How do you guys deny all of this stuff??

A number of mass graves. The actual camps themselves. Multiple corroborated testimonies by soldiers who freed the camps and those that worked in them. Orders intercepted from Nazi high command. Census data taken by the Nazis. As well as census records from before and after showing a great many people just disappeared that weren't accounted for by military losses. People like Schindler and those that he saved.

And also in criminal cases when the alleged guilty party admits to it it's usually taken to mean that it occurred. And yes eye witness testimony isn't the most solid. However when there are hundreds if not thousands of witnesses and their stories aren't exactly the same but they corroborate each other all the testimony together is usually the clearest picture of an event.

Other urls found in this thread:

it definitely happened.

probably because of pizza gate.

Well the child molestation was probably just the end goal of all of this.

It was the only way to make sure the child sex trafficking was eradicated in Germany at the time.

Stop caring about what these people think.

The abyss will stare back.

There's news papers in 1915 stating that 6 million Jews are dieing that's 30 years before 6 million Jews died

Was there Really a Holocaust?
By Dr. E. R. Fields

The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took place.

I really don't know, maybe it's just decent people who don't want to believe that the movement they love is capable of such atrocities. Communists just go with the "it wasn't real communism" slogan, which sounds equally deluded but at least more honest.

Try to disprove my stuff before bringing something else to the table

tbqh I don't buy that there wuz 6 millions an sheeit but someone sent me that so I am just trying to find a rebuttal


FPBP as usual

I only question the numbers. Germany was certainly capable of executing a genocide on an industrial scale, but the numbers of victims range from 2-12 million. That's quite a range to run. Also, the holocaust pales in comparison to atrocities committed by the USSR against their own people, the people of Ukraine, and the people of Germany during and after the war. Also there were several other genocides in the years between '14-'45 including the Turks against the Armenians the Greeks. I'm of the belief that the holocaust has become it's own industry. It's also gained notoriety because of influence among Jews in the media and academia.

TLDR; The holocaust is worthy of study and mourning, but it's far from the greatest atrocity of that era. Stalin and the USSR was so much worse than Hitler and the 3rd Reich.

I think that it was the war. Lots of people died. There would be mass graves everywhere. But history is wrong.

You should see testimony of holocaust survivors that tell the truth. They intentionally never show you the honest jews that acknowledged their access to libraries, pools, theaters, etc.

think about it, how the fuck would a ww2 era country be able to round up 6 MILLION people and kill them?

it's just laughable

This and the disgrace that was the Nuremberg Trials is what helped me get over that programming block. I call the trials a disgrace because they are literally not bound by evidence. People got up on the stand and made absurd claims like, "Jewish blood is flammable."

This trial, and these statements, became the foundation of most holocaust sources. The book will cite a book that cites a book that cites the Nuremberg Trials. Whether you believe or not, you have to acknowledge that most pro-sources are damaged goods at best. The entire truth-finding process is mired in tainted evidence.

We never say it did not happen. Russia killed 20 million people. Hilter used Jews as slave labor. Did not feed them so they died. We all agree on this. We don't agree with the 6 million or the gas chambers

Where are the mass graves?

I have never seen one linked to a concentration camp.

Also, requesting holocoaster and other rediculous accounts.


The holocaust is a social construct.

The German officials at the Nuremberg trials were continuously tortured until they admitted to practically anything. Theyou faced Jewish tribunals

>forgetting the jews leading the bolshevik revolution killed 21 million just 2 years after the revolution its self

more evidence proves its a fallacy than it is true

keep an open mind and forget everything you have been told about it from school and media, research it, and you will find it was the biggest lie ever created

It happened. Shaky details, but it happened.
There are old people who sit in prison for researching it and coming to different conclusions, just so you know.

Most sources are really fucking shaky though, with stuff like masturbation chairs, incineration rides, lampshades made from skin etc. Its a political weapon and there have been many other acts of governmental mass murder that don't get politicized nearly as much.

I'm also sick of hearing about it; the mental gymnastics of "serving your own interest=gas chambers oy vey" is getting really really really old really fast, you can't blame me for not being able to take it seriously anymore.

jew soap and jew lampshades have been disproven.
The truth is holocaust experts dont even agree on what happened
the gas chambers are fake as fuck
and the eye witness testimony is bs as well
>muh soviet submarine diesel engine gas chamber testimony
jews actually believe that