Why are (((they))) trying to promote pedophilia?

Why are (((they))) trying to promote pedophilia?

What's (((their))) endgame?

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>meanwhile no one on this board complains over Sup Forums traps

So they can fuck children and not have world wide outrage.

>What's (((their))) endgame?

obviously to get ahold of victims without being held accountable for their actions (and destabilize White nations with pedoscares in any public settings where men work with/around children)

destroying our morals with no survivers

so the Clintons and Podesta can get away with it

I wonder what the children are saying tho this.


Anyone who kept up with the mentally ill SJW tumblr-sphere saw this coming. That same place that generated the idea of checking your privilege and using the proper pronouns was pushing pedophilia years ago. Not a single person will stand for this though. This will be the straw that broke the camels back and will lead to bloodshed if leftists start seriously advocating for kiddie diddling.

A few decades ago

"Homosexuality: A disorder, not a crime"

I want off this ride.

Taking the advice to be more than just a man...... a bit literally.

Their end game is cultural marxism. Culture that is everyone thinks the same. If no one can critically think or critique, then you own society. Pedophilia being legal or tolerated is probably the ultimate ignorance you can bestow on society. If everyone uses relative hipster tumblr sjw logic of "Who are you to decide what ______ is" , then you rule the world.

t. Anarcho Capitalist against (((them)))

Pedophilia is a mental disorder though.. Kinda like being Swedish, but without being a cuck.

Disorder? Debatable.

Illegal? Most definitely and their opinion is not going to make people let them fuck their children.

Having power makes humans go insane. Without the social contract they lose their humanity.

Why are white people so perverse?

Their goal is darkness, total control, slavery and the destruction of positive energy of humans. They are attempting to force the second coming messiah through complete degeneracy and evil.

They are cursed roaming wanderers with no hope, they killed the logos and now they shall suffer eternally. Whenever they look at European Beauty it reminds them of their absolute ugliness physically and spiritually, they lash out in anger to destroy what God has created. They are literal Vampires with God and his holy people's blood soaked all over their deformed twisted hands. They know in their darkest subconscious mind that hellfire and torment awaits them, thus the reason they never stop destroying and killing, their time is growing short.

Homosexuality and pedophilia are incomparable. Homosexuality doesn't involve raping people and grooming innocent people.

Calling a sexual preference a disorder isn't promoting it, if anything its the opposite

>What's (((their))) endgame?
To get ((votes))

Basically, Everything Sup Forums ever thought was happening on scales far beyond what they presumed or thought possible. They really are attempting to turn earth into a paradise for Satan and all things evil. It already is, really, if you think about it. And because of that they wanna make it even worse. Luckily, the world is also and forever will be, by its very nature, a paradise of God and the power of good as well. It's possible and the evil have simply hit their capacity.

>Homosexuality doesn't involve raping people and grooming innocent people.
what about pris-
"innocent people"
oh, never mind

((They)) have been using kids to move their agenda for ages , its no wonder they need to "teach" them at a young age.

>Homosexuality and pedophilia are incomparable.

Actually they very closely overlap. Hence the terms pederast and chomos (child molesting homos)


Karl Marx

That's right, pedophilia is not a crime, sexual abuse or harassment is.

They wanna fuck children and not get prosecuted or executed for it. duh

Oh vey goy, slippery slope is a fallacy.
Of course we are not going forward push anything progressive after gay marriage is established.

>Not a single person will stand for this though.
Your morality is quite new. It was feminists, i.e. SJWs who pushed for upping the age of consent in the west. Pedophilia was more culturally acceptable somewhat in many places in Europe and the US in the 1800s and the 70s. In the 70s CP was legal in some places in Europe. You're naive and ignorant.

>A few decades ago
30-40 years ago in US minors erotic was actually published in the magazines and sex with underage was mainstream in the pornographic literature.

I have a thing for underage girls, not actual children, more like 11-15 yo.
But as long as I never touch anything under 14, which I definitely won't, I'm not a criminal.
But the same is true for a serial killer.
He's not a criminal unless he gets out and does his serial killing.

