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what the name of that meme ?

Who cares.
Trump will be president nothing anyone can do about it.

finally now we can enact the final solution thanks to the american people

Honestly, I'm sure he'd do a good score today.

i don't think it has a name

Update us OP or other Anons that still subscribe to the electronic Jew.

nothing will change

I wonder how libs would react if hitler came back to life and ran as president of the united states. At least the "literally hitler" narative would be true this time , kek.


It would be thier candidate. Apart from the jew stuff, he was pretty much a modern liberal (although when you consider their hate for israe they would love him for that too)

Can you get a job or are you a refugee?

I dont watch TV. Can you tell me what`s happening?

>Be Adolf Hitler
>rise from the grave to remove the nation of jews
>See this jewish trick called multicultaralism and diversity
>claim that I am a changed man and start a diversity based organization
>start putting pro refugee and race mixing propaganda in Israel
>the jews start getting rowdy
>call them racist and they are aback
>Left wing media outlets targeting Israel for being racist and not liking diversity
>The pro refugee Israelis start becoming popular
>Then tell them to bring down the wall for diversitys sake
>they refuse to budge
>start making talks to help end Israeli funding until they become tolerant
>theyfw get spooked and increase the refugee count to maintain shekel gains
>promote race mixing from jewish males with refugee females to curb jewish birth rates
>rinse repeat until Israel isn't the monolithic soceity it once was

I saw a youtube video with this exact same plot . I think it's called "anti racist hitler" or something.


>Go back to Germany
>Progressives chant my name, but this time with joy
>German elections come around
>win in a landslide
>convince german jews to help out in Israel with refugees to get acquainted with jewish culture
>most of them go, the ones that stayed were the elderly and some families
>Germany is almost clean of jews
>Some far right parties see this shit go down
>they get in on the actionews
>they send in groups of jews also to do the same purpose
>suddenly an Islamic takeover of Israel happens
>Get asked about what to do
>"it's their culture people, deal with it, it's [current year] after all."
>All the jews sent out die being the brave progressives they were helping those poor refugees
>In the funeral service put yellow star medals on their chests
>mfw jewish tricks work both ways

> Be Hitler
> crawl from the backup bunker in 2017
> watch current year man
> throw a rage fit because they stole your ideas
> get idea
> promote animal welfare (niggers have to eat too)
> promote welfare
> promote nationalization of vital business
> warn of russian interference
> sell weapons around the globe
> "The only prophet I respect is Islam"
> "I don't like how the Russians and Americans are treating the German citizens in Syria"
> At 19:00, we are shooting back. In Syria.

>Slow and Steady ?

Hillary = Hitler

Big, if true

Why is there a version of this meme with Drumpf? He won, OK? No need to rub it in

The election season is the gift that keeps on giving


This & checked

Isn't the PA deadline today? How long until that's done and over with?