She DOES have a point

She DOES have a point...


Except you can't list how.

I'm white and therefore have an inferior penis.

Except that she doesn't.

Get in the chipper.

No she doesn't. She's just mad she didn't get her way.

Why do liberals want WW3 so much? Or are they too dumb to understand Hillary will start a war?

Thank God these faggots want us to get nuked
I don't want to live anymore after being in almost every single comet ping pong/ewo thread

Fuck these brain dead little cunts.

>Hurr, the electoral college is dum, California should decide the election forever cuz they're all so smart

Watching them try to survive the day after they destroy their comfy fucking lives will be worth everything.

good leaf

Stop making slide threads you fucking pedo enabler.

day of the rake soon

Holy shit... she's right...

>Trump asked three times in an intelligence briefing "Why can't we just use nukes?"
>Has the thinnest skin of any "political" figure I've ever seen

they both will, doesn't matter who we voted for, WW3 is coming

They will all bend the knee or they will hang.

At least all the shitty blue towns will be wiped off the planet. Sure, i'll go instantly bc military bases, but I'll get to see those ivory towers get vaporized.

h-holy shit...Sup Forums btfo

Thanks leaf, fuckin moron.

A lot of liberals don't think that much. Their vote is motivated by their social circle and what is acceptable.

>But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked

Where the fuck do these brainwashed retards come from?

Kill them all

It aint happening, leaf

>violating the constitution is more constitutional than not violating it

God, she is such a piece of shit.

this. never met a libcuck who actually knew more about politics than what was in people mag.

Go back to Vancouver.


Truth: the resulting chaos of the EC betraying the general election results would cause the markets to crash and people would die from the social unrest.

Leftists literally need to be hanged for treasonous shit like this.

I bend the Knee for no one

But who will be his Enkidu though?

we need to use treason laws more frequently. back in the 1700s-1800s they didn't joke about this kind of crap and for good reason.

But he's an Islamophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic literal Hitler!

I feel like this entire thing was a set up to change the laws.

>She DOES have a point...

lets hear it kike

>infinitely less in conflict
terms used by liberals, everyone

ayy leafmao




>She does have a point...
Is that why you cant make that point?
Because in reality it doesnt exist?

He's against free speech and freedom of religion and against secularism and the separation of church and state, among many other things.

Literally a garbage candidate.

Provide proof as to how Trump is against separation of church and state.

>communists all of a sudden care about the Constitution
Hue hue


Careful motherfucker

I live in Indiana as a Catholic. No other denomination of Christianity is forced on me nor am I discriminated against for my religion. Downtown Indianapolis has a very active gay scene.

Elaborate. Saying "Pence" doesn't prove a damn thing.


Only complete fags preface every opinion like this.

That's cool how she derived that assertion from first principles and then it just happened to support her personal whim regarding who should be president despite the fact we just had a fucking election.

> liberals

muh 666 billion leafs

Not only that. But the VP doesn't really do much. Other than stepping in when the president is incapacitated/dead and breaking a tie on the senate floor.



So let's pretend for a second that he didn't promise to appoint ultra religious conservative justices to the highest positions of power in the government and that this specific promise wasn't one of the main reasons why he got elected, what about the fact that he has banned certain newspapers from attending his news conferences and only allows his own propaganda trash media that works for him to report on his policies?

>and only allows his own propaganda trash media that works for him to report on his policies?

Define "nontrash" media

Her point is that she's a butthurt sore loser and she never considered the electoral college a problem until it stopped serving her narrative.

Also, she's totally and undeniably wrong, considering Hillary wants to infringe on our Constitutional rights more, while Trump wants to protect our Constitutional rights.

How Liberals get confused on this, I will never understand. I say this not as a nationalist, white supremacist, racist, or sexist but as a moderate. You fucking libtards have pushed literally everyone away with your flawed logic and you continue to blame everyone but yourselves. You can't even keep your own kind from hating you. You need to chill your fucking shit out for a bit in that safe space of yours until you deal with that racist sexist guilt you've been projecting onto others. Seriously.

The press is still free to report on whatever, there's nothing saying they have to be there when he takes a shit

Not Breitbart and not Infowars.


Leftists hate american values and the constitution

>The press is still free to report on whatever

They're just not allowed to ask him questions.

They can ask him whatever, he doesn't have to respond

ok buddy

Boo hoo loser.


>let's pretend for a second that he didn't promise to appoint ultra religious conservative justices to the highest positions of power in the government

Okay, and? What are you implying they are going to do? Make it a crime to practice anything but Protestantism? Since when were justices only allowed to be atheist and liberal?

>what about the fact that he has banned certain newspapers from attending his news conferences and only allows his own propaganda trash media that works for him to report on his policies?

I will go to Leafistan and laugh in your face if you dare tell me that any of the bullshit mainstream media in the US is anything but an establishment propaganda machine.


This. Why have we gotten to a point where severe instances of objective treason (not what is simply labeled such, by the ruling elite,) lead to less than slaps on the wrist?

CNN, Talcum X, et al, are actually slowly layering society with gasoline and other flammable materials. This is unacceptable.

