/Alt-Left/ general

Third positionists

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So the alt-left hates niggers too right? If so, glad to have you.

hate to have them in our countries. Don't hate them if they stay in their native countries

'alt'-left shitposting.
Why am i not surprised?
Glad to see that youre using a nigger free propaganda picture though


As long as you hate the eternal Coon, you're on board. Just like Che.

I like poopy

why would nationalists use nigger propaganada?

>hate to have them in our countries.

My feelings exactly. I wish them the best of luck in their own ancestral homeland.

(((Civic))) nationalists would.


fuck off commie

great subversion

Left wing economics is retarded whether it's Marxism-Leninism or SocDem.

Kill yourself faggot.

Neither Red front nor Reaction!
Armed struggle for the Third Position!

>great subversion

That guy looks like a mongrel nigger.

Hitler hated jews but he didn't stop the system encouraging jewry among both Jews and non-jews.
Also started pointless wars killing fellow europeans all for nothing.

Remember the comrades who fell during the Yers of Lead!


>it's just communism again
How is this alternative when it's all the left has been pushing for a century?

By pretending you hate niggers despite globalism being the end-game of communists.

Shhh abo is ok huff some petrol


>Third positionists

Former is arguably and latter is certainly radical centre, not left.

get lost Jamal

How about plain old social democrats who value tradition and morality and nation?
I'd say that's alternative left today, given how SD/DS is just a front for neoliberals today in most of Europe.

what? i'm against internationalist communism.
also internationalism isn't really the same as globalism but i guess it's similar


Fucking New Worlders and Anglos will always try to put down the European. Your day will come.


leftypol cant even come up with their own memes



leftypol is anti-nationalist

EVROPA will rise from the ruins and the plutocrats and their errand boys will pay.


Who is going to be our leaders and are we going to meet up at Antifa rallies?

We are the Fascists, dumb ass.

I've been really into this lately, feels like I've finally found an ideological home. I've been mocking up some flags with an updated Hammer and Sword, if anyone wants to give any feedback.


This thread is for Red Fascism.

An emblem, for badges or whatnot. I also made a design for a patch for a new Black Front, but idk if you want to see it.

Peronsally, I think Juche can fuck off. The rest can stay. I like some Maoist variants but the Kims are terrible.

>implying third positionists are purely civic nationalists
how can you be so absolutely clueless? is it something you have to work on are you naturally gifted in that regard? WEW.

NazBols are memetier.

>Red Fascism

Reported and saged.

You could use google, you fucking retard.

Nazbol and Strasserism are the same thing. They don't need two different symbols.

Says the capitalist pig.

How is the real estate bubble treating you in Australia? When it bursts and the banks collapse you might wake up.

Until then enjoy your home renovation shows and highest debt / GDP ratio in the world.

When the bubble pops, the banks collapse and unemployment hits 20% tell us how your rightist capitalist system worked so well class traitor.

Mmmm. I'm with you on these symbols, these 'memes', if you will.

Before you flesh out a world view, it's important to have a banner. I'm liking the tones, the colors, the symbols. I'm thinking this one, this one here, it's the one you want if you want to get in there with a view, show people you are interested in things, show them 'look mate, this thing here is solid, it's serious, you need to think seriously about looking into this'.



Remember the fallen, remember the martyrs in the struggle for Europe, for the Nation against marxist internationalism.


banks are not a product of the free market m9

No they aren't.

Then what's the big difference?

Also hates niggers. welcome to Sup Forums alt-left

Fuck all of you faggots. Anyone associated with the left in any form will be purged. We will become a Christian theocracy. If it's over your dead bodies, so be it.

free market encourage subversion, greed, consumerism, killing traditions and americanization

>muh free market can exist without a state
Even if anarcho-capitalism (Or whatever you crypto-kikes are calling it now, Minarchism, Hard Libertarianism) could be achieved, it is in the best interest of the wealthiest and most powerful that a state exist. All you're doing is ensuring that whatever new state supplants the old is crafted by those with your interest least in mind.

fuck off reddit

btw this time gommunism surely will work xd braise honecker :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd

give me your alternative

none of those ideologies with the exception of nazbols considers themself communists

>current year
>unironically being a Stalinist
>calling other people retarded

fuck back off to cripple chan faggot and take your leftypol garbage with you.

Don't engage trolls.