>Not a single person will stand for this though

50 years ago, this was said about gay marriage
150 years ago, this was said about interracial marriage

You mean to tell me that in 50-100 years it isn't even plausible?
Back in 1916, gay marriage didn't even seem plausible

A LaVeyan Satanist would never hurt a child.

Child porn became illegal in the US in 1973 I believe. Most of it came from Sweden. It was not very profitable for US pornographers.

They aren't LaVeyan Satanists, they are Satan (Saturn) worshippers.

>"HANS what are you doing here on this children park?"
>"I'm just contemplating..."
>"Don't tell me, are you a pedophile?"
>"Don't worry, you are not alone ;^)"
>a father of one of the kids
>"Hey!, I heard that!"
>"Don't worry, we support your rights!"
>"[Say NO to all forms of INTOLERANCE]"
It will happen someday. :)

I hate that there even has to be a distinction. Ridiculous.

It is true though as much as it sickens me. You can't be charged with a crime just for having disturbed thoughts. More than half this board would be in Guantanamo.

At least in white nations pedophilia is frowned upon. Amongst Africans and Arabs and Indians/Pakis it's not only socially normal, but encouraged through marriage and pro-attacker rape laws.

normalize it before investigating
that won't fucking happen though, trump won, I have hope that shit like this will never be tollerated

>90% of this thread advocating for thought-crime
Everyone of you is a special kind of stupid.

It's the whole idea that if you're born with a certain mindset then it should be accepted by society.

It started with fags, then moved on to trannies, and it's not going to stop there because of people's fears of being labeled bigots. Unless society puts its foot down and decides just because some people are born fucked in the head it doesn't make their fucked up desires worthy of tolerance. Next in line is beastiality and pedophilia. It's the slippery slope in action.

Also I think selfishness is a big part of the problem. Some people don't have the decency to keep their private fetishes to themselves.

>tfw necrophile

a decent amount of Sup Forums is pedophiles
is this legitimately surprising

They're right though. Pedophilia is a mental disorder like homosexuality.

That shouldn't make it acceptable. People are born with predispositions to everything from homosexuality to desires to rape/murder. There's gotta be a line somewhere.

Isn't it obvious?
When half of the global elites are implicated in pedophilia, making it so it's a "safe" subject is a buffer zone for them
Day of the rope when

No it isn't. Its a sexual orientation/preference. Psychology and psychiatry are mostly pseudo-sciences. Mental illness should only be used for things like schizophrenia and bipolar with observable differences in brain chemistry. Calling every sexual preference a mental disorder is wishful thinking from a conservative vein. Its not different from pathologizing every difference in personality and calling it a "personality disorder". Taken to its logical conclusion, everyone who has sex for reasons other than procreation has a "mental disorder".

I can think of a couple reasons leftist journalists has recently started attempts to normalize pedophilia.

One reason of course is just that leftists are, at an existential level, at war with God. This doesn't mean right wingers are all good people either, but most leftists are actively against Christianity, and spiritually, if you defy God, then it is in your prerogative to sow untruth in the world. They have no morals, so nothing stops them from looking at disgusting stuff like cp because all that matters to them is that they hide it. They feel no guilt.

Another key reason for these pro-pedo articles is that these journalists are doing this as a preemptive act to protect *themselves* in case they get exposed as pedophiles someday. They fear that their data history may reveal their own secrets, and so they're trying to adjust the rules so that knowledge of their pedophilia won't destroy them.

Think of it: if so many of these publications suddenly want to normalize pedophilia, it's obviously partly for their own self-protection.

You've seen leftist journalists: they're effeminate geeks and betas.

As we know from the Internet and porn stats, most men are ephebephiles.

And a large chunk of geeks are also pedophiles. Just look at anime culture. Obviously a sizable percentage of these beta weirdo numale leftist journalists are secretly pedophiles too. It's just a given. Look at them.

So now, if Salon journalists turn out to be pedos, they can write these weepy, self-pitying thinkpieces on how they struggle with their condition and that we need to understand and accept them. You know how leftists work.

Mental illness is defined as being unable to function in society.
Also there is a difference in pedophiles' brain chemistry, google it.

Wait, if being a pedo is a disorder, then doesn't that mean being gay or having other not-normal sexual preference is also a disorder? These people are playing themselves.