I really don't get it. Trump has said he wants to do the following:

>secure the borders so we can pass comprehensive immigration reform and avoid needless terror attacks
>make some good deals with other countries so we can start screwing them instead of them screwing us
>stop starting wars
>drain the swamp

He's the most American president we've had since any of us have been alive. Everything he's said has been to bring us together and bring us upwards. His policies, if accomplished, will have globally beneficial consequences without hurting us. Everyone should love him.

So in short, what you're saying is basically "yes his policies are unconstitutional but so what"

so it's unconstitutional to have members of congress be "ultra religious"?
i imagine you wouldn't care if they were islamic

Do you seriously believe that a judge is incapable of setting aside his beliefs in order to dispense justice and interpret the law, therefore all judges and justices must be atheist?

So now lefties care about the Constitution?



Yeah, you're right, cheney hardly did anything. And it's not like the Trump team told potential VP candidates that they would be responsible for "foreign and domestic policy" or anything. So yeah, I doubt Pence will do anything important as VP. I'm not so much concerned about separation of church and state (which I don't think will be violated) so much as a violation of the emoluments clause, which seems likely.

I don't believe he actually wants to do any of those things and even if he did he isn't competent enough to accomplish them. Most likely he will rubber stamp whatever congress and Pence wants and in exchange they'll funnel money to his businesses.


I'm just tired of republicans being the ones always claiming >muh constitution, when clearly the constitution champions freedom of speech and secularism, both of which are in direct contradiction to everything they stand for.

What you really want is a religiofascist authoritarian regime, and that's fine, why not. Just stop bringing up the constitution because the constitution was written specifically to prevent people like Trump and Pence to attain power.

Fucking idiot leaf

protip: the founding fathers were "ultra religious" by your standards and modern standards

How the fuck would a Trump presidency be against the constitution?
>He's a racist xenophobic transphobic bigot, and that's against the constitution

citation needed, where exactly does it says this in the constitution.?

Where? On her head?

I don't remember, it's been a while since I read it...

Keep whacking at that strawman.

Meanwhile, the left in the US looks for any excuse to shit all over our 2nd Amendment and limit the 1st Amendment with ridiculous political correctness and "hate speech" laws. With how the media is acting, I'm sure they'll be going after freedom of the press as well and label anything that doesn't march to the beat of the establishment as 'fake news.'

We are not going to be a super fascist religious ethnostate, as much as the media you trust oh so much keeps telling you so. Liberals will get another chance to take the White House in 4 years and if you're so adamant that people will hate Repubs since they'll destroy the Constitution as you say, they'll take the presidency with no problem. Right?

Your comment when you realize you're a fucking idiot
Die leaf

Tell me how republicans want to crush free speech.
Tell me how democrats support free speech.

But Trump is for the constitution?

I don't understand.

>Except you can't list how.
Did you miss the 88th amendment banning literal Hitlers from office?

not an argument

Stupid. The only reason why republicans want guns is so that they can suppress diverging views through the constant threat of violence, like how they were threatening to “grab their muskets and start a civil war” if Hillary got elected. Even your constitutional policies have an unconstitutional bottom line.

>make some good deals with other countries so we can start screwing them instead of them screwing us
Do you really believe this fucking sales pitch? It reads like the most retarded self-help pitch of all time.
>stop starting wats
Meanwhile he says "we are going to hit isis so hard," not that we shouldn't, but he isn't exactly a dove. Also, I think talk is cheap on this one. I'll see it when I believe it. I hope he does stop supporting the "rebels" in Syria. But I'm concerned that he lacks basic empathy and will fucking order huge bombings resulting in even greater civilian casualties than we are already seeing over there.
>Drain the swamp
I'm sorry, but have you seen his establishment and lobbyist appointments so far? That was just a fucking catchphrase. He's not doing that.

>Even your constitutional policies have an unconstitutional bottom line.

Holy shit.


>The only reason why republicans want guns is so that they can suppress diverging views through the constant threat of violence

I think that one of the threats that republicans face in terms of freedom of speech is that the population tends to be focused on the East Coast, and therefore it's difficult for them to really voice their opinions in the media because the market is so centered around one or two cities, but that's not really a government problem as much as a free market problem I guess. And it's a problem that most countries face. So I don't really know if Republicans are just complete dumb assholes or if they're dumb assholes because of pent up frustration due to a poorly managed country with an inefficient government system that makes everything take too much time and costing too much money.

And unfortunately, when they genuinely do have legitimate concerns that deserve attention, they're completely drowned out by extremist views within their own party because that's what attracts more viewership in their profit-based media.

A lot of your problems could be fixed with some kind of regulated state media but unfortunately you would end up opposing that because you would view it as some sort of communist propaganda tool that wastes taxpayer money and you would much rather waste taxpayer money on retarded witch hunts against Hillary Clinton.

Why is it constantly leafs making these shit-threads?
Is CTR being outsourced since they ran out of cucks in the US?

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Citation needed.

As I understand, many of the founding fathers were Deists and Unitarians. Jefferson shunned organized religion, and was probably a deist. Adams was a Unitarian. Franklin was a deist. Washington agreed for the most part with the Deists, but never really called himself one. They were hardly "ultra religious" by anyone's standards. More like a bunch of "spiritual but not religious" hippies, even by modern standards.

Trump doesn't have any unconstitutional policies though