREENLAND, SHETLAND N SHIET (just forget the murdered by Indians on Newfoundland part)

Because a lot of us find blonde hair and blue eyes attractive, literally no other reason

They look perfect and have learned to live together in peace and harmony, high educational levels, there's shit tons of highly educated folks per capita. Their military are really good considering how little they spend on them compared to others.
Of course that's before (((somebody))) decided to burn the house down.

>comfy bc haven't had to fight off shitskins

i'm sure they'll be stronk under Mohammedan rule though

Heard about the Viracochas ?


they always had a thing for authoritrianism aka strong kings. and without decentialized power or a magna carta they were hit by the jewish collectivists hard. they are a perfect case study of cultural marxism gone too far.

Nazi memes based on a, at the time, poor understanding of European prehistory, and on genuine wewuzism.

It was a theory among social biologists in the 1800s and 1900s that nords where more closely related to aryans.

Aryans are a mythical/historical race of people that are known for being beautiful, genetically superior, being able to create the greatest societies, having the best leaders and thinkers and basically being above all other humans.

Since all of that is true for us nords, everyone thought nords where aryans.

Whats interesting is that just like the mythical/historical aryan race, we nords are also going extinct because of our virtue, altruism and vulnerability towards evil and humans that have more rat like behavior which we aren't used to.

The fact is that throughout history, virtuous, honorable, altruistic people who are able to create utopian societies, have historically been defeated by the lesser human races trough exploitation of those values. And that is how humanity has worked for thousands of years. Every time a race stands out among the rest of the masses, the evil of humanity will strike it down.

Give examples.

Because fuck you.

btw im a somalian hahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahaha.

and im not proving it. Just trust me :p

>No accomplimshents
>Not realizing that Nords literally saved Europe from viking savages

Nords were the ones who defeated the vikings when Europe was raped by them

But the Nords were Vikings. What?

Holy shit..... I mean holy shit...

By the gods.... Ar... Are you stupid?

No, the Nords were kicked the shit out of by the vikings before they organized, formed an empire, and dominated.

Dude wtf are you talking about? The Viking literally originated in Scandinavia.

He was the white Aztech god, right?


Yeah that's why they never advanced, Scandinavia has horrible crop yield and long winters.


This will explain why we are superior. The Swastika was Odins sign. I'm not a nazi, this sign was used by the airforce of Finland and Estonia. Very much of the evidence has been destroyed by the Christians.

American heritagemutts proud of their 12.5% Norwegian blood thats why

The Viracochas is what the natives in south america calls the white men that came from the east, with technology and knowledge superior to themselves. They was worshipped as gods by the incas. The vikings was not killed in North America, they simply left.

It's a meme started by the nazis.

the Swastika was just an Indo-European related solar symbol, it wasn't particularly related to the north

>muh nordic masterrace
nice meme desu

i'm british, but you're actually wrong on that account. especially the scandinavian countries punch far above their weight when it comes to science and innovation.

Yet those "snowniggers" still wrecked the Meds.


>Yet those "snowniggers" still wrecked the Meds.
the meds are fighting back

>chinese historians

>the Roman Empire fell because of Germanic invaders and not because of internal political conflict

Nice meme

pick one

That is not correct. What is a fact is that the people called aryans came from what today is Azerbaijan, this is teached in ground school today. I have spoken to etnologists and historians, even partners of Heyerdahl, and they all agree that the Nordic population settled there around year 100 B.C.E, before migrating and ending up in Scandinavia. Later they became known as the goths, which eventually invaded and defeated Rome.

Arabs are getting their ass kicked though.

We used to be, but 40 years of constant cuck politicians has left us the laughing stock of western civilization. Learn from our mistakes.

plz be my salt gf

Considering how big the Aztecs were on human sacrifices, they probably sacrificed some of their wives and daughters to the Vikings. Can't get more cucked than that.

>What is a fact is that the people called aryans came from what today is Azerbaijan, this is teached in ground school today. I have spoken to etnologists and historians, even partners of Heyerdahl, and they all agree that the Nordic population settled there around year 100 B.C.E, before migrating and ending up in Scandinavia. Later they became known as the goths, which eventually invaded and defeated Rome.
is this satire? plz tell me it is

Because they are naziboos. There is nothing here, just snow, rock, and a few cabins dotted around. Our largest city has about half the population of a small town american walmart on black friday. The people are cold and dislike anyone sticking out too much. Even the multimillionaires are very careful to live exactly like the lowest paid worker or nobody from any background will like them. When traveling outside you must sprint from one tundra crevice to the next and maintain a sense of your surroundings or you get harvested by the bear gods. Many such cases,

They actually stopped the barbaric pratices, but were eventually toppled and rebelled against by the religious elite which blamed the stop of human sacrifice on disasters like drought and war.

What is confusing is that you are being lied to, while the facts is right in front of you. We are talking about your ancestors.

s-success breeds jealousy

Because they're the best looking people on Earth even if they lack the accomplishments of the British, Germans, Italians, French, Americans.

However they are damn good fighters historically.

that's a big word coming from someone who even claims they teach about Aryans in school
reality is that "Aryan" is a term proto-Indo-Iranians referred themselves to
west Europe was never invaded by "Aryans", rather by the same ancestors of these proto-Indo-Iranians, Nordics being one of the various rape babbies of said west invasion

Why accomplish anything if you already have a perfect life?