Sup Forums is so blue-pilled holy shit. Children can consent to sex.

>Mental illness is defined as being unable to function in society.
Yes, which is moronic. If that's what defines mental disorders, its an entirely a cultural concept and I can just as easily say people who fuck only adult women are mentally disordered in a different society. We can also say pedophiles who aren't unable to function (the vast majority) don't have a mental disorder with that criteria.
>Also there is a difference in pedophiles' brain chemistry, google it.
There are all sorts of major problems with those studies, including the most obvious one of it being impossible to have an actual sample size of pedophiles, considering the massive taboo of admitting to be one.

They can't hide the child sex rings anymore so they are "normalizing" it, to borrow an SJW phrase

>a pedophile abuses children.
>Those children belong to parents.
>those parents have control of their children.
>a pedophile illegally exerts control over your children.
>the media normalizes pedophelia.
>government legalizes pedophilia.
>parents have no control in matters concerning other adults and their children.
>other people have control over your children.
>take the children.
>control the children.
>kill the family.

>What's (((their))) endgame?
Making Pedophilia the norm of society

here's your (You)

when two degeneraded male fucking each other
when a degenerated man fuck an innocent children

Even Matt Dillacunty started up with this shit on the latest Atheist Experience show. Definitely a thing at the moment.

People want it to be acceptable as an illness. Why shouldn't it be acceptable as one? If I could see a shrink about this I would, but I'm too scared. I've read lots of horror stories on articles and posts as well. There's simply no mental health services available to pedophiles...

Both are mental disorders.
>Psychology and psychiatry are mostly pseudo-sciences
There are plenty of things that are verified through neurology such as depression and PTSD. Psychology isn't completely useless and it does try to control as many variables as possible, just like any other science.
Psychiatry is just the treatment if mental aliments using drugs. We've been doing that kind of stuff forever now.

>Mental illness should only be used for things like schizophrenia and bipolar with observable differences in brain chemistry.

>Pedophilia does not always occur in isolation; men with pedophilia often have extensive histories of psychiatric disorders that, in extreme cases, can overshadow discovery of etiological course.
>A relationship has been identified between pedophilia and co-morbid psychiatric disorders. Among pedophiles in residential or outpatient treatment, two-thirds had a lifetime history of mood or anxiety disorders, 60% had lifetime substance abuse history, with 51% naming alcohol as their drug of choice, and 60% qualified for a personality disorder diagnosis of which obsessive-compulsive (25%), antisocial (22.5%), narcissistic (20%), and avoidant (20%) were most common, as reported in reviews (Fagan et al., 2002; Green, 2002). Kalichman (1991) investigated 144 sexual offenders divided into child, adolescent, and adult offenders (although not controlled for pedophilic preference) for state and trait measures of anger, anxiety, self-esteem, and various measures on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).


It's actually true. Being a pedophile is not in and of itself a crime. Acting on pedophilic urges is, however.



>seeking treatment
Just keep your desires to yourself and don't act on them. You don't need a therapist holding your hand to stop you from fucking kids.


Just trying to streamline it. A lot of pedos work at these papers now and are higher ups because that is the culture that is promoted by our sick leaders we keep electing right now. The longer you travel in the rabbit hole of liberalism the more you promote dissent, degeneracy, rebellious behavior and more. After pedophilia comes all sorts of philias, just like phobias.

Necro, what have you.

Liberalism is a disease and has to be destroyed

Because the word is ruled by Satan.

>daily reminder this site used to be for pedophiles

Try reading comprehension, friend.

My pedophilia is a huge reason why I'm avoidant. What makes you think I need help stopping myself from molesting children? I want to try and be a productive member of society, not locking myself in my room and only going out when I have work.

>Mental illness is defined as being unable to function in society.
No conservative can properly function in liberal society.
Be careful with opening this can of worms.

>all these christcucks on Sup Forums. God Sup Forums became more blue-pilled than I imagined.

>Psychiatry is just the treatment if mental aliments using drugs. We've been doing that kind of stuff forever now.
Those problems are better solved by therapy, not brain altering drugs. Those drugs can cause all kinds of other problems and should only be used for suicidal cases.

