Really made me think

Really made me think....

The choice of this picture with this quote says everything you need to know about the creator.

U mad u got btfo'd?


If that is true, then why are the laws of physics misogynistic?

What does that even mean?

Reality has no bias only it's interpreters.

That liberals live in a fantasy world.

Reality doesn't give a fuck about your ideology. It doesn't give a fuck about your feelings.

I cringe whenever I hear someone say "reality has ___ bias." Fuck you, no it doesn't.

I think this is originally a Paul Krugman quote.

-Stephen Colbert

Those silly conservatives and their delusions. Don't they know science is always right, even if you don't like the results?

Unless of course the science is about racism or pedophilia, then it's okay to ignore it if you don't like the result.

>liberals were so smug and sure of themselves they thought they had the election in the bag

The worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent and liberals did it countless times.

>Reality has a liberal bias

Kek, the election results tell a veeeeery different story boy.

Logic has a well known conservative bias.

That's his opinion, just like most of you think reality has a well-known rightwing bias.

I mean, that quote is the very definition of an opinion. "I THINK THE WORLD IS THIS WAY"

you mean how Clinton won the popular vote and how half of USA didn't even go to vote, showing one of the lowest voter-turnouts in its history?

oh yes its very tru...
>nuclear winter isnt a real possibility.
>ozone is naturally replenished by electrical activity in the atmosphere
> dog breeds display different behavioral patterns dependent on breed despite bing the same species
>race specific phenotypes exist
>standardized test scores and crime rate statistics indicate black men are sub human

never mind

Yeah hard evidence for racial IQ disparity is racist right wing propahanfa, but a huffpo survey where all conservatives are apparently stupid is totally science.

Except race and IQ

>higher turnout than the 96 election with Clinton and Dole

really made me think

also, 45% isn't quite half

bullshit, the world is only one way. right wing idiots are so easily manipulated and brainwashed that they refuse to beileve it. Your opinion is wrong and and the FACTS don't change because you think you are special.

That's such a lie since liberalism is just idealism without any since of reality.


wow sweden you sure know a lot about foreign politics for a country that doesnt have time to protect its native women from rape

Irrelevant, pretty much everyone was proclaiming that Hillary had already won before the election even began

It really shows you how in touch with reality these talking heads are