Well, first of all they were developed in different countries at different times with different aims. National Bolshevism borrows from Marxism, Strasserism is explicitly anti-Marxist. They might share similarities but they are two different tendencies with completely different histories.

hehe no problem glas the juice liquid wars now i'm a my little ´bony gommunist ok braise lenin

whoops meant to reply to

Do you think its more worthwhile to agitate to those who consider themselves right-wing, or left-wing? Lots of lefties are allergic to the word nationalism, but trying to break the propaganda of global capitalism is equally tough for moderate, western rightists.

Nationalisation of banks, utilities and and trade protection .

Strong union movement to raise working class wages.

Strong national identity forged on economic liberation for the working and middle class.

Strong laws preventing monopolies like big chain stores etc.

High taxes on the uber wealthy.

Encouragment of workers taking control of the means of production on a case by case basis.

Job security and decent wage for all.

You're an honorary European at best, Fingol.

>Says the Abo-Anglo mutt
You wouldn't recognize a European if you were being crushed under his boot, as you will be soon enough, rest assured.

>not a meme
>not even a good meme

No handouts, but work for all.

National identity and autarky before (((GDP))) and (((Corporate Appeal)))

Banning of businesses that oppose the national interest, or the interest of the nation's people

>actually writing out the full blown Lolbergardians, including the anti semitic dig with the "berg"

user, you brought a tear to my right-wing eye. Bless you. Carry on, you doomed sect in their dying gasps, carry on.


middle east was less of a fuckfest when it was ruled by baathist dictators

why (((they))) hate baathism?

If you put your nation and her people before the interests of international merchant banks and corporations, then you are an ally. Our differences lie in petty policy.

Right wing is probably more susceptible than the open borders, SJWs that currently inhabit the left.

Lol there so fucking stupid

Go back to cripplechan you pathetic commie fucks, there are literally 10 of you circlejerking each other and acting like youre 'colonizing' us. Maybe if you weren't hopelessly retarded you'd see that turning your country into Venezuela isn't a good idea.




What the fuck is a national bolshevik? How does it differ from Ba'athism?


left/pol/ niggers trying to claim the title of Alt-left.

This cunt must die from poo borne disease.



You have your own containment board you worthless jewish pawns

I'm assuming forgetting us Social Nationalists was an honest mistake on your part OP?

yeah with robotics taking over manufacturing the state should be the employer of last resort ensuring everyone gets a job.

Liberalism destroyed the left, work is the only social program needed, everyone who can work should be employed , if the private sector can only provide $10 an hour jobs leaving 50% of the population in poverty its failed miserably.

A part planned and part private economy, with modern technology, the internet etc it will be easier too manage and with social media for what it is local community democratic control of the state sector of the economy will be easy.

I'm hoping that with Trump
s victory, the corporate-fellating right is falling by the wayside to the nationalist right, who will be much more likely to turn to us. That said, lots of leftists, (particularly older ones), can be intrigued by nationalism so long as you denounce supremacism. People know, deep in their hearts, that they deserve a land for themselves and their people, and even though they may be embarrassed to admit it as such, its quite possible to coax it out of them. And liberals are often so repressed, it can come easily for some of them.

Unfamiliar with your type. Give me the cliff notes.

>containment board
what board?

Nationalbolshevik master race reporting in.


>All the butthurt lolbertarians in this thread are colonial mutts
>All the supporters are based Europeans
why am I not surprised Sup Forums?

i'm fucking with you, commie.

take a look at global trends in the union movement since neoliberalism went mainstream in the 80's under reagan. even traditional strongholds like germany are sub 20% for a cme. you cannot raise middle class wages and not be undercut by shitty 3rd world countries. MNC just won't operate here. you cannot tax yourself into prosperity.

Why would (((they))) oppose an ideology that aims to unite Arabs against foreign meddling? I wonder!

Well it's nationalism with secure borders and respect for culture and tradition that has elements of socialism.

pozt Nazbol qts.

NazBols do seem to be very popular amongst the Slavic people. I wonder why that is?


Here you go faggot. Join your weak brothers in their conspiring to destroy europe.


>high taxes
I hope you realize how destructive this is. Rich people deserve whatever they have.

>tfw alt-left is is a codeword for nat-soc
Umm... guys?

better dead than red faggot
leftism in males is laughable and every leftist leader and proponent in history has been a manlet cuck

Eastern Europe used to be similar to Nazbol somewhat post-WWII.