2/10 made me respond

>Because they're the best looking people on Earth
Fuck off, I'm better looking than them.

we made socialism actually work

Also before (((enrichment))) they had by far the best standard of living on earth. So they're good looking tall people who can create amazing countries but lack the scientific/technological accomplishment of other Europeans.

But Romania is Nordic

c...can i be white too onii-chan?

No you're fucking not also Romania has even less accomplishments than any single Scandi country so shut up.

At least they had Kierkegaard and Niels Bohr.

That may be , but do they have an small,cozy bar like I have? Shut up before you make a fool out of yourself.


henger meg nå

Snow niggers lived in mud huts and raped and pillaged superior civilized nations. Nordics are nigger tier.

We literally sacked Rome, the strongest empire on earth. Alaric, the chieftain who sacked Rome in 410 AD was a Visigoth, which was an offshoot of the Goth people, who originated in Götaland, Sweden.

We also founded Russia. Rus is the name of the historical people of Rurik's tribe, the chieftain who founded the first Russian state. His people originate from a place called Roslagen (The Rus country, roughly translated) north of Stockholm, Sweden.

We also conquered England, and sacked Jerusalem during the first crusade. The Normands were a people from Scandinavia, who settled in Normandy, France (Normand = Man from the North). Bohemond was the chieftain who lead the first Crusade, and he was a Normand.

It's a Scandi world, you're just living in it.

Live stream det på Twitch eller Youtube, er kåt og trenger runkemateriale

They teach about the Indo-Europeans in school. The people in Azerbaijan has some similiar genetics, and speak a langauge with similiar patterns as the Indo-Europeans. This is how they map historic migrations. They won the war against Rome.

>strongest Empire
try to sack a library next time


>mfw Alaric was born in Romania and some of his companions were germanised dacians(carpi)
Check it out, scandi brother.

>Vikings raids vs black chimp outs
>One was over a thousand years ago
>The other is happening now


>civilized nations.
Ireland and Scotland wasn't civilized. Parts of England and France was

Exactly. All European peoples are the result of crossbreeding between the locals and the Indo-European Easterners who brought the language.

Blonde hair and light features are indigenous to the Baltics and Northern Europe and have nothing to do with the Indo-European (ie Aryan) people that invaded and brought the language and culture (religious ideas, chariot fighting, warrior society, etc).


>They won the war against Rome.
you do realize Germanics were fighting for Rome as well during that period, right? aren't you supposed to be educated?
and what the fuck has the barbarian period to do with bronze age happenings?

It is indeed a well known fact that Romanians are honorary nordics. You will dine at Odins table when the time comes.

>Invading superior civilizations makes you master race

By your logic Turks are the greatest race to ever live.


now if only you could start breeding with white women again

Natural selection trough harsh conditions. This north frost can destroy harvests many years in a row which created mass famines. Greatest famine killed one third of the finnish people, only the strongest and smartest survived which was good for the gene pool.

Natural selection doesn't exist anymore, that's why world is getting more stupid since low IQ people breed faster than smart people.

Neanderthals actually had 10% bigger brain size than current humans because they lived in such hostile and cold environment. You need brains to survive cold winters in the woods during ice age. More north you go, more neanderthal genes people have. Current human is mix of neanderthals/denisovans and africa humans. Only africans don't have neanderthal genes.

Africa has food and warmth all around the year so it was all about multiplying and killing rival tribes for living space. Current world overpopulation is leading to massive wars for living space and so it has been throughout the centuries. Many 3rd world countries like India has tripled their population in 50 years, this cannot go on forever and their well are running dry. What happens when billion indians run out of clean drinking water? Current migrant crisis is caused by overpopulation and we shouldn't take people from countries where they breed exponentially since they will always keep coming.

We also BTFO'd Turks on multiple occassions. The Byzantine emperor's strongest military force, the Varangian Guard, was made up of Scandinavian Vikings. Varanger (Väring) means roughly "armed warrior". Coincidentally, when the Varangian guard was dissolved and the Nordic men went home, the Byzantine capital was quickly conquered by the Turks. Go figure...

how is promiscuity a good thing?

>tfw i've never breed with a white woman before


Can we really say that the maggots that eat your flesh when you die 'conquered' you? Maybe, who knows

Atleast we were superior to the world's largest Empire, and defeated the Atilla and the Huns. (Battle of Nedao)

>Those cringey documentaries with footage from Rome Total War

Thanks for the link though, still going to watch it.

True, nordic people defeated the vikings

You're a bad troll, really bad, enjoy your ban

Some user posted a thread earlier about someone getting shot by police in Norway, and how that is notional news.
The fact that stuff like that almost never happens ( , or rather pre-2000) speaks a lot about our society.

Other examples are how we got rid of most homeless people (not the current situation).

tldr we might be peasants, but happy peasants. GL trying to explain this shit on a Vietnamese toy factory.

their cities and homes are cleanest. they are civilized people. And the Germans and the English ruled the world easily. obviously that has something to do with the blood.

so to just show scandinavia is a bit deceiving because nordics are all over europe.

>Defeat Rome
>Defeat Attila
>BTFO by shit tier Indians with sticks on Newfoundland

Source for that claim ?
I want to hang it up on the wall!

I have had the sad experience of sailing with Canadians, therefore i know that you are not sarcastic, nor joking, but sincere.

Try using a vpn, nobody takes you seriously with that flag

scandi union + finland, iceland and eesti when

You are not a true Nord if you are gullible to Thalmor tricks.

(AKA Sweden)