Those studies are examinations of sexual offenders and people depressed enough to admit to their preferences to psychiatrists, not pedophiles per se. See how they aren't exactly usable to determine if a sexual preference is a "mental disorder"? You're going to find all sorts of problems with people who are offenders, and its hard to determine if these problems are related to sexual preference or if they come from cultural reactions to that preference.

They could also be people sadomasochists who take advantage of kids, or have problems where they can only have sexual relations with kids because they can't find adult partners. etc.

And how do you eliminate the researchers bias for one of the most hated group of people in the world?

There's also probably a major difference between people who realized they were pedophiles from sexual awakening without any kind of abuse and those who had problems that caused their otherwise "normal" sexuality to be changed.

made my hairs stand on end user!

It's not that difficult to make sure you aren't left alone with children. Stop making excuses for being a shut in and just act as if you're normal.

Your mental disorder is a result from society's reaction to your sexual preference, not etiologically related to the preference itself. You also seem to have a victim mentality which makes you want to claim yourself and other pedophiles must be mentally ill.

>Homosexuality doesn't involve raping people and grooming innocent people.
Neither does pedophilia you moron.

Why is it so hard to see the difference between pedophilia and child molesting (or even the cheese stuff)?

This. How is pedophilia a disorder but homosexuality isn't?

This is a Jehova's Witness raid. I was stopped in the street by a group and given their shitty monthly pamphlet. They're the only group who claim Earth is Satan's den. JW founder is also tied to the (((Freemasons))).

The commie kikes have been working on normalizing the behavior for some time. They've taken all of the money and now they want to fuck your children.

>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.

>How the Left Took Things Too Far

>My flirtations with all children soon acquired a definitely erotic character. I could sense how young girls aged five had already learned how to get off with me…

>It happened several times that some children opened my fly and began stroking me.

>According to the circumstances of each case, I reacted differently, but the children’s wishes posed problems for me… when they insisted, I caressed them in return.

>Hitler’s Nightmare Come True: The ‘Kinderladen’ Movement

>pic related - admitted pedophile and EU leader

which is the white square of the floor of the Freemason lodges, he was a 33* also look up Charles Taz Russell headstone.


This. Pedos exist, but we shouldn't normalize their feelings.

>Implying they are not getting away with it now

I knew they were goina do this after gay marriage, soon incest and beastiality will be the norm

I guess it depends in what you mean with that.
If it just means liking children then it's not a crime if you don't touch them.
It definitely is a disorder, disgusting and should be treated, but criminalising it when no one has done anything yet will not help.
That doesn't mean that someone who did touch a child is not supposed to get locked up and get free treatment etc. just that it shouldn't be made so that "harmless" pedophiles are afraid to get help.

There where some brothels that had young teens or tweens. Actually having sex with someone who isn't in puberty i highly doubt has ever been accepted in any time in history.

no, we are in the middle of the nexus
if we stop figthing now, pedo gets legalized
if not, we jail the sickos

its a war for your minds.

>implying there's anything wrong with consensual incest

I wish I could marry a cute young girl like Chino-chan. Everyday would be so much fun. After she comes home from school, we'd spend the whole day together and play video games.

You sound like SJW cucks who want to jail people for being racist.

Not having kids.

You lose


4 people in Norway sentenced to up to 7 years prison for running a sex and trafficking operation out of a {{{restaurant}}}

apparently a branch of a Bulgarian trafficking network. doesnt say anything about victims' ages though.



What's the problem in engaging in sexual activities with a minor?

Is this a bad because it's bad episode?

how many hours a week do you practice to do those mental gymnastics?

Its been accepted many times in history. Its still accepted in some areas. Whats the point of the naivete? There were prostitutes as young as 7 on the streets of London in the 1800s.

It's called logic but it can be hard for someone with low IQ.

What you were suggesting is literally thought police stuff. Thoughts or words shouldn't be illegal.

Pedophilia is a disorder.
Child molesting is a crime.
I do not understand what here is to debate.

People that rape children should be killed.

Deal with it faggot.

actually, just die.

you're a degenerate and a perfect example for what's wrong with the current generation. one day we'll have to kill all of you degenerates together with muslims.